The Power Of Essential Oils… I get personal.


The Power Of Essential Oils

Here’s a the journey of how I healed and moved to being a believer in essential oils and yes I get a bit personal here.

I’ve used essential oils for years. Diffuse here, put in my cleaning products to be toxic free but I never really knew the power until I had my why essential oils moment. It’s not a story I share often but since I feel it’s so powerful I think it will resonate.

End of June this year was the worst month of my life. I’m not kidding.

I learned many lessons after this I’ll speak about in a moment.

What happened?

It was a very tense Monday night as I knew something wasn’t right with Pinky (my 14 year old Vizsla fur child). She had been acting pretty listless, more aloof and quiet than ever. I knew there was something wrong, that there was something big happening inside her soul.

Pinky had been my doggie companion for over 14 years. My soul mate, sister, child and sometimes mother. She was THE BEST DOG EVER. Famous in Miami Beach and loved by so many.

She was sick and her days were numbered but I wasn’t prepared for it. Yet I knew it and looked into her sad old eyes and told her “It’s OK. You can go to sleep now and I’ll be OK.”

The next morning you can imagine I woke up to a forever sleeping Pink The Vizsla. With a heavy heart we parted physical ways and I know she is still here with me.

Same week…

3 days later, in a haze of sadness and intermittent tears, as I worked on my computer during a normal day I suddenly felt a rush of warmth in my pants.

I thought I peed on myself or something as I wasn’t supposed to get my period and if so it was a lot of blood. (Sorry for the squeamish).

Having a mini freak out moment, called 2 doctors who said they couldn’t see me (frustration overload) I got myself up and drove straight to the urgent care where I found out I was pregnant… or was pregnant as heavy bleeding is a sign of something gone wrong.


What did I do? Called Marcel (my husband) like 75 times hoping he would get signal while fishing in the middle of the ocean. Then called my best friend and my mom.

I’m a strong girl. I’m used to weird medical things happening as I was born with an 1 in a million immune system issue called cyclic neutropenia. Since I was little I was used to doctors, hospitals, spinal taps and then some – independent and physically and emotional strong.

The stress was real and it was taking a toll by the minute.

I wasn’t prepared for this.

I went home in total disarray to lay in bed and cry and to basically experience a miscarriage. The pain was real. My body was having contractions, releasing what was inside. I don’t want to get too graphic but you can imagine the scene.

My friend Alina rushed right over and proceeded to cover me in essential oils. Vetiver to relax, Frankincense to help me meditate, Clary Calm for woman support, Peppermint for the nausea I was experiencing, Lavender to soothe. She pulled out all the stops. It was an apothecary of therapeutic oils on my body, in the air and in my system.

This all helped so much but wasn’t enough. 4 hours into the pain she made me a pill called the morphine bomb of essential oils. Lemongrass, Frankincense & Oregano DoTerra Essential Oils.

The pain vanished in 10 minutes. The contractions of turbulent waves went to soft waves and I could breathe again and actually stand without doubling over.

30 minutes later I was asleep and pain free to rest and recover from the experience.

Why I Believe

Now can you see why I went from being a casual user of essential oils to a hard core believer? I kept researching the other benefits, the possibilities to move into a more holistic lifestyle and started using oregano oil on staph infections, melaleuca on a little wart and skin tag & a little fungus on my foot. I use ylang ylang, roman chamomile and lavender at night to actually sleep and rest the entire night without waking up.

The possibilities are endless and I am excited to share them with you! Let’s increase our vitality and natural living. Join me on my journey as I join you on yours discovering the power of essential oils and healthy alternatives!

Learn more about the oils on my personal site HERE.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Stress and Yoga

According to – an organization dedicated to educating people on stress and its effects – 77% of people regularly experience physical symptoms caused by stress including fatigue, headaches, upset stomach, and muscle tension.

A whopping 73% of people experience psychological symptoms caused by stress like irritability or anger, anxiousness, lack of energy, or feeling the need to cry.

All of that from STRESS… Is it ruining your life?

Living in our modern world is awesome. It’s fun, fast-paced and convenient! But, let’s face it… Living in the modern world is also… stressful!

Take a moment to think about what creates stress in your life. I’ll wait.

We as yogis aren’t impervious to stress, we can meditate all we want, but can we actually avoid it?

Stress is a mentally and emotionally disruptive condition that is created in response to adverse external influences as seen in the dictionary. It can actually be a good thing for health and safety but also can wreak havoc on your mental and physical bodies.

I know you’re saying, how is stress good for me? Well, it sends more oxygen to the brain so we can be sharper, quicker, and helps us solve problems easier.

But if you are constantly getting bombarded with stress in our lives then we have an excess, and as good yogis we know excess is unbalanced and just plain overwhelming.

You want to eliminate chronic stress as much as possible as it causes many negative effects in our lives. It affects our immune, endocrine and nervous, circulatory, respiratory, digestive, muscular and reproductive systems.

That sums up the entire body! Why would we want anything to mess with our entire being? You don’t! Keep reading to find out how Yoga comes into play!

Let’s dig a little deeper!

Immune System:

The release of cortisol over long periods of time creates inflammation and prevents histamine secretion. This can actually delay our healing process and can increase chances of viral infections.

On a good note, a little stress can actually heal wounds, but how many serious wounds do you get in your life vs battling constant inflammation due to chronic stress.

Yoga Journal published a piece that expertly sums up how different Yoga poses can help boost your immune system and how meditating for only 20 minutes a day can decrease your daily cortisol production.

Endocrine & Nervous System:

Adrenaline & cortisol. Your 2 great friends that play go, go, go in the fight or flight responses. Now this is great if you are getting chased by a bear and need to run 10 x’s faster to save your life, but do we need constant pumping of these chemicals in our adrenals? NO.

If there are symptoms of chronic stress, your CNS (Central Nervous System) never shuts down or goes back to normal causing depression, anxiety, and insomnia.

Using yoga we can battle this overproduction of adrenaline and cortisol by practicing asana, using mulabhanda and meditation. Don’t take my word for it, read from the Harvard Health blog how meditation eases stress and its physical & psychological effects.

Respiratory & Cardiovascular System:

Deep breathing. Slowing down the inhales & exhales is a great way to combat the effects of chronic stress on the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

Stress causes us to breathe faster and more shallow, causes your blood vessels to constrict and raise your blood pressure. By relaxing and practicing pranayama as well as poses like sun salutations, we actually can help the heart slow down and work less.

The American Heart Association posted this on their blog about Yoga and cardiovascular health.

Digestive System:

When we are under chronic fight or flight our bodies, the liver in particular, produces extra sugar. If you have excess sugar and your body can’t use or transform it, then diseases like diabetes can creep into your life.

Stress can also cause ulcers, nausea and/or vomiting. It will also prevent absorption of nutrients which can cause additional symptoms of fatigue and not feeling “well”.

At the end of the day our yogic practices create a sense of overall calm in the body and mind. Savanna is a sure way to allow our bodies to rest, our muscles to let go of tension and to realign our minds to let go.

With a daily practice of meditation, pranayama and asana, guaranteed your body will be more prepared to battle stressors! Also understanding that stress is not caused by external sources is HUGE! We must not let negative situations or people get to under our skin – literally!

There are many tools to combat chronic stress with Yoga & meditation at the center, we just need to use them. Start by checking out my Yoga For Beginners: Sun Salutations video.

Find this post helpful?! Please share it with anyone you feel could use some de-stressing!


For all of my Yoga Teachers, this is a MUST READ! >>> The REAL Reason I Quit Being A Yoga Teacher



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