How to Create A Holistic Marketing Strategy

Do you consider yourself a marketer? And if not, why? 


Marketing stems from confidence and HeartSpace. And I want to highlight how important marketing is in order to have a successful business. 


Traditional marketing is tied to sales. The both co-exist, and still do in holistic marketing. But what holistic marketers different from traditional marketers is the magic that happens when they decide to be one with their audience. Holistic marketing is about focusing on where you can give your audience value and providing an essence of support that speaks their language. 


One thing that I’ve been focusing on more is seeing how can I provide my audience, not just value, but not making them feel like they’re not complete already. How do we elevate the audience in a way that your service or your product will be an add on to their already existing, and thriving abundance? 


I always get a hot seat moments when I sit down with my coach. And he gave me the best way to create a really engaged community: to inspire them to join a movement, to be part of a mission, to be part of a greater vision. And this is the most effective form of marketing – it just so happens to also be holistic!


So in your own marketing, hunker down on your mission, and solidify with the movement that you want to create with your services or products. 


For example, if you sell yoga clothes. Do you think that you can create a movement where people are more aligned and more in line with the why behind your products? 


  • A percentage of profits are donated to a specific cause.
  • Sourcing your materials from a local community you support.
  • Practicing eco-friendly and sustainable business operations.


So every piece of your marketing has to have a bigger purpose to it – it really has to nothing to do with the right words.


If you think of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, Purpose is ranked as the #1 priority. Second to purpose is wants, and finally we have needs. The main idea is that once we work downwards from purpose into desires, then what do you think happens? We now have a purpose-driven business. 


So if your business has a movement that people can connect with, your marketing will be so much more effective. It emanates authenticity, and comes from a place of heart. It comes from a place of, of abundance versus from a place of needs and scarcity.


And then you’ll be able to serve a bigger purpose, and have a greater impact on the world. And people want to align to that.


Look at so many companies out there, like, let’s say Nike with Colin Kaepernick. “Believe in something. Even if it means sacrificing everything,” Kaepernick says in the ad campaign. People really rallied to that – especially young people. Gillette also had a whole campaign around the “me too” movement. People really rally for a good cause, or they rally against them. Now this really brings in light. You know, what team are you on? 


I recently heard a successful fitness coach say at a conference, “Give your tribe their cause.” Once you give your tribe their cause, they will be so much more in alignment to how you do things, and will support you through your programs and events and practices.

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What Does It Mean To Be Independent

To be independent. This word INDEPENDENT I feel gets used often and thrown around a bit. What does it really mean?

I write from this from England on the day the United States celebrates it’s independence from England which made me think quite a bit.

As humans we love independence. We love freedom. We long for making our own decisions and not be dependent on others for our livelihood.

Not only that, but as creative and holistic entrepreneurs we are drawn to be completely on our own, leading our businesses, creating our schedule and having the life we want because being independent is a top value we hold dearly.

What happens when you loose freedom and independence? How do you feel?

This word and feeling is something hundreds and thousands of people have lost their lives for. Who have given everything to be free.

What does this mean in your life and business? As you know to me as an entrepreneur they go hand in hand.

Freedom To Create

Having freedom to create is a gift that makes us human and those of us with ideas that want to be seen and heard are constantly on the search of how to get those ideas out and express.

This is why many of us turn to be instructors, coaches, creative entrepreneurs. Because of this calling to be independent to express and share.

What happens sometimes is that we are stuck not knowing what to do or how to do it so that our essence of freedom, liberty and independence is stifled under how to make this lifestyle and underlying value work. By the way, this is when most people call me asking for help and advice.

Dependently Independent

So knowing we are on this lifelong search for freedom and being independent, do you feel like you’re dependent on others to achieve your independence.

Let’s name some ways we are independent:

  • Financially independent – This is a dream come true for many of us yet we are dependent on clients (unless you’re a trust fund baby) to pay us to achieve this.
  • Relationship independent – If we’re married or single we’re dependent on others affection to fill this area of our lives.
  • Religious independent – This is a trickier one because many people do not have this freedom. But many are dependent on religion to serve as a backbone for their lives.

