How To Build A High Converting Sales Page

Today we’re going to discuss why a sales page is so important, and what the key pieces are to making sure you have the elements that can turn a viewer from interested into a client.

So people ask me all the time, “Ari, why do I need a sales page? Why can’t I just send people to my website?”

Well, let’s talk about the one main reason why you don’t want to just send people to your website – your website has a lot of exit strategies. Meaning menus, buttons, social media, all the things that could take a person from interested, engaged into “see you later”.

A sales page helps you to guide a potential through one goal, one offer, and one solution.

Now once you have a sales page, here are the main elements you need to get it to convert into sales!

  1. Consistent branding, colors, mood and imagery.
  2. Soft queues instead of really harsh and direct “buy this thing now” messaging
  3. Sales copy that speaks to the heart instead of to the logical brain
  4. Testimonials – share client love! 
  5. Add a video. Help people connect with you as a person, not a transaction.

And if this is your first time designing a sales page and you’re stuck, this is what I love to do with my clients. Drop a comment below and I’d be happy to answer your questions!


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Mantras for Your Enjoyment and Practice


Feeling complete and joyful is important in your life as it creates an environment of a healthy mental and emotional state. There are so many ways you can do this and one of them which I particularly like and teach often in my classes and trainings is mantra. It’s a practice that can be done by anyone, whenever, wherever which makes it accessible to all. You’ll find enjoyment in the process!

What is mantra?

A mantra is the repetition of a word, words or sounds. Sometimes it’s as simple as a phrase in your own language repeated over and over or a more complicated sanskrit phrase or sound. We’ll delve into 3 of my favorite mantras below that will lead you to a practice you can maintain for when you need or some people start a sadhana journey which is your own practice over at least 21 days. Mantras have been used over thousands of years by spiritual guides. The rosary is even a form of mantra.

When should you repeat a mantra?

There is no perfect time to start a mantra practice, and really it should be done with a guide so that if you are doing one in sanskrit you get the right pronunciation and get the energetic effect it wants to deliver. Mantras are good for specific moments when you want to attract a certain energy to your life or create a shift. For example, I started a mantra to bring good energy for my baby’s birth coming soon.

Which mantras should I use?

Like I mentioned earlier, there are many types out there and the right one will fit what you want.

Mantra for Transformation:

Asato ma sadgamaya

Tamaso ma jyotir gamaya

Mrtyorma amritam gamaya

“Lead me from the untruth to truth, lead me from darkness to light, lead me from death to immortality.”

This is a mantra from the Upanishads circa 800 BCE which are spiritual teachings and ideas. To listen to it CLICK HERE.

Mantra for Positivity:

I am perfect. I am complete. I am everything I want to be and more.

I am beautiful. I am divine. I am powerful.

I am strong and flexible. I am a creator. I am a receiver.

I am perfect and complete.

Mantra for Peace:

Om Shanti Shanti Shanti

Sometimes the simplest forms of repetition can have the largest effect. This mantra means Om peace, peace, peace. Om represents sound primordial and is also spelled AUM to represent the 3 aspects of the self – body / mind / spirit.

I hope you enjoyed these mantras and choose 1 that can resonate with you now. Start with a daily practice and see what happens.

If you want more guidance, please connect with me.





The Power Of Essential Oils… I get personal.


The Power Of Essential Oils

Here’s a the journey of how I healed and moved to being a believer in essential oils and yes I get a bit personal here.

I’ve used essential oils for years. Diffuse here, put in my cleaning products to be toxic free but I never really knew the power until I had my why essential oils moment. It’s not a story I share often but since I feel it’s so powerful I think it will resonate.

End of June this year was the worst month of my life. I’m not kidding.

I learned many lessons after this I’ll speak about in a moment.

What happened?

It was a very tense Monday night as I knew something wasn’t right with Pinky (my 14 year old Vizsla fur child). She had been acting pretty listless, more aloof and quiet than ever. I knew there was something wrong, that there was something big happening inside her soul.

Pinky had been my doggie companion for over 14 years. My soul mate, sister, child and sometimes mother. She was THE BEST DOG EVER. Famous in Miami Beach and loved by so many.

She was sick and her days were numbered but I wasn’t prepared for it. Yet I knew it and looked into her sad old eyes and told her “It’s OK. You can go to sleep now and I’ll be OK.”

The next morning you can imagine I woke up to a forever sleeping Pink The Vizsla. With a heavy heart we parted physical ways and I know she is still here with me.

