Into the EYE of the Hurricane
It’s 9am on a Sunday morning here in Naples, Florida… the city I drove to to get away from the strongest and biggest hurricane in the Atlantic in a century. Someone said sometimes you run away from something just to meet it straight on. What is my lesson???
Miami was supposed to be a direct hit and now Naples is with a possible 15 foot storm surge.
Most of us are in the service industry as instructors, coaches, providers to others and when events like this happen, we can’t work. I know a lot of my friends who depend their 3-4 classes a day are struggling because we have been evacuated for a few days. Business owners who had to close their doors aren’t getting customers thus loosing revenue.
Some Scary S*#t
This is scary. What’s also scary is that your business can disappear in the blink of an eye. When Hurricane Irma hit Puerto Rico, my friend’s yoga and massage studio’s floors were destroyed. I know my old yoga studio would be under 2 feet of water right now.
Our livelihood and safety are always number 1. Our families and friends are priceless, but what do you do if your job or business stops?
All Your Baskets
Money is important. Having work is important. Creating revenue streams that can support you in several ways is important. If you put all your eggs in one basket, and that basket breaks, you’re basically screwed and have to start from scratch again.
It’s happened to me. Remember that story I told you about when I was in the hospital super sick and freaking out over a $25K bill… well that’s when I realized I needed another way thus resulting into action.
This situation is exactly that. I work teaching yoga still and all my classes cancelled, my private clients all fled. Mega impact on my finances this week but I don’t fully rely on this as my sole way of supporting myself. Different sources of income create peace of mind and heart. Knowing if my husband can’t work because his job is also on pause is OK because we created another way.
If you rely on a physical location, on being somewhere to generate income, and a storm hits or you get sick, or whatever, you want a plan B,C & D. This is why having a product is such a good idea!
Get Creative
There are so many cool ways to generate income and I share them on Bizzy Yogi Academy, while helping people, while manifesting your desires for a better world which I would love to share with you over a virtual cup of coffee or kombucha. 😉
Being an entrepreneur means having creativity and the willingness to explore and try different routes to create freedom. This is why I created Bizzy Yogi Academy. Not only to provide you a solution hence also to give my life, full of uncertainties, freedom!

Here is what Meli, a dream interpreter & yogini has to say: “I was just starting off and doing everything on my own, by the time I finished Ari’s program and group calls I had the confidence to appropriately price my services and properly market them and double my revenues all online.”
Look around right now and see everything you are grateful for. You who looked inside- that should be the first place. Always go there, then, after you got self love, look at everyone and everything else. Now think what you can create, in the form of a product, that can give you time and freedom in case something like this crazy hurricane happens or simply because you are looking for this in your life to be a mom with more time to spend with your kids or because you are yearning to travel and experience life.
Are You Ready?
If you are ready, this is a special offer I am giving. Usually my program is $1497 on it’s own, but I know many of you just want to start, so I am offering it for $297 for this week only. This is the core program that will get your wheels spinning and give you a plan. It also gets you a complementary call with me & access to my private facebook group.
You don’t need a hurricane to start your journey to your successful self. You don’t need an emergency to take action. I am happy to share my story with you of how I am doing it and how you can also!
In support and always grateful for you in middle of the hurricane,
Arianne Om
PS: Wanna have a chat? Set up a convo with me –