25 Benefits of Going on a Yoga Retreat

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]I’d like to share with you guys a little information I found when I was doing research for the Your Yogi Life Costa Rica Retreat.

I was looking up some stats for retreats vs planning your own vacations and came across this AWESOME article from the WeTravel blog.

BECAUSE it was so useful and full of information, I want to share it with you! Check it out.


25 Benefits Of Going On A Yoga Retreat


By Sonja Bolger

Wondering why yoga retreats are so popular? Because of all the amazing benefits that come from going on a retreat of course!

We love yoga retreats here at WeTravel. Actually, we love any type of retreat and wellness trip! If you’ve noticed the signs that it’s time for a yoga retreat but you’re not sure if it’s really for you, or what the benefits of going on retreat are then here’s 25 reasons why you need to make it happen.



Many yoga retreats take place in beautiful natural locations around the world. What better way to get out of the hustle and bustle of city living than to go on a yoga retreat! You’ll be able to connect with nature on a deeper level, immersing yourself in your surroundings and taking advantage of them in a way you might not otherwise do.


Not every retreat is a digital detox, but you can make it that way if you want to. Going on a retreat vacation is a perfect excuse to disconnect from technology and get back to basics. So many jobs now require us to be on call and connected 24/7. Even if they don’t we can end up spending a large amount of our free time on social media and glued to screens. Be in the moment and away from digital distractions by going on a yoga retreat!


If you find yourself stressed by your current circumstance then attending a yoga retreat can help you to take a step back and evaluate where you’re at from a distance. Sometimes it’s difficult to make decisions when we’re too close to the situation. Going on retreat can give you the benefit of distance and help you to reevaluate.

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When you’re on retreat each day has an element of purpose. You’re concentrating on your practice, and relaxing or taking advantage of optional activities in between. Your health and well-being are placed front and center. Each day you can achieve what you set out to do, and have a taste of living your life with an element of purpose.

One of the best benefits of a yoga retreat is having access to inspirational yoga teachers for more than just a class. You can take advantage of any one-on-one time they offer to help you with your practice, and speak to them throughout the retreat about yoga and wellness in general.

If you find it impossible to silence your mind and you’re always thinking of the next thing you need to do then a yoga retreat gives you a great opportunity to stop overthinking it all. Use a yoga retreat to turn off all the noise of your own voice and open yourself to a more positive way of thinking. Meditation is often part of a retreat program, and you can speak to your instructor about helping you to harness your thoughts!

One of the best benefits of going on a yoga retreat is taking a vacation full of positive energy! On retreat, you’ll surround yourself with positive thoughts and feelings. No need to worry about any vacation stress, just embrace the positives vibes coming your way.

A yoga retreat can be healing for your mental and physical health. Going on retreat can change your life, and help you to deal with any emotional and mental issues you may be having. It can also be healing for your body if you’ve experienced injury.

We often have fears about the things we care about the most, but the best thing we can do is to harness that fear for positive energy and remove it from our lives. A Yoga retreat is a safe place to be guided through your fears, and face them head-on.

If you struggle to find time to practice yoga in your everyday life then the benefit of going on a yoga retreat is being able to practice every day without distraction. Even the most seasoned yoga practitioner can deepen their practice on retreat and aim to reach the next level.

Yoga Retreat; Yoga; Yoga business; Yogi Retreat; Your Yogi Life; Yoga practice; yoga vacation; costa rica; costa rica retreat; retreat; #YogaRetreat #Yoga #YogaBusiness #YogiRetreat #YourYogiLife #YogiLIfe #Yogipreneur #Yogapreneur #YogaPractice #YogaVacation #CostaRica #CostaRicaRetreat #Retreat

Wellness travel is all about you and your health. A yoga retreat can give you a great introduction into a wellness vacation. In future, you might be able to create your own wellness trip or incorporate an element of health and wellbeing into whatever travel you do.

The food you eat on retreat is chosen with care for your health and wellbeing. Going on retreat is an opportunity to eat well without having to worry about it yourself, and it’s a wellness habit you can take home with you.

Attending a yoga retreat can give you a new perspective, whether it’s about your own life or through learning about a new culture. You never know what you can learn from others that can affect your future choices, or make you see your own circumstances in a different light.

A reason to go on a yoga retreat is to give yourself an opportunity to truly relax. Planning a vacation can be hard work, and sometimes it’s difficult to disconnect and really restore your angry reserves. On a yoga retreat, you can really escape and have nothing to do but concentrate on the retreat.