Same week…

3 days later, in a haze of sadness and intermittent tears, as I worked on my computer during a normal day I suddenly felt a rush of warmth in my pants.

I thought I peed on myself or something as I wasn’t supposed to get my period and if so it was a lot of blood. (Sorry for the squeamish).

Having a mini freak out moment, called 2 doctors who said they couldn’t see me (frustration overload) I got myself up and drove straight to the urgent care where I found out I was pregnant… or was pregnant as heavy bleeding is a sign of something gone wrong.


What did I do? Called Marcel (my husband) like 75 times hoping he would get signal while fishing in the middle of the ocean. Then called my best friend and my mom.

I’m a strong girl. I’m used to weird medical things happening as I was born with an 1 in a million immune system issue called cyclic neutropenia. Since I was little I was used to doctors, hospitals, spinal taps and then some – independent and physically and emotional strong.

The stress was real and it was taking a toll by the minute.

I wasn’t prepared for this.

I went home in total disarray to lay in bed and cry and to basically experience a miscarriage. The pain was real. My body was having contractions, releasing what was inside. I don’t want to get too graphic but you can imagine the scene.

My friend Alina rushed right over and proceeded to cover me in essential oils. Vetiver to relax, Frankincense to help me meditate, Clary Calm for woman support, Peppermint for the nausea I was experiencing, Lavender to soothe. She pulled out all the stops. It was an apothecary of therapeutic oils on my body, in the air and in my system.

This all helped so much but wasn’t enough. 4 hours into the pain she made me a pill called the morphine bomb of essential oils. Lemongrass, Frankincense & Oregano DoTerra Essential Oils.

The pain vanished in 10 minutes. The contractions of turbulent waves went to soft waves and I could breathe again and actually stand without doubling over.

30 minutes later I was asleep and pain free to rest and recover from the experience.

Why I Believe

Now can you see why I went from being a casual user of essential oils to a hard core believer? I kept researching the other benefits, the possibilities to move into a more holistic lifestyle and started using oregano oil on staph infections, melaleuca on a little wart and skin tag & a little fungus on my foot. I use ylang ylang, roman chamomile and lavender at night to actually sleep and rest the entire night without waking up.

The possibilities are endless and I am excited to share them with you! Let’s increase our vitality and natural living. Join me on my journey as I join you on yours discovering the power of essential oils and healthy alternatives!

Learn more about the oils on my personal site HERE.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Split personality (brand) syndorme?

Do you have this too?

I don’t have a split personality really, I have (had) a split brand problem. Let me tell you the story…

It was one of those days, on a warm winter day (I’m based in Miami) where I had a massive realization. I had been living a double life, with 2 brands (really 3 but will get into that).

I noticed not a lot was moving forward and I was working my ass of. It was really frustrating and at the end of the day, counterproductive. I had this ideal of who I was and how I could serve. So of course, being the creative yogini that I am, created 2 brands, 2 websites, 2 newsletters, 2 business cards (and the list goes on). If you want to read more about me, check this page.

Now, was this serving me? NO! It was driving me crazy, but since I had a belief that why would any of my business students want to hear me talk about ROI and email marketing and why would any of my business clients and audience hear about my events and classes. Mind you, these are all perceptions, not truths.

So how can this serve you? It goes back to energy and where you are putting it. Are you living a double life in any aspects. Maybe have 2 jobs very disconnected from each other? I have friends that are bartenders at night and yoga teachers by day. Some client who take care of their bodies at the gym and yoga class, yet, have really negative feelings about themselves and their bodies.

Where is there the limiting belief that is stopping you from being successful, productive and happy? Where is the opportunity to expand your reach into what would serve you best? As you know, by serving yourself in the highest way you can serve and be the most amazing person for others.

brand union

Split Personality Syndrome IS OVER!

So here is the big question? What are you gonna do about it?

I’m re-launching my brand and I hope you keep loving what I send and the messages I share. But most of all, I want to know what you want to connect and feel whole with. What are your issues, disconnects that prevent you from your greatness.

Manifesting your inner magic is one decision away.


AriOm, The Bizzy Yogi.

Growing your business. Let’s play a disappearing act said no one but me.

Growing your business. What does it mean?

This is where we all what to be… in the growing your business mode. I feel like I am there constantly and this is a great thing but sometimes it doesn’t go the way we envision it. Remember one of my last posts Analysis Paralysis?  You would think I am a freaking activating, mind moving, business savvy business mentor and I don’t fall prey to that kind of stuff. Well, HELLO to my disappearing act because that exact thing I wrote about happened to me. I’m in growing my business mode, so why did I disappear?

