Are Marketing Agencies Worth The Investment?

Are Marketing Agencies Worth the Investment?

In a world that’s relying on technology more and more every day, it’s no surprise that marketing has largely gone digital. As trends change and new platforms take off, it’s easy to start feeling left behind. There is a lot to take in and keep up with, even for the most savvy business owner.

Even if you really wanted to, keeping your brand totally offline isn’t really an option these days. Since your marketing is being done online, anyway… would you rather thrive in the digital landscape, or simply survive?

There are digital marketing solutions for all of your needs, to be sure, but many of us are lacking the time and skills to make those solutions a reality. Digital marketing agencies exist to turn your marketing problems into the results you crave. The great debate is whether it’s worthwhile to hand over the reins, or if you should roll up your sleeves and learn how to do it all on your own.

There are countless factors that play into this decision, with pros and cons on both sides. Which begs the question: how do you know if a digital marketing agency is right for you?

Should You Work with a Digital Marketing Agency or Learn It Yourself?

This is a hugely important topic that I have both invested in and been hired for.

First of all, what is digital marketing?

Basically, it’s marketing done online that helps you connect with customers and ideally drive the message (the strategy to a sale).

It’s also a fairly new and growing field that can be quite confusing to most people because there are so many moving parts: automations, tracking, variety, integrations, A/B testing, ads, creative, social media, and then some!

A digital marketing agency should be able to provide solutions to your basic problems of traffic, lead generation, and growth. Not only that, they should be able to show the results as data. For example, a digital marketing agency can create a social media content plan to grow your email list. They may help you execute it by creating the graphics, editing the videos, posting for you, and helping funnel the viewers into a place where they can give you their email (and thus grow your list).

That is just one example of how an agency can help. But you’re probably wondering: is it worth the investment?

To answer this question, let’s work backwards for a moment, because we need to address a few things:

  1. Why do you need a digital marketing agency?
  2. What are some of the goals you are looking for?
  3. How much money can you invest in digital marketing services?
  4. How well-versed are you in digital marketing and the types of results that would help your company move forward?
  5. How long are you willing to work with a digital marketing agency to see results?
  6. Where are you on your growth plan – starting? Wanting quantum leaps? Fairly advanced?
  7. What’s your ideal budget and what specific services can someone else do for you that you perhaps REALLY dislike doing?

Can You Just Get a Virtual Assistant (VA)?

This is the age-old question! Ok, it’s not age-old, since digital marketing is a new industry… but it’s definitely one that comes up a lot in my groups and forums.

A VA is going to be an integral part of your business, but he/she is an assistant… not your executive marketing director.

This is where many people go wrong. They hire a VA and expect them to create a high-level strategy for them, and perhaps don’t get the results they want.

For example, a VA might help you with various tasks, ranging from creative projects, to executive administrative work, to client management. You, the business owner, should tell the VA what to do for the most part– of course, having open communication and being receptive to their suggestions, too.

Depending on their experience level, a VA will be able to take tasks off your hands so you can focus on the top revenue-generating activities for your business: creating content, networking, having sales conversations, and enrolling clients for your services or programs.

If you’ve considered hiring a virtual assistant, there’s a few things I would invite you to think about beforehand!

  1. Write down all the tasks you’d like to get taken off your plate (including those that you probably hate doing).
  2. Categorize all these tasks within themes; for example, social media content creation or managing members of a Facebook Group can fall under social media management/engagement, whereas calendar management and client organization can be under administrative work.
  3. Interview people and don’t settle for the least expensive hire. I know that’s always appealing, but consider their skill level and their speed. Hiring a highly effective and efficient person for a bit extra may be preferable to having a slower assistant that needs micro-management. Time is money, friends!

I’ve Heard of an Online Business Manager (OBM)… What’s That, and Do I Need One?

Enter the online business manager! I would say this role falls somewhere between a digital marketing agency and a virtual assistant.

The exact definition of an online business manager, according to

“An online business manager is a virtual support professional that helps organizations manage daily projects, processes and team members. They’re in charge of maintaining the operations of the company by tracking key performance indicators (KPIs), establishing goals and measuring their progress.”

Once again, this individual is NOT a digital marketer, but understands digital based business growth and the roles team members play to maximize your ROI.

I think it’s a smart investment to hire an OBM once you’re getting to 6 figures to exponentially grow your business. This way, you can have a clear view of what actions and efforts are needed to double, triple, or tenfold your expansion.

Digital marketing agencies might have an internal OBM that works for them, but this is not always the case.

So Now That I Know About These Roles… What Should I Do?

Digital marketing is a skillset that can take a new business owner from excited and pumped, to feeling confused and not sure what to do next.

  • Grow an email list?
  • Update my website?
  • Start blogging?
  • Run ads? (They didn’t work when I boosted my post!)
  • Should I go live at 2pm or at 8pm?
  • How do I make a reel?
  • These are all questions related to problems that a digital marketing agency can solve, or that a marketing consultant can advise on.

Depending on the agency and the services they provide, since not all agencies do everything, you’ll want to have a list (or at least an idea) of what you’re looking for when hiring someone to help you.

Make sure you’re well-versed in the tasks in your business you need outsourced. That way, you can focus on growth and service.

Focusing On Main Areas

There are several things an agency can handle for their clients on a regular basis, which I will list below.

First, always create an overall marketing strategy for brand positioning, visitor growth and optimization of sales. This can be both for services or product-based brands.


  • Start a new brand and brand image
  • Increasing audience and visitors
  • Growing your email list
  • Launch a program or product

Platforms and Technologies:

  • Social Media
  • Instagram: Creating the posts, scheduling, growing the account
  • Facebook: Adding posts to your page or group
  • Paid Advertising
  • Creating FB and IG ads
  • Google Ads
  • Reposting metrics and return on ad spend
  • Installing tracking for metrics
  • Website or Funnel Creation
  • Creative copywriting
  • Graphic design
  • Integrations and automations
  • SEO (Search engine optimization)
  • Email Marketing



What if I Don’t Have an Agency Budget? And How Much Can That Be?

This is such an important question, because sometimes people hire agencies out of desperation. This happens when they can no longer keep up with all the marketing tasks at hand, plus the sales that need to move the needle forward in their business.

Agencies can charge $3,500 – $20,000 a month, depending on what it is they are doing and the level of management it entails. An 8- or 9-figure business typically has a much bigger budget, which also comes with a higher level of responsibility for the agency to manage.

A personal brand won’t need all of the services listed above when they’re first starting, since most of the business won’t come from paid advertising. Because of this factor, the cost might be on the lower end of the range.