Yoga retreats attract like-minded people, and a benefit of attending a retreat is being able to make new connections and friendships with people who will add positivity to your life.

We give so much of ourselves in our daily lives that it can be difficult to really take a moment just for ourselves. While you can meet some amazing people on retreat, you can also use it as an opportunity to be alone. Wellness travel is all about taking that time for yourself, and is a top reason to go on a retreat!

Travel can sometimes seem like a venture in box-ticking, where we’re trying to complete a never-ending bucket list. But why exactly? Going on a yoga retreat gives you a reason to travel with a purpose. Some yoga retreats are about giving back to the community as much as they are a time for personal growth, which is a fantastic added benefit.

Yoga is more than just poses, and going on retreat can teach you more about the philosophy behind yoga. You’ll be given a chance to connect more deeply with yourself through yoga practice and understand more about this ancient art.

A yoga retreat has the benefit of being a vacation that improves your health. You should go away from a retreat having exercised your body and relaxed your mind, and feeling healthier in both.

The traditional benefit of yoga was instilling the mind, and going on retreat will allow you to focus on this more deeply. Instead of emerging relaxed from a class back into your busy home life you can carry that calmness with you throughout the rest of the day, and the retreat in general. A yoga retreat will give you a space to meditate fully, without any distractions.

Have you been on a vacation and come home feeling like you need another one? A yoga retreat might have you booking your next vacation as soon as you’re back, but it’ll only be because you’re so relaxed and refreshed that you’ll just want to do it again!

Treat yourself to an experience you really deserve, by going on a yoga retreat. This is a vacation all about YOU, and with the stresses of daily life, you deserve it.

A big reason to go on a yoga retreat is to finally be conscious of the moment you’re in and increase mindfulness. We can often find ourselves living in the future as we plan ahead, and in the past as we feel with what has happened throughout our lives. On a yoga retreat, you can finally just BE.

Let’s face it, yoga retreats usually take place in beautiful places around the world, whether it’s the beaches of Mexico and California, the rainforest of Costa Rica, or the mountains of Montana. A yoga retreat is like getting two for the price of one, with a vacation in a beautiful place combined with an experience that benefits you on a deeper level.

Every retreat is different, even if you return to the same place. The other people and your frame of mind at the time will never be the same again. Booking a yoga retreat will always result in a unique experience, and each retreat will be different as you continue to grow within yourself.

Yoga Retreat; Yoga; Yoga business; Yogi Retreat; Your Yogi Life; Yoga practice; yoga vacation; costa rica; costa rica retreat; retreat; #YogaRetreat #Yoga #YogaBusiness #YogiRetreat #YourYogiLife #YogiLIfe #Yogipreneur #Yogapreneur #YogaPractice #YogaVacation #CostaRica #CostaRicaRetreat #Retreat


Read the original article here.



NOW that you’ve read ALL 25 benefits of a Yoga retreat, what are you waiting for?!

To learn more about the awesome retreat to Pura Vida Costa Rica that I’ve been planning for all of the Yogis that want to reset, relax, and refocus their energy, click here >>> www.UniqueYogaRetreat.com/CostaRica[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Check out my other article on The 7 Reasons To Consider Yoga Retreats Instead Of Planning A Vacation[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_empty_space height=”55px”][vc_column_text]

Have questions? Get them answered!

If you have any questions that you’d like answered about all things Yoga practice or Yoga biz… Just ask! I will answer via email in my weekly email OR I will post it on my Social Media. If you want to remain anonymous, that’s cool… Just type *anonymous* after your question and I won’t give you a shoutout!

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Can Meditation Make Us Less Angry?

Do you ever experience a “sudden” outburst of anger or frustration?

Well, that “sudden” outburst isn’t so sudden. It’s actually accumulated over time and been held back until it explodes. Maybe you can’t even pinpoint what it is you’re even mad at.

I get it. I’ve been there, too. Before taking your anger out on someone else – or worse, yourself! – check out how doing meditation daily can help relieve and help you release your anger.

It can sometimes seem like the world is getting angrier. Whether it is Trumpian politics, keyboard warriors or the deluge of bad news we’re presented with on a daily basis, so much of our modern discourse seems to be fueled by animosity.