For the last few weeks, all that I have been doing is discerning what I want to tackle and not. Looking at the bigger picture, listening to what I want and do not want. I’ve been meditating, connecting with my desires, listening to webinars… and… and… wait where are my clients? Where are my webinars I had scheduled? Where are the Facebook ads I had started?

What really happened…

Ok so here is the truth. I took on more than I could handle. My business actually grew by a MASSIVE leap when I said YES to becoming the new owner of The Yoga Expo. The Bizzy Yogi just got bizzier. First of all, let me be super grateful about this new venture and to the opportunity, I am now presented with. I am so incredibly freaking proud of myself for taking on such a huge venture that totally has changed my life. So this is me reconnecting to my initial intention to create a tribe of amazing yogi hearted, business savvy entrepreneurs who want to change the world one OM at a time. The disconnection actually allowed my business to not just grow, but to bloom.

Because of the time I took to stop, breathe, manifest, I allowed this massive opportunity to enter my life, and yours also. What’s so cool is that now I will share what it’s like to put on a 3000 person event. This is also an opportunity for you to grow your business also by stepping up into areas unknown and having the support to just do it.

Growing your business painsSometimes in order to grow your business, you have to disappear

What are the bigger lessons here? There are several:

  1. Taking on a new responsibility doesn’t mean letting go of everything else
  2. Having a mentor to grow your business helps (will talk about this more)
  3. It’s OK to disappear as long as you do it for a bigger reason and not because of fear
  4. Seeing opportunities in life as your teachers and making you step out of your comfort zone only come once in a while
  5. Be proud of yourself no matter what!!!

The result

Now that I am fully in the flow and see my business in momentum, I am here for you once again! I know everything happens for a reason and I want to tell you how growing a business can be some strange happenings that sometimes we think are not good for us, then low and behold, they are!

How does this impact you? Let’s find out!! Schedule a call with me and see how you can see your business grow. I love hearing about why you do what you do, where you are in the process, where you are in your vision and what the plan is to get there. It’s about being in flow and listening and processing. All part of this beautiful journey.

Get Your FREE Discovery Session Here >>>



How To Stay Afloat In Business and Life


How To Stay Afloat In Business


Staying on top, or afloat in business and life is a top priority. Do you consider yourself a solo-preneur? Do you feel like you have to do everything because you either can’t afford to hire out or you just have mad skills that enable you to be the ninja of it all?

Let’s talk a little about what being a solo-preneur is. First of all let’s get really clear about why it’s so good to have these moments of self reflection. Look at your business and life and see where the heaviness is and also of course, where the light is. Below is a little checklist of what to look at and really see where you’re at because once you have a map it will open your eyes on where you want to put more time, energy or even invest to meet your goals and feel full and afloat. Close your eyes for a moment and imagine yourself in the ocean, sun shining, crystal clear water so you can see the bottom. Now allow yourself to float with that sense of total weightlessness around you. How does that feel like?

Here are some things to consider and check out to scan if your floating experience is not just zen but the power it gives you to feel and sense at a much higher vibration.



  1. Health: Are you feeling energized? Is your health tip-top or maybe a bit low n the scale.
  2. Relationships: How do you connect with yourself? This should be the top priority! Then is how are the relationships with your kids, family, friends- rich or lacking?
  3. Spirit: Is meditation and spiritual practice important to you? Do you have time to nourish this?
  4. Business: How is your business running? Can it run without you yet? Is it in flow or stuck in paralysis?
  5. Purpose & Passion: Are you feeling like all you do connects with your purpose and passion? Do you know what your purpose even is?
  6. Freedom: Can you take a month off and go to Bali? Are you free to take vacation or are you in the rat race because without you, your business can’t run?
  7. Time: How valuable is this!!! TIME is all we want because it’s the one thing you can’t get back. Do you have time to spare and explore your hobbies or start a new project?
  8. Fun: Have you forgotten what fun is? Are you sacrificing fun for work?

Just for a minute check out these areas and see how you feel in each one of them. Are you feeling empowered or fearful around some of these? Let me tell you, I know freedom is one of my top priorities but when I started my business, it’s actually the one I had the least of. So knowing this what did I need to do in order to have balance?

Now I want you to look at these areas of your life and gauge 1-10 to see where you are and how you feel. 10 is being afloat and light, 1 is drowning. Imagine life without breath? Imagine sinking in health, spirit or even time… how does that feel?


