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Story Time!

Why Bizzy Yogi Started

I had a great convo yesterday with a potential client and she asked me – Ari I’m seeing so much of your stuff lately and wondering what you’re doing exactly. I’d like to tell you a story so you get to know me… and here’s the cool thing – I’m going to ask you the same! Let me know how you started your journey into doing what you do and why you do it.
I loved this question and it made me giggle in a great way. I’ve worn so many hats in this small human experience that I can see how one can ask this question. Not only that but I feel it’s important to share our story as it helps us see clearly once again where we are in life!
Reinventions are part of life. Transform into your next vision of you and how you want to lead your life. That’s exactly how this story begins
2 years ago there was an AHA moment when I was the owner of Trio Yoga when I realized I wasn’t playing to my own strengths or life goals. I was stuck inside a studio almost 7 days a week and feeling a bit miserable amongst the amazing community… no one really knew this but it was so. Depressed. Lonely. Un-Inspired.
What did happen (my aha moment) is that I re-kindled my entrepreneurial bug I was born with. It sparked the I WANT MORE LEADERSHIP! It was a bit shocking because I had been this laissez faire yogi traveling the world teaching, doing what I wanted, when I wanted and never had huge responsibilities other than making sure I was on time and taught a damn good class. I wanted to leave a mark that was bigger than 4 walls.

Have you ever felt that?

2 years ago Bizzy Yogi was born. My life changed forever. I finally allowed my brain to expand where it had never gone before as I had set limits and a useless story around WHO I was. It was how I could step up and create waves and make ripples that played in a larger way. By the way, this was some scary shit!
Fast forward to now.
What do I do?
Give ideas to you who are stuck in HOW.
Create a plan to you who love to follow a path.
Provide a color by number book of your business and brand.
Align your ideas to execution, hold you accountable for doing them and keep bringing clarity and truth to the foreground while slicing doubt away like a ninja.

And Yes, This Story Also Deals With Yoga.

Samkya Philosophy for example. It’s a duality that can’t exist without the essence of working together. You have the witness and the doer. Consciousness with nature.
This is life and business. It’s the story I’ve written for how I work with my clients and really the basis for life. Why I created Yogi Hearts, Business Minds group on Facebook. Because it’s ALL ONE to me.
So see what’s really cool is I teach business and yoga with this ancient philosophy. After teaching Yoga & AcroYoga for close to 15 years I realize that it’s all the foundations you need to create and build your new iteration of you. I said to a student yesterday to change the position of her foot in triangle pose, she asked why… I said cause it affects the ENTIRE pose.
Yoga is the foundation of life. Asana is the seat. Poses are how you maintain strength and stability. Breath keeps you alive and fluid. Meditation provides clarity and space.
In business it’s the exact same process. Desire of your life is yoga. The idea is the foundation mixed in with values is the seat. The strategy is the asana which leads to action to keep the business alive (breath) and the meditation is being in flow connected to your higher vision.
I help you re-write your story according to this formula which keeps things so simple and yet can go so deep!

So whether you’re looking to re-align your business or your life, follow the steps above!

It’s almost as easy as 1-2-3. I’m so glad my client asked what I do! I help formulate how the above makes sense in your life and in your business. I see the truth and clarity behind it all with love and spirit as the basis for a new version of your desires turned into actions, sustained by a clear path.


Always if you need anything… I’m a click away HERE 🙂


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