While anger is sometimes a valid and necessary response to injustice, and a driver of change, the majority of the time it fosters division and hampers our empathy. This raises an important question: are there ways we can lessen this often destructive and limiting emotion?

Anger in the Everyday

It’s in the larger themes of life – from politics to religion – that anger and annoyance are at their most obvious. Anger is deliberately fueled to entrench certain worldviews, stop people from discussing issues from a point of understanding, and obfuscate our common humanity. The people who try to stymie the freedoms of others (whether through terrorism, violence, or more subtle rhetoric and government reform) rely on their own anger at the way things are – and stoking the anger of others – to force their ideas through.

It is anger that allows immigrants to be treated badly, inspires people to picket gay rights marches, and reduces intelligent debate to shouting matches. But it isn’t only here that we see the problems resentment and outrage cause.

In our day-to-day lives and personal relationships, anger can be a significant barrier to happiness and good will. When we become irritable with our partners, children or family, we find it harder to appreciate them as a full human being – with flaws and motivations of their own – and instead accredit them with attributes and intentions that can be quite far from the truth.

When we’re irritable, a thoughtless action can suddenly be misconstrued as a deliberately provocative one. The person in question may be cast in our minds as inherently “lazy” or “annoying” or “selfish,” instead of a good person that we love who happens to have done a lazy, annoying or selfish thing. It throws up a wall which stops us from truly relating to others, and is an impediment to us actually solving the problem or communicating our point of view.

Angry emotions can also feel like something we have little conscious control over. Everyone has experienced a time where they’ve become more incensed than they need to be, snapping or shouting at someone and feeling instantly guilty afterwards – especially if we’ve managed to really hurt their feelings. If this happens too often, our loved ones can even become wary of us, walking on eggshells when really, we’re the one who is being unfair, which is a deeply problematic situation to find ourselves in.

We can find ourselves in the grips of wasted anger over things we can’t control. The deep frustration of being stuck in a long queue, filling out pointless finicky forms, the car in front driving very, very slowly when we need to be somewhere. It can all make us want to scream and cast a cloud over the rest of our day. But ultimately, these feelings get us nowhere, because we can’t change the situation even if we wanted to.

Meditation and a Sense of Calm

Anger and stress are closely related emotions that both complement and feed off each other. We are far more likely to become wound up when we feel under pressure, and much more inclined to let little things go when we feel relaxed. Similar to stress, anger is a physiological response to a perceived threat to you, your loved ones, your property, your self-image, your emotional safety or some part of your identity.

When a cat swipes at another feline intruder in their territory, they are experiencing a similar thing we do when we raise our voice at someone who has just overstepped some sort of personal boundary. Of course the major difference is that we can intellectualize and mull over our anger, even becoming angry at imagined scenarios. But the ancient “flight or fight” mechanism we share with so many other forms of life is essentially the same.

It’s this hair-trigger, lizard-brain response that practices like yoga and meditation can help to regulate. We may be influenced by similar instinctive drivers as other animals, but as humans we have the capacity to think and make steps to change our behavior, and even change the way our mind works.

Brain scans have demonstrated that regular meditation can physically reduce the size of our amygdala, which is the part of our brains which governs our flight or fight response. It also has been shown to calm our autonomic nervous system, the bodily structure through which our stress hormones – such as cortisol and adrenaline – are flooded into the body. It’s through these processes that we feel tense and unable to think clearly, but meditation appears to significantly reduce their hold over us.

Meditation also makes us more aware of our feelings and more empathetic to the feelings of others, building up the emotional bandwidth to deal with the rising tension in any given moment and put a lid on any hostility we feel towards the world. We experience the world from a far less pressured and stressed place, being able to feel anger when it arises without falling into the habitual irritations of an angry person.

With less anger and more understanding in our worldview, it becomes easier to respond appropriately to any annoyances we encounter in life, becoming calmer and (perhaps most importantly) kinder people.

Credit Goes To Daily Cup Of Yoga



I hope that this article has helped you put anger and meditation into perspective. If you are someone who experiences anger or frustration regularly, I really hope that you’ve decided to give this a try.


For great Yoga & Meditation videos, visit my Youtube channel.

3 Signs That You Would Benefit From Meditation

Speaking with other Yogis, I realized that most Yogis don’t realize how meditation could benefit them. Yoga has a rich, spiritual history and it’s more than just a pose or an exercise to tighten up your muscles.