  • Breathe
  • Sleep
  • Eat
  • Be in service
  • Ask for help
  • Invest in yourself

Allow yourself to reflect on all these aspects and always if you need help you can always schedule a call with me please make an appointment 🙂

Get Your FREE Discovery Session Here >>>




Stress and Yoga

According to – an organization dedicated to educating people on stress and its effects – 77% of people regularly experience physical symptoms caused by stress including fatigue, headaches, upset stomach, and muscle tension.

A whopping 73% of people experience psychological symptoms caused by stress like irritability or anger, anxiousness, lack of energy, or feeling the need to cry.

All of that from STRESS… Is it ruining your life?

Living in our modern world is awesome. It’s fun, fast-paced and convenient! But, let’s face it… Living in the modern world is also… stressful!

Take a moment to think about what creates stress in your life. I’ll wait.

We as yogis aren’t impervious to stress, we can meditate all we want, but can we actually avoid it?

Stress is a mentally and emotionally disruptive condition that is created in response to adverse external influences as seen in the dictionary. It can actually be a good thing for health and safety but also can wreak havoc on your mental and physical bodies.

I know you’re saying, how is stress good for me? Well, it sends more oxygen to the brain so we can be sharper, quicker, and helps us solve problems easier.

But if you are constantly getting bombarded with stress in our lives then we have an excess, and as good yogis we know excess is unbalanced and just plain overwhelming.

You want to eliminate chronic stress as much as possible as it causes many negative effects in our lives. It affects our immune, endocrine and nervous, circulatory, respiratory, digestive, muscular and reproductive systems.

That sums up the entire body! Why would we want anything to mess with our entire being? You don’t! Keep reading to find out how Yoga comes into play!

Let’s dig a little deeper!

Immune System:

The release of cortisol over long periods of time creates inflammation and prevents histamine secretion. This can actually delay our healing process and can increase chances of viral infections.

On a good note, a little stress can actually heal wounds, but how many serious wounds do you get in your life vs battling constant inflammation due to chronic stress.

Yoga Journal published a piece that expertly sums up how different Yoga poses can help boost your immune system and how meditating for only 20 minutes a day can decrease your daily cortisol production.

Endocrine & Nervous System:

Adrenaline & cortisol. Your 2 great friends that play go, go, go in the fight or flight responses. Now this is great if you are getting chased by a bear and need to run 10 x’s faster to save your life, but do we need constant pumping of these chemicals in our adrenals? NO.

If there are symptoms of chronic stress, your CNS (Central Nervous System) never shuts down or goes back to normal causing depression, anxiety, and insomnia.

Using yoga we can battle this overproduction of adrenaline and cortisol by practicing asana, using mulabhanda and meditation. Don’t take my word for it, read from the Harvard Health blog how meditation eases stress and its physical & psychological effects.

Respiratory & Cardiovascular System:

Deep breathing. Slowing down the inhales & exhales is a great way to combat the effects of chronic stress on the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

Stress causes us to breathe faster and more shallow, causes your blood vessels to constrict and raise your blood pressure. By relaxing and practicing pranayama as well as poses like sun salutations, we actually can help the heart slow down and work less.

The American Heart Association posted this on their blog about Yoga and cardiovascular health.

Digestive System:

When we are under chronic fight or flight our bodies, the liver in particular, produces extra sugar. If you have excess sugar and your body can’t use or transform it, then diseases like diabetes can creep into your life.

Stress can also cause ulcers, nausea and/or vomiting. It will also prevent absorption of nutrients which can cause additional symptoms of fatigue and not feeling “well”.

At the end of the day our yogic practices create a sense of overall calm in the body and mind. Savanna is a sure way to allow our bodies to rest, our muscles to let go of tension and to realign our minds to let go.

With a daily practice of meditation, pranayama and asana, guaranteed your body will be more prepared to battle stressors! Also understanding that stress is not caused by external sources is HUGE! We must not let negative situations or people get to under our skin – literally!

There are many tools to combat chronic stress with Yoga & meditation at the center, we just need to use them. Start by checking out my Yoga For Beginners: Sun Salutations video.

Find this post helpful?! Please share it with anyone you feel could use some de-stressing!


For all of my Yoga Teachers, this is a MUST READ! >>> The REAL Reason I Quit Being A Yoga Teacher



Have specific questions? Let Ari, the Bizzy Yogi answer them! Ask your question below and we will answer it in our weekly email OR in a FB Live webshow – we’ll even give you a shoutout!


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