As the Huff Post states there are 2 types of independence and one is being free with rules. They used this quote “Any yachtsman knows,” he replied, “that in order to enjoy the freedom of the high seas, one must become a slave to the compass.”

So in order to have freedom and independence we are subject to being connected and tied to other circumstances to achieve the ultimate freedom.

Why This Matters

At the end of it all, your independence should make you feel happy, satisfied, proud and fulfilled. Whether it’s attached to others (like clients, income, spouses, and then some).

If you are not vibing where you are right now, if you feel stifled, over dependent or not connected to your highest self ideals, I invite you to do something.

First take time to make a call with me then check out my last post about the 9 Environments and do the wheel and the exercise.

Lastly, create a vision board of what it means to be independent to you, regardless of your external situations.

I leave you with a quote from Cicero: “What then is freedom? The power to live as one wishes.”

Always big hugs and thank you!!!

Arianne xoxo

5 Tips To Keep You Motivated

Stay motivated. keep moving. inspire
Stay motivated. keep moving. inspire

Want to keep motivated?

This is exactly what we will cover today because it sometimes feels daunting to always be moving in a direction… motivation sometimes just isn’t there right? And when shit hits the fan, how do you stay motivated?

I am excited and motivated about getting back to my blogging.

So many shifts in my life that kept me from stepping back into my zone of magic and one of those was actually not finding motivation.

This is all about motivation today. The 5 tips to keep yourself going.

How to keep moving forward when you just feel like you can’t

Well what if I told you one of the easiest ways is to actually stop sometimes.

I have an awesome chat group with some fellow master minders and today’s chat was all about being lazy.

Why is being lazy so important to keep you motivated?

  1. You become an efficient and effective producer. These are 2 very different concepts by the way. Being efficient isn’t always being effective, so put the 2 together and you are an accomplishment machine!

  2. Procrastinate! In my online course I teach all about using tools to be an effective procrastinator. Now this doesn’t mean waiting until the last minute and getting all stressed out about it. It means using the essence of it and setting a deadline!

  3. Community. Being motivated when you are alone sometimes is so hard. This morning I even woke up with sadness and frustration and 1st thing I did (after letting myself wallow for a few minutes) was call a friend. And the result is we are setting some time apart to work together and get some shit done.

  4. Set boundaries on what you invest in. I should also say who. By creating a NO answer you curate time for yourself to focus on what makes you happy. You stop moving your energy horizontally and move in deeper into your self and your goals.

  5. Be the clever self you are. Give yourself a pat on the back and say thank you for being clever and discerning. In Sanskrit buddhi, which means intellect, holds discernment as a quality that refers to the higher mind This is the observer that watches how our inner world works and makes decisions of what’s important (or not important.

Let me tell you a story of how my client chose to motivate vs give up.

I’m sitting helping my client create her training manual and sales page for her training she’s putting out. I suddenly see the smile disappear from her face.

She looks up and says I can’t do this.

I see the frustration in her eyes.

I know this feeling because I have been there many times.

What happens I say if you don’t do this training? What happens if you actually launch it and it’s successful?

Sometimes being an entrepreneur and a self starter gets really really hard. It’s not always easy.

But you know what her answer was… “If I don’t do this then the people who would take my training wouldn’t get this new modality to teach”

And then what if they don’t?

“Then students won’t get to take my awesome classes all over the city… AND I’ve disappointed myself with ALL the hard work I’ve already put in”.

Close your eyes and picture 1 thing that motivates you!

Let that be your one thing. Your one reason for not stopping. It can be completely self-less or maybe a bit self-fish. And that’s OK!

Paying off your credit card debt is what motivates you… perfect.

Going on a vacation for the 1st time in 3 years is your motivation… perfect.

Donating to save the elephants is your driver… perfect.

And always don’t forget to meditate as whether it’s anger, frustration, fear or all the other things, meditation will keep you grounded. 🙂

Just put your best foot forward and go.

The world is waiting for you.

Split personality (brand) syndorme?

Do you have this too?

I don’t have a split personality really, I have (had) a split brand problem. Let me tell you the story…

It was one of those days, on a warm winter day (I’m based in Miami) where I had a massive realization. I had been living a double life, with 2 brands (really 3 but will get into that).