Depending on where you are in business, you can also hire a marketing consultant to do a big picture overview with you, creating the plan and strategy. This will then be given to your virtual assistant and online business manager to implement alongside yourself.

At the end of the day, you want to focus on doing what you’re really good at. If marketing isn’t on your list, then consider working with a professional to get you started on the right path versus throwing spaghetti at a wall and seeing what sticks.

Time lost is much worse than money lost, and most of the time, you need to hire a really terrible agency or consultant to get no value from your investment.

Your business growth depends on wise investment of marketing to grow your sales, so be smart with who you work with. Make sure they’re aligned with your values, your vision and your goals.

I’m here to help you, so please feel free to reach out on a discovery call and see how we can support your growth goals.

Content Marketing 101: Your Complete Guide

The digital landscape has gone through drastic changes over the last decade. Traditional strategies for marketing and advertising are quickly becoming a thing of the past as cell phones and social media platforms command more of our attention. These changes have affected the way we make our buying decisions; people want a consumer experience that feels engaging and personalized.

In the fast-moving world of marketing, standing out as a business is no easy task. It’s more essential than ever for businesses to have a strong social media presence in order to connect with their potential and existing customers. For your business to thrive, it needs to adapt.

Welcome to content marketing.

Whether you’re familiar with this term or not, your ability to master this skill matters to your business. Fortunately, you’re in the right place. Thanks to technology, it’s easier than ever to create fun and compelling content that will catch– and keep– the attention of your ideal clients.

Content marketing is a key tool that you should implement in your client acquisition and retention process right away– let’s break down why, and how to get started!

What Is Content Marketing?

According to the Oxford dictionary, the definition of content marketing is: “a type of marketing that involves the creation and sharing of online material (such as videos, blogs, and social media posts) that does not explicitly promote a brand but is intended to stimulate interest in its products or services.”

For many business owners, the best way to connect to their audience is through teaching, giving value, and creating a trust bridge towards a purchase. This can be done through valuable content. That way, when you release a product or a new service, they know you are a trusted source of information and solutions.

Why Is Content Marketing So Important?

Content marketing helps your customer feel supported through their buying decision, rather than simply being the target of a sale. No one wants to feel like they’re getting bombarded with pressure to “buy, buy, buy,” as it pushes them away. It’s actually a brain function that moves people into safety-and-retreat mode, and can kill a sale almost immediately! Providing valuable and compelling content creates a bond between your customer and your brand that disarms the “escape mode” and establishes trust.

There’s a fine line between content and advertising, and it can sometimes confuse people. Content delivers value! Plain and simple. It could be informational value or even entertainment value. This is why Instagram reels and TikTok are so popular right now. Many companies combine the information and entertainment to teach– while building that trust factor!

An excellent rule of thumb is to give away content that people would pay for. The more you give, the more perceived value you get. This is how you build a brand that your potential clients like AND trust.

Types of Content

There are several types of content you may want to create, depending on your business and target audience.

Website: Your website should connect with your audience and provide opportunities to learn, understand, and connect. Remember, marketing is your chance to solve a problem that addresses a pain point– to which you are the solution. Making your website into a content hub where your audience is heard and seen (rather than a ton of facts) can be a perfect way to establish a better relationship. Also, when you’re focused on content, you improve your SEO ratings!

YouTube: The world’s second leading search engine is a perfect place to show off what you know! Consistently creating valuable content on YouTube is effective because people go there to find videos that will help them learn. Video creation is time-consuming, so make sure it’s something you want to start (and continue!) doing. I teach people about content repurposing all the time, and usually I have them start with long form content (a longer video) that can be reused, chopped up, and shared.

Social Media: Having a solid social media strategy can help a brand stand out. The top social media platforms right now are Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, Snapchat, and Pinterest. Having a plan to share your content on these platforms can be a powerful way to grow your visibility. Remember, most people consume hours of social media daily!

Infographics: These are long form graphics that contain valuable information. They might be carousels on an Instagram feed, a blog post on your website, or even a graphic on a YouTube video. These infographics can include statistics, how-tos, guides, or a combination of these elements.

Podcasts: According to The Infinite Dial 2021, US weekly podcast listeners averaged eight podcasts in the last week. Only 11% of US podcast listeners older than 12 listened to only one podcast in the last week. Most (21%) listened to about five, while 19% listened to anything from six to ten podcasts per week. This is a great platform to get right into the ears of a receptive audience.

How to Start Content Marketing

Gary Vaynerchuk once said something so valuable, and it shifted how I create content: “Don’t Create Content, Document Your Process!”

Creating new content all the time is exhausting and not really time-effective. One solution is to document your process as you work through projects, or show behind the scenes– or even just explain the “why” behind what you do. Most importantly, content marketing helps you be seen and understood.

People want to connect with a person as opposed to a brand, which is why brands such as Nike use spokespeople to showcase their products. Human connection also primes your potential customers for an easier purchase, practically crushing their objections before they get to the buy. It makes the runway shorter, and it’s why many companies see a huge return on their marketing.

It might not feel natural to start making videos or showing up consistently on social media. Once you create a strategy, get some coaching, and start implementing it, a consistent online presence will feel easier.

Essential Tools

Technology is advancing so fast, and it’s easier than ever to create right at your fingertips! But, which apps are the best? Which ones are easy to use if you’re not tech-savvy, and which really meet your needs? When it comes to creating content, you’ll want apps and software that either save you time, money, or a headache!

There are many tools and forms of software to help you stand out as a brand. Your content is what shows you off as the expert who will help your potential clients get the results they desire. These are my top suggestions for essential tools that you need in order to create great content.

Tool #1- The Voice Memo App

You don’t have to be sitting in front of your computer if you have a great idea– you can whip out your phone! It’s free, it’s easy to use, and it helps you capture moments when you’re not at the computer.

Any time you have thoughts that you haven’t had the chance to write down, grab the voice memo app and record it.

The second way you can use your voice memo app is to get professional audio while you’re recording a video. This is a little-known hack that can improve your audio quality, and even help you repurpose your content into a podcast! You can even record your next book as a dictation and then transcribe it.

The voice memo is a resource most people underestimate!

Tool #2- The InShot App

InShot has made editing videos for different platforms extremely easy. From cutting clips, trimming, editing sound, adding music, including text and stickers, and even making your own videos, this app is very handy and user-friendly.

There’s many video editing apps out there; I’ve personally tried several, and InShot is still my favorite. It’s $14.99 per year, making it an inexpensive app that’s easy to use. It doesn’t include advanced editing techniques like splitting the screen or adding custom graphics, but you’ll be able to edit a video in minutes.

Tool #3- Later

This app for scheduling on social media can save you hours!

