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Practical Tips for Boosting Your Yoga Practice

If you’ve been practicing yoga for a while and have become completely comfortable in class, you’re likely at the intermediate level. While there are surely benefits to continuing your yoga practice at this level, chances are you’re finding it more difficult to stay as motivated as you once were. If this describes you, you may be ready to kick your yoga practice up a notch.

One of the great things about yoga is that there are many levels you can explore. And the more advanced your practice, the greater the benefits. However, it’s not as simple as attempting harder poses and holding them for longer periods of time. If you truly want to boost your yoga experience, you’ll need to take some other steps and maybe incorporate a few tools and some tech along the way. Here are some tips to help get you started.

Use Your Phone

You can take advantage of technology in your yoga practice by downloading a yoga app for your phone. The right apps can give you access to several features, such as workout plans and step-by-step instructions for various movements through video and audio. This makes it easy to follow along with challenging yoga sessions and learn new poses.

If you use your phone, however, it’s important to keep it in a case to protect it from sweat and water spills — whether you’re practicing to an app or have it by your side in a hot yoga class. LifeProof, for instance, offers some of the best waterproof cases because it can protect your phone while also leaving easy access to your ports, buttons, and screen. These cases also offer a one-year protection plan should your phone suffer any accidental water damage.


Find a Teacher Who Challenges You

As in any area in life, finding a great teacher can do wonders for your yoga practice. The ideal yoga teacher won’t be afraid to push you when you need it but will do so in an encouraging way. After all, yoga is supposed to be relaxing. So, while you want to be challenged, make sure you resonate with your teacher as well. Your teacher should also be dedicated and attentive, and they should check in with you before and after class to discuss any injuries, ailments, and so on.

Make Space to Practice at Home

One way to help set yourself up to practice consistently is by carving out a yoga space at home. Particularly on extra busy days, it may be more practical for you to practice at home than it is to go to class at a studio. Here are some characteristics to keep in mind for your yoga space:

  • Hardwood or tile floors with the appropriate mat

  • Natural light and soft mood lighting

  • Incense, essential oils or candles

  • Pillows (for a yoga prop and meditation cushion)

  • Indoor plants

Whether you set up shop in a whole room or in the corner of a room, make sure you have space to practice comfortably and try to create an area where there will be minimal traffic.

Sign Up for Workshops

While practicing at home is great, don’t limit yourself to practicing only at home. Consider going to yoga workshops that can expose you to new styles and philosophies. Teachers at workshops typically have more time to cover their material in depth, whether it’s poses, meditation, pranayama, or any other topics. Plus, you get to network with other people who love yoga.

Stepping up your yoga game will yield even greater rewards than you enjoy now. Remember to find a yoga app that works well for you, and get a good waterproof case to protect your phone. Find a solid teacher, and create a comfortable yoga space at home that has everything you need. Lastly, consider going to workshops to deepen your learning and technique. As you start to intensify your yoga experience, you’ll likely notice a fresh motivation to reach new heights.

Photo Credit: Burst

written by: Sheila Johnson – ZENthusiast – wellsheila.net


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