I noticed not a lot was moving forward and I was working my ass of. It was really frustrating and at the end of the day, counterproductive. I had this ideal of who I was and how I could serve. So of course, being the creative yogini that I am, created 2 brands, 2 websites, 2 newsletters, 2 business cards (and the list goes on). If you want to read more about me, check this page.

Now, was this serving me? NO! It was driving me crazy, but since I had a belief that why would any of my business students want to hear me talk about ROI and email marketing and why would any of my business clients and audience hear about my events and classes. Mind you, these are all perceptions, not truths.

So how can this serve you? It goes back to energy and where you are putting it. Are you living a double life in any aspects. Maybe have 2 jobs very disconnected from each other? I have friends that are bartenders at night and yoga teachers by day. Some client who take care of their bodies at the gym and yoga class, yet, have really negative feelings about themselves and their bodies.

Where is there the limiting belief that is stopping you from being successful, productive and happy? Where is the opportunity to expand your reach into what would serve you best? As you know, by serving yourself in the highest way you can serve and be the most amazing person for others.

brand union

Split Personality Syndrome IS OVER!

So here is the big question? What are you gonna do about it?

I’m re-launching my brand and I hope you keep loving what I send and the messages I share. But most of all, I want to know what you want to connect and feel whole with. What are your issues, disconnects that prevent you from your greatness.

Manifesting your inner magic is one decision away.


AriOm, The Bizzy Yogi.

Growing your business. Let’s play a disappearing act said no one but me.

Growing your business. What does it mean?

This is where we all what to be… in the growing your business mode. I feel like I am there constantly and this is a great thing but sometimes it doesn’t go the way we envision it. Remember one of my last posts Analysis Paralysis?  You would think I am a freaking activating, mind moving, business savvy business mentor and I don’t fall prey to that kind of stuff. Well, HELLO to my disappearing act because that exact thing I wrote about happened to me. I’m in growing my business mode, so why did I disappear?

For the last few weeks, all that I have been doing is discerning what I want to tackle and not. Looking at the bigger picture, listening to what I want and do not want. I’ve been meditating, connecting with my desires, listening to webinars… and… and… wait where are my clients? Where are my webinars I had scheduled? Where are the Facebook ads I had started?

What really happened…

Ok so here is the truth. I took on more than I could handle. My business actually grew by a MASSIVE leap when I said YES to becoming the new owner of The Yoga Expo. The Bizzy Yogi just got bizzier. First of all, let me be super grateful about this new venture and to the opportunity, I am now presented with. I am so incredibly freaking proud of myself for taking on such a huge venture that totally has changed my life. So this is me reconnecting to my initial intention to create a tribe of amazing yogi hearted, business savvy entrepreneurs who want to change the world one OM at a time. The disconnection actually allowed my business to not just grow, but to bloom.

Because of the time I took to stop, breathe, manifest, I allowed this massive opportunity to enter my life, and yours also. What’s so cool is that now I will share what it’s like to put on a 3000 person event. This is also an opportunity for you to grow your business also by stepping up into areas unknown and having the support to just do it.

Growing your business painsSometimes in order to grow your business, you have to disappear

What are the bigger lessons here? There are several:

  1. Taking on a new responsibility doesn’t mean letting go of everything else
  2. Having a mentor to grow your business helps (will talk about this more)
  3. It’s OK to disappear as long as you do it for a bigger reason and not because of fear
  4. Seeing opportunities in life as your teachers and making you step out of your comfort zone only come once in a while
  5. Be proud of yourself no matter what!!!

The result

Now that I am fully in the flow and see my business in momentum, I am here for you once again! I know everything happens for a reason and I want to tell you how growing a business can be some strange happenings that sometimes we think are not good for us, then low and behold, they are!

How does this impact you? Let’s find out!! Schedule a call with me and see how you can see your business grow. I love hearing about why you do what you do, where you are in the process, where you are in your vision and what the plan is to get there. It’s about being in flow and listening and processing. All part of this beautiful journey.