Later is an industry leader for scheduling, as they have been one of the initial softwares to do this type of work. It saves you a ton of time by pre-scheduling your feed posts and stories. It also has an informational blog to help you navigate the ever-changing landscape of social media.

This app frees you from the constant hustle and bustle of social media, and you can feel at ease about your content for the week. That way, you can be more focused on engaging with people on social media platforms.

Tool #4- Canva

This is hands-down the best tool for creating your graphics for social media, branding materials, client materials, freebies, video editing, and so much more. Canva has the ability to make anyone a graphic designer.

With pre-made templates for just about anything, Canva helps you stand out as a brand in minutes. It has grown extensively as a graphic editing platform where you can even edit videos and create presentations, websites, and printed materials. One of my favorite tools is the background remover– with one click, it allows you to position a photo anywhere on a canvas and create really dynamic graphics!

As a business owner, Canva can be one of the most useful tools in your deck. At a low price that ranges from $10-$14 a month, it really can’t be beat. Check out my video on how to use Canva.

Tool #5- CRM

A customer relationship management (CRM) software that brings it all together will let you focus on sales!

Once you have the tools to generate content, you can’t forget that you also need to find a provider for your landing page creation, email sending, and customer relationship management.

While there are several options for this type of software, my tool of choice is HighLevel. With this system, you can build landing pages, send emails, SMS messages, and even create pipelines for your potential leads– all in one place! This tool will help you with everything from email marketing to building funnels, as well as having a snapshot of client acquisition and your potential monthly revenue.

It’s one of the most robust tools out there, allowing you to organize your business and create stunning landing pages to help you sell your programs and services.

All in all, the tools you are using for your business mean nothing if you don’t have a thoughtful strategy in place. Make sure you have daily accountability so you can achieve meaningful goals for yourself and your business.

Once you begin applying strategic content marketing, bringing clients will be more fun than ever before! There is nothing more rewarding than the feeling of giving in order to receive. Get started with your content marketing plan today!

Grab Content Pro:

Visibility or Sales? – This Will Turn you into a Sales Ninja

Boost Your Business: Is It a Visibility or Sales Issue?

Hey there, fellow entrepreneurs! Are you feeling like you’re putting in all the effort to increase your sales but not quite sure why the results aren’t rolling in? You’re not alone. Many business owners face this dilemma, and the key to cracking the code lies in understanding whether you have a visibility problem or a sales problem. So, let’s break it down together. There are three crucial aspects of your business to focus on: traffic, connection, and transactions.

1. Traffic: Attracting the Right Eyes 
First, let’s talk about traffic. This is all about getting people to notice, hear, or see your brand. Whether you’re utilizing social media, investing in marketing, or working with a limited budget, the critical question is: Are you attracting your ideal clients? For instance, imagine having a video with millions of views on YouTube, but it doesn’t impact your business because it’s not attracting your target audience. When focusing on traffic, we must aim for the right people to engage with our brand. 

2. Connection: Building Trust and Engagement 
Next up is connection. This is where your brand message, imagery, promises, and benefits come into play. Whether you’re directing people to a website, landing page, or a conversion event like a webinar, it’s essential that what they find resonates with their needs and desires. Remember, people buy from an emotional state, not a logical one. If your content doesn’t connect emotionally, your potential customers may quickly move on to something that does.

3. Transactions: Sealing the Deal Finally, transactions are where the magic happens. This is the sales part of the equation. It could be booking an appointment, making a purchase, scheduling a conversation, or joining a community. Your goal is to guide your audience logically from being viewers to taking the desired action. You want them to invest in your product or service, and this is where your carefully planned sales strategies come into play.

The Path to Success

To ensure your visibility strategies are working, it’s essential to take a step back and do an assessment. Are traffic, connection, and transactions all working harmoniously in your business? Are you consistent in your efforts? Here’s the game plan:

Take the next step: Check out the resources below for additional guidance on improving your business’s visibility and sales. You’ve got this! Don’t just be a dreamer; be a motivator and an action-taker, and watch your business flourish. Here’s to having a business you love and making the impact you dream of in the world!

How to overcome burnout and stay motivated

beat the burnout

The top tell signs of burnout and how to overcome them to stay motivated

Let’s talk entrepreneur life for a bit? Especially the solo-preneur? Have you figured out how to overcome burnout when it hits? Yup I’m talking to you hard working, highly motivated, stubborn, freedom loving you out there. I know you so well because I am you and I’ve worked with hundreds of others like you. I remember the first time I hit burnout. It was a sunny Miami day and I realized I’d been indoors for hours working on my monthly content planning that looked more like scratches on a dry erase than a cohesive content map. Hour 2 of getting absolutely nothing done I texted my husband and said: “I don’t think I’m cut out for this as I feel like such a fraud! I either need to go back to school or figure something out cause this isn’t working!!!!” Insert some teary eyed emojis. That turned into my first I hit a wall, exhausted, uninspired moment in my 15 years of entrepreneurship. I’d been pulling late nights working on my new program, the funnels, the content, the launch systems and all the things that come with the online business world. I wasn’t really eating right, my sleep was interrupted by ideas and to do lists… and my yoga practice had fallen to the wayside. Do you relate at all to this?? If so, keep reading.

Definition of burnout and depletion

According to the APA Dictionary of Psychology, the definition of burnout is “physical, emotional or mental exhaustion, accompanied by decreased motivation, lowered performance and negative attitudes towards oneself and others.” Can you relate at all? I am sure you’ve maybe experienced burnout at some point when things didn’t go as planned perhaps. Your program launch didn’t make you the 5 figure sales. The size of your email list shrinks with every email marketing newsletter you send and you’ve grown it by a few in comparison. Your social media following is not doing what all your hard work and effort says it should be doing. Burnout is real and I’m going to share with you how to deal with it!

Identifying feelings of total drain and lack of motivation

First how can you tell if you’re experiencing burnout let alone overcome burnout? I have struggled with this because of my action centered personality that usually pushes through bouts of “not feeling it”. But let’s identify some real burnout style feelings:
  • Putting it ALL on the back burner: This is the sign that you’ve checked out. You skipped social media all together because every idea felt like “blah”. You skipped the newsletter because “why does anyone want to read what I have to say”. Stopped promoting your program because last time no one bought it.
  • This one is an alert! You’re not excited about what you do! You became an entrepreneur because you love what you freaking do! And now… OMG you’re questioning if you’re even good at what you do and if you should find something else.
  • The question of how good you really are kicks in. Imposter syndrome coming in strong with this one. I understand you get this feeling every now and then, but when it’s burnout it’s constant.
  • You literally stop everything and wonder if you should get a job or a therapist. I don’t think we need to delve on this one much do we?
  • The mood for anything other than binging on tv shows, scrolling through social media feeling guilty for scrolling on social media and the thought of working ON your business is like nails on a chalkboard.

