Increased Income – Yes Please!

Yay For Increased Income!

It wasn’t too long ago when I believed payroll was only for “successful people”. For those who were making “real money”.

Side note: Can you see where none of the above statements even make sense?

These were all illusions I had set up because of comparisons to others who I assumed made so much more money than I, who were living more grandiose and who obviously could afford to pay themselves a salary.

I thought, keep all the money in my business account and pay myself as little as possible JUST IN CASE.

Just in case what? What was I setting myself up for? Failure?

So here let’s all say “Yes Please!” to increased income.

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The Reality

Here’s the deal. Now that you and I are professional adults as I like to call it, this is why and how I tripled my salary in just a few short months.

  1. I wanted to settle down and buy a house
  2. I wanted to start investing my money into other things
  3. I asked the “successful people” what they did

Big realization was that I was limiting myself massively on item 1 because no one would lend me money since I earned “so little”. I was also telling the universe that I didn’t need to earn a lot of money because I lived simply. I also wasn’t building up my credit or giving myself cushion to start an IRA, invest or do anything else with my money. It is all about increased income and opening the doors for it to flow in from clients into your business and from your business into your life.

I created an abundance mantra for you:

abundance mantra

The Result

I decided to triple my payroll salary and see what happened. Let me tell you – magic. I realized I was scared in the beginning but once I started the 3x everything fell into place. The fear left because I welcomed more clients into my life and saw more abundance via income to support the pay increase. Also I was able to get a better loan for my home which SAVED me money in the long run and started a chunkier savings account that made money FOR me as well as an IRA for my retirement.

I also felt PROUD of myself for not thinking small and limiting myself. Once I committed to saying – money generates more money I was able to feel really abundant and help my clients from a place of growth vs limits.

The Challenge

Here’s my ask of you- notice how much you pay yourself monthly – is it worth your value? Is is just enough or is it party time in your bank? Do you leave all your money in your business account just in case you need to cover expenses or can you trust yourself and the universe to be bigger and more affluent? Can you commit to 2x your salary or even more? And with this extra income, can you commit to sharing it via a donation (whether big or small) or even crazier, treat yourself to something nice?

Let’s all increase our worth and increase our salaries to show 2020 who’s in charge – the ever expansive universe who wants us to be ever expansive and abundant!

Also this is an invite to jump on a strategy session with me if you want to invite growth in life and biz – SCHEDULE YOUR CALL HERE (usually $297) for $97.


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The story of how it all started

Story Time!

Why Bizzy Yogi Started

I had a great convo yesterday with a potential client and she asked me – Ari I’m seeing so much of your stuff lately and wondering what you’re doing exactly. I’d like to tell you a story so you get to know me… and here’s the cool thing – I’m going to ask you the same! Let me know how you started your journey into doing what you do and why you do it.
I loved this question and it made me giggle in a great way. I’ve worn so many hats in this small human experience that I can see how one can ask this question. Not only that but I feel it’s important to share our story as it helps us see clearly once again where we are in life!
Reinventions are part of life. Transform into your next vision of you and how you want to lead your life. That’s exactly how this story begins
2 years ago there was an AHA moment when I was the owner of Trio Yoga when I realized I wasn’t playing to my own strengths or life goals. I was stuck inside a studio almost 7 days a week and feeling a bit miserable amongst the amazing community… no one really knew this but it was so. Depressed. Lonely. Un-Inspired.
What did happen (my aha moment) is that I re-kindled my entrepreneurial bug I was born with. It sparked the I WANT MORE LEADERSHIP! It was a bit shocking because I had been this laissez faire yogi traveling the world teaching, doing what I wanted, when I wanted and never had huge responsibilities other than making sure I was on time and taught a damn good class. I wanted to leave a mark that was bigger than 4 walls.

Have you ever felt that?

2 years ago Bizzy Yogi was born. My life changed forever. I finally allowed my brain to expand where it had never gone before as I had set limits and a useless story around WHO I was. It was how I could step up and create waves and make ripples that played in a larger way. By the way, this was some scary shit!
Fast forward to now.
What do I do?
Give ideas to you who are stuck in HOW.
Create a plan to you who love to follow a path.
Provide a color by number book of your business and brand.
Align your ideas to execution, hold you accountable for doing them and keep bringing clarity and truth to the foreground while slicing doubt away like a ninja.

And Yes, This Story Also Deals With Yoga.

Samkya Philosophy for example. It’s a duality that can’t exist without the essence of working together. You have the witness and the doer. Consciousness with nature.
This is life and business. It’s the story I’ve written for how I work with my clients and really the basis for life. Why I created Yogi Hearts, Business Minds group on Facebook. Because it’s ALL ONE to me.
So see what’s really cool is I teach business and yoga with this ancient philosophy. After teaching Yoga & AcroYoga for close to 15 years I realize that it’s all the foundations you need to create and build your new iteration of you. I said to a student yesterday to change the position of her foot in triangle pose, she asked why… I said cause it affects the ENTIRE pose.
Yoga is the foundation of life. Asana is the seat. Poses are how you maintain strength and stability. Breath keeps you alive and fluid. Meditation provides clarity and space.
In business it’s the exact same process. Desire of your life is yoga. The idea is the foundation mixed in with values is the seat. The strategy is the asana which leads to action to keep the business alive (breath) and the meditation is being in flow connected to your higher vision.
I help you re-write your story according to this formula which keeps things so simple and yet can go so deep!

So whether you’re looking to re-align your business or your life, follow the steps above!