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How To Stay Afloat In Business and Life


How To Stay Afloat In Business


Staying on top, or afloat in business and life is a top priority. Do you consider yourself a solo-preneur? Do you feel like you have to do everything because you either can’t afford to hire out or you just have mad skills that enable you to be the ninja of it all?

Let’s talk a little about what being a solo-preneur is. First of all let’s get really clear about why it’s so good to have these moments of self reflection. Look at your business and life and see where the heaviness is and also of course, where the light is. Below is a little checklist of what to look at and really see where you’re at because once you have a map it will open your eyes on where you want to put more time, energy or even invest to meet your goals and feel full and afloat. Close your eyes for a moment and imagine yourself in the ocean, sun shining, crystal clear water so you can see the bottom. Now allow yourself to float with that sense of total weightlessness around you. How does that feel like?

Here are some things to consider and check out to scan if your floating experience is not just zen but the power it gives you to feel and sense at a much higher vibration.



  1. Health: Are you feeling energized? Is your health tip-top or maybe a bit low n the scale.
  2. Relationships: How do you connect with yourself? This should be the top priority! Then is how are the relationships with your kids, family, friends- rich or lacking?
  3. Spirit: Is meditation and spiritual practice important to you? Do you have time to nourish this?
  4. Business: How is your business running? Can it run without you yet? Is it in flow or stuck in paralysis?
  5. Purpose & Passion: Are you feeling like all you do connects with your purpose and passion? Do you know what your purpose even is?
  6. Freedom: Can you take a month off and go to Bali? Are you free to take vacation or are you in the rat race because without you, your business can’t run?
  7. Time: How valuable is this!!! TIME is all we want because it’s the one thing you can’t get back. Do you have time to spare and explore your hobbies or start a new project?
  8. Fun: Have you forgotten what fun is? Are you sacrificing fun for work?

Just for a minute check out these areas and see how you feel in each one of them. Are you feeling empowered or fearful around some of these? Let me tell you, I know freedom is one of my top priorities but when I started my business, it’s actually the one I had the least of. So knowing this what did I need to do in order to have balance?

Now I want you to look at these areas of your life and gauge 1-10 to see where you are and how you feel. 10 is being afloat and light, 1 is drowning. Imagine life without breath? Imagine sinking in health, spirit or even time… how does that feel?


  • Breathe
  • Sleep
  • Eat
  • Be in service
  • Ask for help
  • Invest in yourself

Allow yourself to reflect on all these aspects and always if you need help you can always schedule a call with me please make an appointment 🙂

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Entrepreneur: Top 10 Tips To Be A Yoga Business Pro

How ready are you to step up your yoga business knowledge?

Creating a profitable yoga business is not far ahead in your future! So many of yoga teachers are looking to create a better living through doing what they love! Are you ready to find your yoga entrepreneur?

We are thrown into the world of entrepreneurship without formal training, expected to market and fill classes without really knowing how to market effectively, and asked to be a walking brand without having clarity of what that even looks like.

These 10 tips will help move you along the world of entrepreneurship and wellness. Are you ready? I need to hear a LOUD yes as the more excited you are… the better the results!

I’m on a mission to change that and make you a kick ass yoga entrepreneur.

Are you asking why would I want to be an entrepreneur? This you can only answer yourself. Many of us simply want to be part time yoga teachers, but if you are tired of your daily grind then you might want to read this.

1. Clarity of what you want in life

Meditate. Asana. Focus. These tools are readily available to create a clear vision of what your life wants to look like. Desire is a powerful tool in yoga entrepreneur vision quest. What do you want? When do you want it by? Who will help you get there?

Create your own destiny and design your own life. Get the right tools to get there faster because trust me right tools creates ease!

2. Self value & worth

You mean to tell me you don’t look in the mirror daily with words of affirmation and love? Well start today! Knowing your value is so important. This affects how you present yourself into the world, your students and clients and most of all, it feels really really good.

One of my best clients told me the main reason he hires me and pays me (almost double of what I usually charge) is my confidence.

It is common to lack the will and knowhow of your own amazing value. Look back into your years of teaching, look to see how much time and money you have invested in yourself. Look at all the books you have read. There is tons of value in your vault and it’s time you recognize that and let it shine! Weeeeeee!!!!