How you can overcome burnout

There’s no real trick here I can simply write out because we’re all different and different approaches are necessary but I will go into some ideas that might help you!
  1. STOP, DROP and WRITE! When I feel burnout happening I stop all work related activities, I drop my clients if I can and I start writing. I don’t call it journaling because I write on a notepad… but you’re probably more organized than I so open your journal. I write 3 things: something I’m grateful for, something I’m excited about and something I look forward to doing. Since entrepreneur life eats so much of our time, I like to always have my eye on the prize… maybe it’s shopping, a trip or a nice dinner out.
  2. GO CRY. Yes, go have a freaking tantrum. Cry, kick, punch a pillow, stomp. My toddler is so good at tantrums I’ve now added some new strategies to my repertoire. The lay face down on the ground sobbing is a good one… I do make sure the floor is clean first. I realized when I have a tantrum, drama filled, wail fest I feel good immediately. They last a few minutes usually and it takes pressure off for weeks!
  3. PHONE A FRIEND. This is not the easiest one for me because the last thing I want to do is bother people… so I usually call or text a “work friend”. Someone who I know is an entrepreneur, whom I’ve shared a mastermind with or whom I know has been there, done that. It’s important to have this work friend because they have more empathy that a corporate friend.
  4. EAT SOMETHING DELICIOUS. Food can instantly make you smile. Eat something that’s comforting, that is nourishing and makes your heart smile. I go for something carb laden or that I used to eat as a child. Indulge for once without the guilty feeling. You can walk it off later or take a HIIT class if that’s your thing.
  5. VISION BOARD! Usually when burnout happens we lose motivation right? Grab Canva or a poster board and go to town dreaming and reconnecting to your WHY! I love this video about trying and not being stuck. It always makes me tear up and go do something awesome!

Next steps for motivation

Now that you’ve either cried, eaten and written let’s address how to prevent burnout and step into motivation that’s consistent! Motivation is a living breathing entity that’s within the heart of most entrepreneurs who are passionate about what they do. It’s not something that you can create, but instead something that’s attainable! To recap get the energy moving in your body, mind and soul.      

Myths With Internet Marketing – Truths and Reality That Can Derail You 😬

Myths with internet marketing - truths and reality that can derail you 😬

Myths With Internet Marketing – Truths and Reality That Can Derail You 😬

So, I’ve been thinking about a few things lately. The transparency in the online space can be a little muddled.   The cool thing is that there’s a huge, epic ton of potential and possibilities — you could literally reach thousands of people in a minute. You can do a TikTok, bunch of people watch it, and automatically you have a bunch of eyeballs on you… but this is the thing: If you don’t have a strategy, if you don’t have a way to move those people somewhere, or engage with them somehow and keep them in your ecosystem, then one-time-view can turn into absolutely nothing.   So, first of all, the online business game, you’re playing for the long haul, right? You’re creating the content so that it starts compounding. Another thing is that people will say, “Generate a six-figure launch.”   And it’s like, “Yes, and tell me exactly how many hours you sat in front of your computer, hustling and creating the graphics and how much money you spent on ads that didn’t work, and how many coaches you’ve hired because the last strategy didn’t work?” And this is where I think a lot of that transparency is not being shared. It’s not being talked about.   And I’m just getting frustrated when I see all these ads that promise you overnight success, “Without having to do this, and without having to do that.” You have to do it.   I’m sorry, I’ve been in this space for a long time and I don’t know a single one of my friends who are seven-figure entrepreneurs who don’t run ads. I don’t have a single friend who doesn’t have some sort of an online community. I don’t have a single friend who doesn’t focus time and energy to create content and being on platforms and being visible.   So, here’s the thing, if you’re really invested in winning at your business, whatever that means to you. If you want to hit five-figure months, there’s a bunch of stuff you need to do. And in order for you not to drive yourself crazy, I suggest a few things:   One, have somebody that knows more than you so they can at least tell you, “Hey, this is what worked for me. And it can work for you. But guess what? I can’t make you any promises.”   I can’t make any promises to my clients. I can make their lives easier. I can make the trying and answering the questions move things way faster. Like for example, today, one of my clients was like, “Hey, how do I find trending sounds for reels?” I was like, well, actually Instagram is favoring creators right now. So let’s focus on you sharing some original content. And because at the end of the day you can’t just win people over by lip syncing all the time. And talking over somebody, saying something that has absolutely no meaning. So talk about the stuff that you’re freaking knowledgeable about. Let people know what that sounds like. Like, what is going to get them where they need to go quicker.   Second, one strategy can’t work all the time. You have to be flexible and you have to be on it and you need to learn skill sets. That’s right. You need to learn skill sets. And this might look like doing stuff you don’t like. I do stuff I don’t like all the time for my business. Like, don’t you think I’d rather just be coaching all the time, versus perhaps making the funnel and doing all the tech and sitting in front of the phone. And sometimes that stuff isn’t fun, but guess what? I get to do it. I get to do it because I know it’s going to help my clients.   Third, allow yourself to be messy. Allow yourself to have breakdowns, allow yourself to be like, “Bah, this sucks!” But also allow yourself to celebrate the wins. Even if they’re small, even if they’re small. And today, one of my clients was like, “You know what? The content that I am putting out, even though it’s not perfect, or even though I messed up saying the certain thing, a lady commented on it and she wants to know more about what I do. And she says that she really enjoys my content.” She’s like, “I’m going to take that as a win.” Entrepreneurship is not for the faint of heart.   So, if you’re in this journey, make sure you’re in it for the long haul, stick with it, keep learning things, keep seeing what the trends are and answer this question: “What’s your five year vision?” That’s really important.   And truth is, I don’t know what the heck’s going to happen in five years. I have a desire of what I would like it to look like. But for example, two and a half years ago, and I gave birth to a baby. So ask me about three and a half years ago, if I knew that was going to happen. So my five year vision, three and a half years ago, was actually really different than what it is today. And the business model that I was building that time is really different than what it is today, because life changes.   So have a vision, have a goal. I’m Ugh, like so keen on that because I love to help my clients create life designs so that their business matches it. But be flexible, and understand that not everything happens all the time, the way you want it to happen. And also allow yourself to expand beyond what you think is possible. So when we see marketers saying, “Hit your six-figure month.” Know that it really is possible. And that there’s a lot of work that goes underneath there. There’s a lot of stuff that they’re not sharing right off the bat because it doesn’t “sell”.   Me telling you here that creating funnels and spending money on ads and doing all these things, you might be like, “Oh, I’m so discouraged.” But don’t be, don’t be because you get to do that. You get to create this business that you love. You get to make an impact on somebody else’s life through your own business. And most of all, you get to be empowered in the process and allow yourself to really be vulnerable through all the movements. So I wanted to say that today because it’s important. It’s important that you hear, it’s important that you don’t listen to just promises of this grandeur, without even having tried things, that without even knowing what is possible and without even knowing the ins and outs.   So, leverage the power of information as you have so much in front of you. Don’t go and just hire an agency to do things for you because they don’t know you, they’re managing a thousand different clients. You can learn a lot of this stuff. You can be in the driver’s seat of a lot of the aspects of your business. And it doesn’t mean you’re going to do it forever, but it means you get to do it now and you get to be empowered in that process. So, go rock your business, go start the thing that is hard, go and connect with somebody that can support you. And if that’s me, amazing, and you can find ways that you and I could collaborate from a thousand YouTube videos, okay maybe not a thousand, but a bunch of YouTube videos that I’ve done on how to grow your online business, do my challenges that I run on a monthly basis and to my free content that I’d love to share on all the platforms. So I hope this was helpful for you and I’m rooting for you. Bye.   Join my FREE Facebook Group: Get Content Pro: Download my FREE Training:      