It’s almost as easy as 1-2-3. I’m so glad my client asked what I do! I help formulate how the above makes sense in your life and in your business. I see the truth and clarity behind it all with love and spirit as the basis for a new version of your desires turned into actions, sustained by a clear path.


Always if you need anything… I’m a click away HERE 🙂

This ONE THING Holds More Yogis Back From Greatness Than Any Other

Are you stuck in a rut? Not sure how to get where you need to be in your Yoga business and have NO IDEA where to start? Analysis Paralysis might be your problem!

Has this dreaded issue called analysis paralysis happened to you? At home, we use this phrase a lot because it highlights the inactivity of our checklists due to over analyzing. That’s right, me the Bizzy Yogi also suffers from it. My main Gallup Strength is ACTIVATOR!!!

(***SIDE NOTE*** I’ve even used this as a basis for creating my fun Yoga Artchetype quiz for Yogis to connect with their business counterparts. If you haven’t done it yet, you’ve been missing out!)

Now we make fun of it [Activator!!!] because it has turned into a little creature we tell to bugger off when we can’t seem to finish a project. I say “we” because my husband and I both suffer from its hypnotic overtake.

Analytical thinking is awesome! It helps us see things clearly, all the steps, think of the goods, the bads and the uglies… But staying in that swamp too long will do nothing but freeze you.

Like The Princess Bride

Do you remember Princess Bride? The fire swamp? The sand pits? Analysis paralysis is exactly that. It’s having to know where the flames jump out and bite you so you have to be extra observant and careful and it’s also getting sucked into the sand pits because you waited too long to cross. This is the dreaded symptom of most entrepreneurs.

Reflections & Movement

Recently, vision and desire was the topic, well what happens with that if you are a paralyzed robot that can’t make any decisions? YUP I am talking to you. You know who you are!

Afraid that one small step will lead to doom, that everything has to be perfect before we get a client. My website isn’t finished so why start marketing, yet?!

I am also talking to you who is bold and daring, ready to step up and make a shift happen. I am talking to you who doesn’t let anything or anyone stand in your way.

Think About It:

Think back 50 years ago… Maybe you were alive, maybe not. Websites? NO. Facebook Lives? NO. We have it so easy! You can literally build a site in 10 minutes if you really wanted to. Not a 20 page site, but a home page. Get a logo, $20 on Done!

Analysis is what allows you to observe and make sure you aren’t moving so fast that you miss something massive or obvious. Analysis paralysis will prevent you from taking the next step to go from planning to action and you need to know how to get out of it!

Combination of working on your business and Analysis Paralysis could be a daily stress factor. If that’s the case, you’re in luck! Read this post on Stress & Yoga to see HOW you could use your Yoga skills to reduce your stress and help others get relief daily.

How To Get Out Of Analysis Paralysis:

  • Change your state. This is so Tony Robbins. If you are frozen and aren’t taking the action you need to get the results you want, do something different.
    • Example: My husband met me at my old yoga studio at an AcroYoga class. He had been wanting to date for months but just wasn’t getting the results by doing the same old thing. He decided to try AcroYoga and who’s the first person he saw at the front desk? ME! Thus asked me out and now we are in paradise. Do something different and don’t be afraid!
  • Talk to someone. This is where a mentor comes in. Maybe a colleague who will cut through your shit and make you see for real. Or maybe it’s a friend who will snap you out of it. Maybe it’s me. I’m good about shaking things up and helping you see what’s really going on and what you really should be focused on.
    • If you’re reading this far, you need some help! I’m willing to do a free discovery call if you want it. Just schedule it here:
  • Create a vision board. I use this as an answer often, but they really do work! Vision boards make you reconnect to your original idea and reason, to your big why! Have a fun night with some wine or kombucha and imagine away so that whatever is preventing you from moving forward seems less important.
  • Give up. Yes, you read that right: give up. Maybe then you will realize you are throwing away your dreams and you will snap out of it and take a step towards not sabotaging your happiness. It’s TRUE!
  • Create a list. Write a list of top 10 things that would happen if you succeed and if you fail. Please make one of those save the earth because you will be immensely influential. Just saying… I want you (and me) to have this kind of effect on the world with your amazing company and brand.
    • If you are not stuck in the mud, call me… seriously! If you are not sure what to do and ideas are just a flurry… call me. If you want to have a dance party and are in Miami… please call me. They are an awesome way to change your state. I vote for Shakira. She’s awesome.

Can you imagine what it would feel like without the fear and the blocks? It’s called ebbing into ease and flow. As a yogi, that’s ALL I try to do and what I want to see you do as well.

So, yes, analysis paralysis can ruin your chances for an ideal, soul-driven life, and it can also ruin your chances to make an impact on everyone around you. Don’t let this sickness rule you, DO something about it.

Join my Facebook group and gain a whole tribe of people that are going through or have gone through some of the same challenges you’re facing! PLUS, I’ll give you some daily cheerleading love… After all, I am an acrobatics coach… I can make you work it to get the results you need!


Hope to see you there soon!


Love you in movement and more,
– Arianne


P.S. In case you didn’t click on the link earlier in this post for a FREE discovery call with me, here it is again >>>


If you have questions, I want to answer them! I want to help as many people as I can and to do that I need YOUR help. There may be OTHER Yogis out there struggling with the same things, asking your questions doesn’t just benefit you, but helps them along their path, too!!

Enter your question below and I’ll answer them in my weekly email OR on a FB Live. We’ll even give you a shoutout! Want to remain anonymous? Just write *anonymous* at the end of your question.

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