3. Understanding yoga culture

Did you know the yoga industry is a 9.1 billion dollar business? I didn’t until recently. I knew it was big, but $9.1 billion big? There is a massive growth in yoga and wellness with a 4%  yearly increase. Imagine the possibilities! The world is changing and we are on that train.

The high levels of stress, of needing something so powerful to fill a void of self discovery is at an all time high. The world is focusing on depth in an ever changing fast paced social media lifestyle.

Jump on the bandwagon of helping people move inwards because honestly it’s not nearly enough. My philosophy: work out to work in. If that means you only do yoga for physical benefits the time on your mat is priceless and will change your life. Guaranteed.

Write down your current yoga business. What does it look like? How can you find yourself more active?

4. Purpose time

Simon Sinek has an amazing TED talk on the power of WHY. When we live from purpose, from a deep place in our hearts, career, business, life take on new meaning. Companies, and you as an entrepreneur, should consider having a greater purpose.

Some of the most successful CEO’s like Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Russell Simmons and more are major players in improving the lives of others therefore create a better world and make money doing so.

Probably the biggest reason to work and live from purpose is that it creates a sense of selflessness thus giving you warm fuzzy feelings.

5. Make that money honey… but wait is that ok?

Such crazy misconceptions out there about money that it baffles me. Why is making money so wrong if you are a spiritual being? Why do people think of money as being dirty (well physically it has a lot of germs) but that’s besides the point.

Money and earning it is a GOOD thing because more and more we need it to do things like pay rent, car, electricity, internet, cell phones… are you catching my drift? What does a life without the basic necessities look like to you? I know ideally in a utopian world we barter for services but we live in a capitalist world where money is a basic unit of life.

Imagine if you can have all the money in the world. Probably looks like a whole lot of giving, a ton of charity and yet we are afraid to welcome it.

Currency is energy!!! In conclusion meditate on why you want money or why you don’t and guaranteed as a result a shift will occur. Download this free guide to get you started.

6. Revenue streams

Just like a river has many little streams running of it to branch into the world so should your revenue. Putting all your eggs in one basket can be dangerous and can result in you not finding your flow.

Especially in this day and age where being an entrepreneur requires you to be super focused thus dedicating tons of time and effort.

Having a clear picture of what your revenue streams look like helps to see how many eggs and how many baskets you can have. I rather have 1% in 100 baskets rather than 100% in one basket.

7. Business models that make you smile

Did you know there are more than 1 way to make money as a yoga teacher? YES! There are actually over 15 of them which makes this whole eggs and baskets so much more attainable.

Subscriptions, memberships, info products, sales, one on ones, workshops, retreats, online, brick and mortar… and there are more!

Choose business models that make your PURPOSE fit with your LIFESTYLE and as a result work will seem like play instead of something you dread!

8. Competition really is coopetition

As my dear friend Tamara likes to call it coopetition is a call to increase our abilities while moving towards more unique offerings.

There is no reason why competition should stop anyone from achieving their dreams especially when you know how amazing and special you are. I mean I hear people say all the time, there are so many yoga teachers, there are so many yoga studios, well guess what this only makes you up your game that much more thus full power focus!

9. I hate sales

I know trust me this was a long time battle for me which really made me aware of my limiting mindset and why I wasn’t feeling like I was moving further in my financial or personal career goals. Sales is a part of life, the ONLY way you will get more clients hence the opportunity of making sales less of an negative role in your life.

Instead of focusing on the used car sales pitch rather learn ways that sales suits your personality. There are many amazing sales techniques that use compassion making you less of an ass. Just sayin’.

10. Celebration is key!

First of all how often do you celebrate your successes because guarantee you mainly focus on your failures. This is the scarcity mindset epidemic we are trained thus resulting in small celebrations vs big ones!

Since our day to day lives revolve around tasks how can we shift into a more authentic celebration which make the tasks like fun games where we win prizes when completing them?

We can either shift perspectives to looking at daily life as wins therefore training us to be super yogis all the time from mindset to emotional support to general better well being.

Celebrate something awesome you did today as guarantee it will make you smile and most of all make those around you happier as well!

So get Bizzy and make some magic today!