Making Your Content WORK FOR YOU! (AKA Get You Clients)

Making Your Content WORK FOR YOU! (AKA Get You Clients)


Are you tired of your content not doing what you want it to do? Like, get clients? I get you.


Today, we’re going to go over a very simple strategy that I use all the time to know exactly what to post, why you’re posting it, what the result you want it to be. And then how you can use this content to help you communicate and spread your message all over the interwebs.


I’m Ari, your business and digital marketing coach and today, we are diving a little bit deeper into this magical world of content!


When I say content, let’s just pre pre-frame this. This is basically you as the expert, you as the knowledge bringer, you as the source of the information that you want to divulge. So understanding that, I want you to go into your, as I like to call it, your bag of tricks from Felix, the cat, and start thinking, “Oh my gosh, I know so many things that can help people. This is how I’ve been helping my clients. These are questions people ask me all the time.” Start thinking about things that are relatable, that not only make you feel like the superhero, but that really relates to the problems, needs and goals, visions, and aspirations of your ideal clients.


So based upon that, knowing that really the only thing that matters is them, then that’s where we start creating content. And if you’re stuck, you can just go ahead and go to my link and grab my 90 days. It’s called the Content Pro Marketing Guide, where you get 90 days of different kinds of posts done for you, ideas, all sorts of fun stuff, and planning templates. I digress.


Back to your content. So I want you to really come up with the best and most joyful things for you to talk about. What lights you up? What gives your clients, your potential clients, the best results? If you’re a gut and hormone expert, well, let’s talk about the foods to avoid, the myths, the things that happen as you get older as a woman, the different kinds of combinations of food plus exercise, the things you can do for breakfast, the movements, the type of cardio versus weightlifting versus supplements. There’s so much for you to micro-pull.


And nowadays, content, as we know, it’s got to be a little bit faster because people’s attentions are being pulled in a thousand different directions. I call it the adult ADD factor from social media. (Thank you, Instagram and TikTok.) “What is that?”, “What do I want to promote and sell this month?” So if you understand these things, then all the content you basically work backwards. I like to reverse engineer things. So if you work from here, your goal and you shoot it backwards, then guess what? The content all creates breadcrumbs for when you’re in your sales moment, launch moment, because you don’t always want to be selling. It’s like value, value, value, ask, ask. Value, value, value, give, give, ask, ask, ask, ask, ask. Value, value, value, value, ask, ask, ask, ask, ask.


We need to have waves. This is why I like to call business the way I teach is a flow. So these are waves where we are giving, receiving. And you know that, in this name of the game, sometimes the more you give and the more that you show up as this wealth of information, the more you receive. What I also want you to consider is this is going to be a compound effect. Meaning, the content you do, two or three months ago, people are seeing it for the first time then they’re may be seeing the second piece, then the third piece. People have to see you and consume your content, your emails, at least 17 to 20 times. This is how far from our traditional marketing, where it used to be like seven to ten exposures. That’s massively changed.


So what I want you to consider is that it is your time to be a consistent bringer of information, of help, of ways that you can support your clients through whatever transformation they are going through. If you are a financial planner and your clients have a mess in their finances, they’re not doing their bookkeeping, they’re not budgeting. Then what are ways that you could help them so that ideally, cha-ching, your magical product, maybe it’s like budgeting and organization of your money 2022 is the focus. Knowing this will help you feel at peace, feel more confident, feel connected to exactly the steps that you need to do in order to get the results that you want. But we have to start from the backwards.


Now, here’s a separate piece. You’ll see in Content Pro that I have different themes for the month. One of those might be growing leads or connection. Now, these two is where your funnel comes into place, because if you’re just doing content for content versus content for purpose, and you don’t have a way to streamline a viewer into a potential buyer, then we’re just leaving people on this platform. What you want to do is pull people off the platform and you’ll see in the contents of the captions that I’ve written, like, “Go click on my link, click on the URL.” Here is where you’re going to be able to move a viewer into somebody that registers for your freebie, or somebody that registers for your webinar, or somebody that joins your five day challenge, or somebody that joins your Facebook group or WhatsApp group. Wherever you are, either building community or moving people into your marketing ecosystem, you want to be cognizant that there’s certain assets you want to have so that we have a strategic plan of what’s called our customer journey.


I can talk more and more about this, but for that, you should download Content Pro and start taking action (I promise, you’ll learn more that way than by reading!). And it’s going to give you a better picture of this whole digital marketing landscape and you as a content creator, but you as a business owner as well.


So I hope this was useful. Make sure to subscribe, comment, like, and let me know if you have any other questions that I can support you with. Once again, see you. It’s Ari and let’s make it a great day!


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How to Get More Views for Your Business in 2022

How to Get More Views for Your Business in 2022


It seems lately everyone’s putting such an emphasis on visibility for social media, for being in front of people, and you’re asking yourself, why do you even need it? Today I want to cover exactly what the main reasons are for why you should invest your time, energy, and money into having a more visible aspect of your business.


Well, first of all, to get clients. If people don’t know who you are, how are they going to buy from you? Imagine going to the grocery store and needing eggs, and you go walk down to the egg aisle. If your egg brand isn’t there, how am I going to buy it?


That’s just a very ABC example of what it means to have a visible brand on not only social media but also think about like outside in the real world when you’re out there networking. If nobody knows what you do, why you do it, and how you do it, what your services are, what you can help them with, then why would they purchase from you? The more eyes and ears you get on your solutions that you provide, the higher likelihood that you’ll increase your customer uptick.


Nowadays, visibility is anywhere from running ads, to having organic social media, to going viral on a video, maybe on TikTok and, like I said, it’s also being in front of people in real life. Let’s go over the number one way to be visible on social media.


Let’s talk about Instagram, for example. Right now the hottest trend on Instagram is to do reels. If you haven’t done a reel yet, I suggest doing something easy and fun. Now, you might be able to see other videos that I’ve done or even some of the reels I’ve done about reels, but the last thing you want to do is be inauthentic. Meaning, if you’re not going to dance and lip sync, you don’t have to, you can even do a reel without people seeing your face.


For example, I did a reel about my office space and I think you saw my feet. At the end, you just saw my reflection in the mirror for a half second so I want you to think about all the different opportunities that you have to give micro-bits of your knowledge, your wisdom, the information that you are so passionate about in 15, 30, 60 second bits. Now, reels are also very similar to TikTok so you might be able to grab the video that you make on a reel, apply it on TikTok and vice versa.


You might want to look for trends so think, are there songs or effects that might be trending that you can jump on to get the most views because, at the end of the day, the more views you get, the better likelihood that you’ll either get a new follower or a new potential client. Now, reels, if you’ve never done them before, might take a little bit of learning but that’s why I say don’t expect to become a creator with all these fancy transitions and outfit changes and getting the lip sync right. Don’t worry about that. Step into a place where you feel comfortable, where you can give some great information to the camera or you’re sharing something from your heart or a story, and at least put it out there.


You can always start learning cool transitions, jumping on creator trends later and, at the end of the day, we have so much potential and you never know, maybe in a month Instagram puts something else out there for us to try and get hooked on. Apart from reels, in Instagram we have lives, you can collaborate with other creators, you can do interviews, so not just you going live but you plus three other people and you can do little panels. You can do guides, you can do feed posts, you can do stories, and IG TV. Instagram alone has about five different ways that you can be more visible and, if you do all of them or a good mix of them, you’ll get exposed to different people.


For example, you could do a joint live with three other people, and guess what happens the minute you do so? Their followers are going to get a ding. Ari is live with this person, this person, or this person, and it’s going to give you a higher likelihood to let people from their feed, their audience, come jump on yours. This also applies to Facebook so if you’re still active on Facebook, which some of you are, I am quite a bit, you can have a group, you can invite people to lives. You can invite people to an event. The more that we expose ourselves, then the easier it is for people to, again, connect with us.


Lastly, there’s YouTube, which I happen to love because it’s the number two search engine in the world. Number one’s Google, number two is YouTube, so if you’re looking for a bigger exposure to specific topics that you can help people on, YouTube, I believe, is still a wonderful way to get large amounts of people viewing your work. We could go much deeper into YouTube and reels and Facebook lives on this one, but I’ll go into some of those more specific trainings on more videos ahead.


Lastly, there is still the real-time networking, speaking on stages, going to networking events, being in a room with people and you showing up as the expert, joining different kinds of organizations, being part of a tribe. I get clients often from being in other masterminds or speaking at events and there’s so many great ways to do that. If where you’re at doesn’t have a lot of in-person networking, find a digital one. I run a really great Facebook group and, just like me, there’s so many others so find your tribe online and that way you can support, you can be in front of them. Perhaps you put yourself out there and say, “Hey, can I lead a specific value based thing to your group?” Hint, “If you want to do that online, come and ask me.”


So many different ways to get visibility and, again, think why do you want to be visible? Why do you want people to know about you? Why do you want people to experience your magic? Well, it’s because the minute they do they’re going to feel better. They’re going to be supported. They’re going to look better. They’re going to have more excitement in their life or they’re going to have more understanding. Number two, visibility in your inbox. If you haven’t started collecting and increasing your email list, start today; meaning, how are we going to get more people to be subscribers for the weekly, bi-weekly, monthly newsletter that we send communicating with people.


At the end of the day, guys, visibility is just another connection strategy. Am I right? Because you’re not just being visible for silly things, you’re being visible sharing your knowledge. If we can show up on social media and we can then show up on people’s inbox, now we’re being visible two times, okay? In-boxes and email marketing is still very much alive, trust me. I subscribe to some of the world’s top marketers. I am in their … Trust me. I subscribe to some really high earners and who are some of the world’s top marketers, and you know where I see them? In my inbox.


Because, look, social media I have zero control over; if the algorithm is going to show you my reel, if my feed post of the day, if my live is going to show up, I have zero control over that unless I purposely tag you. The one thing I do have control over is if I’m in your inbox so I like to send one or two emails a week, and most of them are full of value. A lot of them are driving you from my inbox to my social media or to my YouTube channel where I’ve given you something of value, a training, a lesson, a tip, a tutorial, something that is going to make you be like, “Whoa, Ari knows her stuff. I like her.” Or maybe, guess what? You might also be like, “You know what? I don’t like her,” and you unsubscribe, which is better because then that way I have more people that are actually paying attention.


It’s all about quality, not so much about quantity, so social media and being in inboxes. Okay. Visibility strategy number three, ads, paid advertising. I know that ads are the white elephant in the room but they work. Why do I say that? Because if ads didn’t work then the top earners and top marketers out there, top business owners, wouldn’t be running Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, Google ads. They would just be relying on these two strategies that we talked about, which are visibility on organic channels. What do ads do? They speed up the runway. You are paying to play, meaning you are no longer waiting for the algorithm. You are no longer taking a chance. You are inserting yourself into feeds, into searches, and into I’m wasting my day scrolling through Instagram. You know that’s you because that’s me too.


Investing money in a good ad strategy is so valuable because it’ll just speed up and you can expect different kinds of results. You can send people to a freebie, to an opt-in and grow your email list. We just talked about how important that is. You can also send people to a video where you’re teaching something so it’s a educational type post, which is going to help cross those know, like, and trust factors. Finally, you can also send them to a page where you’re asking them to invest either their time or their money, so ads have lots of different results, they have lots of different purposes. You just have to say, “Well, what is it that I want,” and then work backwards from that.


We have three top visibility strategies and, at the end of the day, we have to ask ourselves, “Why am I doing what I’m doing? Would people really benefit from having access to the information that I am so passionate about, and what is the quickest and funnest way for me to do it?” Right now, you’re probably focusing a lot of your attention in the organic, which is the Instagram or the Facebook so make sure to do the strategies, pick a platform and do it well because, at the end of the day, if you’re just tiptoeing on different platforms you’re never really maximizing, and if you’re just tiptoeing on different platforms you’re never really maximizing.


I can’t wait to see what you put out there. You can tag me on your social media so I’ll be happy to share, and remember to subscribe, share, like, follow, all the things, and I’ll see you in my next blog.


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Why Content Marketing Works to Grow Your Business

Why Content Marketing Works to Grow Your Business

Welcome to the fast moving world of content marketing that maybe seems a bit out of your grasp sometimes. You might be wondering what this term is and why it matters to you? You’re in the right place with this article as I’ll break down why content marketing is one key tool that should be implemented in your client acquisition and retention process pretty much immediately.

Let’s go over why content is essential nowadays for business owners. First of all, the landscape of marketing and advertising has changed drastically over the last decade where more eyes are on cell phones vs TV’s and where social media apps sway our buying decisions. So it’s essential that businesses have a strong social media presence in order to connect to their potential and existing customers.

Technology is moving so fast and making it so easy to create right at your fingertips! But, which apps are the best? Which ones are easy to use if you’re not techy and which really do what you need at that moment? Especially if you’re creating content you’ll want apps and software that either save you time, money or a headache! 

What is Content Marketing?

For many business owners, the best way to connect to their audience is through teaching, giving value and creating a trust bridge towards a purchase. This can be done through valuable content, whether it’s a longer video or a shorter reel, it helps create an affinity with your audience so when you release a product or a new service, they know you are a trusted source of information and problem solution.

By the Oxford dictionary the definition of content marketing is “a type of marketing that involves the creation and sharing of online material (such as videos, blogs, and social media posts) that does not explicitly promote a brand but is intended to stimulate interest in its products or services.”


Why Is Content Marketing So Important?

If you want your company to thrive in today’s landscape and have a leading edge, you want to start some sort of content marketing strategies right away. 

You can:

  • Increase your sales
  • Loyal customer base
  • Cost savings
  • Increased lifetime customer value

Content marketing helps your customer not feel like they’re being sold to, but instead be supported through their buying decision. No one wants to feel like they’re getting bombarded with “buy buy buy” as it pushes them away. It’s actually a brain function that moves people into safety and retreat mode and can kill a sale right away!

So what providing useful, valuable, interesting and compelling content does is helps to create a bond between your customer and your brand that helps disarm the run away mode and establish trust.

There’s a fine line between content and advertising that can confuse people. Content delivers value! Plain and simple. It could be informational value or even entertainment value. This is why Instagram reels and TikTok are the hits right now. Many companies combine the information and entertainment to teach while building that trust factor!

Basically one rule of thumb you can count on is to give away content that people would pay for, and the more you give, the more perceived value you get and the more like and trust factors you build.

Types of Content

Website: Your website can be a hub for where you can write blogs that are chock full of value. Your website should connect with the reader and provide opportunities to learn, understand and also connect. Remember, marketing is your chance to solve a problem that addresses a pain point to which you are the solution. Making your website be a content hub where your audience is heard and seen vs a ton of facts can be a perfect way to establish a better relationship. Also, when you’re focused on content you improve your SEO ratings!

YouTube: The world’s #2 search engine is a perfect place to show off what you know! Creating valuable content on YouTube consistently is a strategy as people go there to look for things they need to learn. It is also time consuming so make sure it’s something you want to start and continue doing.  I teach people about content repurposing all the time, and usually I have them start with long form content (a longer video) which can be reused, chopped up and shared. 

Social Media: Having a solid social media strategy can help a brand stand out in today’s landscape. The top social media platforms right now are Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, Snapchat and Pinterest. Having a solid plan to share your content on all of these platforms to reach a wider audience can help your visibility grow. Remember most people consume hours of social media daily!

Infographics: These are long form graphics that have valuable information. These can be carousels on an Instagram feed, a blog post on your website, or even a graphic on a YouTube video. These can include statistics, step by step, guides and a combination of all.

Podcasts: Did you know that According to The Infinite Dial 2021, US weekly podcast listeners averaged eight podcasts in the last week. Only 11% of US podcast listeners older than 12 listened to only one podcast in the last week. Most (21%) listened to about five, while 19% listened to anything from six to 10 podcasts per week. This is a great platform to get right into the ears of a receptive audience.

How to Start Content Marketing

Gary Vaynerchuk said something so valuable once that shifted how I create content “Don’t Create Content, Document Your Process!”

Creating new content all the time is exhausting and not really most time effective, so what you want to do is document your process as you work through projects, or do behind the scenes or even just explain the why behind what you do. Most importantly, content marketing helps you be seen and understood.

People want to connect with a person vs a brand and thus why brands such as Nike use spokespeople to showcase their products.

It might not feel natural to start making videos or showing up consistently on social media, but trust me once you create a strategy, get some coaching and start implementing, it will feel easier.

It’s also priming your potential customers to an easier purchase and almost crushing their objections before they get to the buy. It makes the runway shorter and why companies see a huge return on their marketing.

Essential Tools

In today’s landscape there are so many softwares and tools to help you stand out as a brand. These are my daily suggested essential tools that you need in order to create great content that can show you off as the expert, so you can help your potential clients get the results they’re in need of. 

In this blog, you’re going to learn exactly what these tools are, how to use them, and why they help maximize your time so you don’t get sucked into tech land.

Tool #1: The Voice Memo App

You don’t have to be sitting in front of your computer if you have a great idea – you can whip out your phone! It’s free, it’s easy to use and it helps you capture moments when you’re not at the computer.

Any time you have thoughts that you haven’t had the chance to write down, grab the voice memo app and record exactly what it is.

If you received a download during meditation, or if you had a meaningful conversation that sparked an idea – don’t forget the value of this resource in your pocket. 

The second way you can use your voice memo app is to get professional audio while you’re recording a video.

This is a little-known hack that can improve the audio quality of your videos and even help you to repurpose your content into a podcast! You can even record your next book as a dictation and then transcribe it. 

The voice memo is a resource most people underestimate!

Tool #2: The InShot App

Use this app to edit your videos in a super easy way and on the go.

InShot has made editing videos for different platforms extremely easy. From cutting clips, trimming, editing sound, adding music, text and stickers and even making your own videos, this app is very handy and user friendly.

There’s many video editing apps out there, and I’ve tried several and InShot is still my favorite. It’s $14.99 per year, making it a low priced app that’s easy to use immediately.

 It doesn’t do advanced editing techniques like splitting the screen or adding custom graphics, but you’ll edit a video in minutes.

Tool #3: Later

This is the app I use for scheduling on social media that saves me hours.

This helps you to not feel like you’re constantly in the hustle and bustle of social media, and you can feel at ease about your content for the week so you can focus on engaging with people on social media more. 

 Later is a leader in the industry for scheduling as they have been one of the initial softwares to do this type of work. It saves you a ton of time by pre scheduling your feed posts and stories. It also has an information full blog to help you navigate the ever changing landscape of social media. 

Tool #4: Canva

This is hands-down the best tool for creating the graphics you need for your social media, branding materials, client materials, freebies, video editing, and so much more. Canva has the ability to make anyone a graphic designer. 

With pre-made templates for just about anything, Canva helps you stand out as a brand in minutes. It has grown extensively as a graphic editing platform where you can even edit videos, create presentations, websites and printed materials. One of my favorite tools is the background remover which with one click allows you to position a photo anywhere on a canvas and create really dynamic graphics!

As a business owner, Canva can be one of the most useful tools in your deck and at a low price that ranges from $10-$14 a month, it really can’t be beat. 

Tool #5: A CRM that brings it all together and helps you focus on sales! 

Now that you know how to use tools to generate content, you can’t forget that you also need to find a provider for your landing page creation, email sending, and customer relationship management.

My tool of choice is HighLevel. With this system, I can build my landing pages, send emails, SMS messages, and even create pipelines for my potential leads all in one place from email marketing to building funnels and having a snapshot of client acquisition and your potential monthly revenue. 

It’s one of the most robust tools out there that helps you organize your business, have stunning landing pages to help you sell your programs and services. 

Click here to start your free trial to the best software out there!

All in all, the tools you are using for your business mean nothing if you don’t have a strategy in place for executing on them in a thoughtful way. Make sure you have daily accountability towards your execution of your strategy so you can achieve meaningful goals for yourself and your business.

I’ve been marketing for years and once I began applying a strategic content marketing bringing clients in has never been more fun and makes me feel like I give in order to receive! Get started with your authentic marketing systems today!



Make Money With Your Website Through Design – Passive Income


Today, we’re talking about websites that sell.

First of all, I want to make you money. But overall, when you’re creating a website or a landing page or any sort of marketing material, the steps that we’ll learn today are going to be very useful for anything else that you create in the future, because we’re going to have certain concepts in mind and we can just rinse and repeat. I’m all about being efficient and effective.

#1 Must-Have: Clarity in your customer journey.

If the customer is confused, they’re not going to buy. They’re going to leave. They’re out. Peace. 

People have the attention span of an ant, and the reason is your phone, your child, your distractions, all add up in life so we need things to be given to us quickly. I mean, we can order something from Amazon today and it will arrive in our house tomorrow or sometimes the same day. So we’re used to instant gratification. If that doesn’t happen on your website or on your landing page, a sales page for your product or program, then guess what? You’re toast.

It’s all about them. The client doesn’t want to really sit there and learn all about you, like read things that don’t pertain to them. There’s an emotional connection that needs to be made and I’m going to ask you, “What is the first thing that they see and feel?” Feel here is the magic word. 

So if you’re speaking to them on that emotional level versus a logical level, then great. But if you’re not, ask yourself, “What can I change? How can I connect with them?” and this applies to you if you already have a website or a landing page or if you need to build one.

So what makes a customer stay? Let’s map their journey. We’re going to look at this from the bottom-up. If you were making it all about them, then we really need to understand who they are.

#2 Must-Have: Appeal to emotion in your copywriting.

Emotion sells, right? Psychology Today, which is a very renowned magazine and who’ve actually knocked on just one study, but several studies about purchasing behavior, “Studies show that positive emotions toward a brand have a far greater influence on consumer loyalty than trust and other judgments, which are based on a brand’s attributes.”

A brand’s attributes are the “why” behind its existence. We’re creating a culture that indoctrinates your customer into feeling seen, heard, and loved.

For example, I worked with my client Poppy and Libby, and we were creating a website for their retreat business. When I opened this website, guess what happened? It was like fact, fact, fact, fact, fact, fact, fact, fact. So we had to recreate the entire site, recreate the entire marketing approach so that it was more why centered and made it easy for people to engage with, and ultimately, purchase from.

#3 Must-Have: Highlight your strengths in your Call To Action.

So if we know our potential customer’s problem, which means we know our client inside and out, we know their pain points, we know where they’re hanging out and not just like on social media or Instagram… then ask yourself “what are they willing to share?”, and then use those exact words to try to back out a unique value proposition to you and your skillset.

It’s not enough to just ask for the sale – Is your call to action clear? How are you moving your customer from where they don’t want to be, to where they want to be? Is it easy to take the next step, or are they confused? 

So this can relate to lots of different things, but mainly you want to know, “Am I helping my client take the desired action in easily identifiable ways?” 

One thing I learned from one of my teachers when I was in college is when you’re designing your page or any sort of marketing material, you need the eye to jump.

Meaning, if I’m not reading, I need whatever my eye is jumping to, to make a complete sentence related to the problem that I have that I need solving. 

So if you have these tiny headlines or if you have little words and you don’t have graphic elements or images that can also portray a message, then, again, you’ve potentially lost your client. So are they confused, are they lost, and is your map clear enough? Ask yourself that question.

Don’t be afraid to drive to the sale. Like sometimes we make it hard for people to buy from us, just make it easy. Sign up today. Get your product. Claim your offer. Have clear, concise call to actions. Drive the person to the sale.

Because once you make these shifts, you speak to them and help them overcome problems and objections. You create the flow of customer journey before you start, and you’re clear on the outcome of the action you want them to take, then you’re setting yourself up for success.


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How To Build A High Converting Sales Page

Today we’re going to discuss why a sales page is so important, and what the key pieces are to making sure you have the elements that can turn a viewer from interested into a client.

So people ask me all the time, “Ari, why do I need a sales page? Why can’t I just send people to my website?”

Well, let’s talk about the one main reason why you don’t want to just send people to your website – your website has a lot of exit strategies. Meaning menus, buttons, social media, all the things that could take a person from interested, engaged into “see you later”.

A sales page helps you to guide a potential through one goal, one offer, and one solution.

Now once you have a sales page, here are the main elements you need to get it to convert into sales!

  1. Consistent branding, colors, mood and imagery.
  2. Soft queues instead of really harsh and direct “buy this thing now” messaging
  3. Sales copy that speaks to the heart instead of to the logical brain
  4. Testimonials – share client love! 
  5. Add a video. Help people connect with you as a person, not a transaction.

And if this is your first time designing a sales page and you’re stuck, this is what I love to do with my clients. Drop a comment below and I’d be happy to answer your questions!


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