Many of the Yogis who don’t meditate, often are dismissive of the impact meditation can make in your life. If this is you, here are 3 signs that you would benefit from meditation in your life… Even if only for 2 minutes.

1. You are tired more often than not


Feeling exhausted all the time is a common issue for us modern humans. So many of us drag ourselves out of bed, power ourselves through the day with caffeine and then – despite feeling tired all day – find it difficult to sleep at night. Every month in the USA, people type “tired all the time” 18,100 times into Google, a small hint of just how many of us feel dogged by fatigue. 

This kind of weariness seems to be a symptom of our increasingly demanding lives, and many of us wish for more motivation and energy. With more energy, we wouldn’t spend our work days in a waking doze, banking up unfinished tasks and creating stress. It would also be easier to achieve our goals in other areas of life – it’s not unusual to find ourselves crashed out on the sofa when we do have any spare time, rather than doing any of the stuff we aimed to do. 

Meditation gives us some of the rest we need in life. By focusing our mind on a mantra, practicing yoga or embracing mindfulness, we soothe our mind and body into a state of deep relaxation, allowing ourselves to switch off in a way that’s otherwise hard to achieve. This, in turn, gives us the energy boost we need, and generally makes us feel that little bit more awesome throughout the day. 

2. It feels like you have no time 

Time is something of a preoccupation in today’s culture. Our whole lives are defined by the almost arbitrary whims of the clock, in a way it would probably be difficult for our distant ancestors to imagine. Instead of following the cyclical, seasonal and celestial-based timekeeping of early humans, whose major concern was keeping the tribe fed and safe, we sacrifice much of our time to earning money and squeeze everything else in whatever time we have left. 

The result is a feeling that we simply don’t have enough time to pursue our own hobbies, build our relationships, or to just laze about if we fancy it. The speed at which the world zips by imbues us all with a false sense of urgency, where any delays or mishaps feel like an absolute disaster. Amongst the rush, we can forget about what’s actually important. 

While meditation can’t stop the clock, it can slow the pace of life a little through a change in our perception. Meditating every day provides us with a sense of calm, increasing our focus so we can appreciate the small things in life. Furthermore, because meditation can make us more productive, we tend to work through tasks with more speed and accuracy, giving us more time to simply enjoy ourselves.  

3. ‘Stressed’ is your default state 

It’s pretty normal to get stressed out every now and then, but being stressed all the time is a completely different matter. Unfortunately, like tiredness, the feeling of being constantly under pressure is something an awful lot of us can relate to. Chronic stress can make life feel far less enjoyable, as we are rarely “in the moment” but always thinking about whatever’s nagging away at us. Too much of this, and life begins to feel like it’s nothing but a meaningless list of chores and worries.  

One of meditation’s most famous and well-research benefits is reduced stress. With stress causing havoc for our health, sleep and mental wellbeing, it’s this benefit which is perhaps the most far-reaching of all. 

In many respects, meditation (in all its forms and throughout the ages) has been developed to direct the mind away from the mundane and everyday, in order to experience glimpses of the deeper truths in life. It may well be this which helps us rise above persistent worries and daily frustrations, making stress something we can manage without becoming overwhelmed. 


Credit goes to Daily Cup of Yoga Click here

If any of the above describes  you, I hope that you start taking the time to meditate. Start small, begin with 2-5 minutes and as you see the benefits in your life, you will eventually increase to a little longer each time.


For great Yoga & Meditation videos, visit my Youtube channel.

7 Reasons You Should Consider Retreats Over Regular Vacations

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Today I came across this AWESOME article that talks about WHY you should take Yoga retreats instead of planning vacations. If you didn’t already know WHY Yoga retreats are so much more effective than a vacation, check this out.

I found it interesting and I hope that you do, too!


7 Reasons You Should Consider Yoga Retreats Over Regular Vacations

By Audrey Throne

Each year, millions of people across the globe withdraw from their frenetic lifestyles for a week or two in an attempt to rest, rejuvenate, and recoup. These getaways range from family holidays to adventure trips to secluded exotic retreats.

However, after a year’s hard work when the time comes to pick the perfect holiday option, we often find people bolting off to their favorite travel destinations without realizing that they will probably still be on 24/7 holiday management duty during this time off.

Such vacations undermine the fundamental purpose of a holiday—to relax and recharge. However, as opposed to a vacation, which is quite simply a time off from everyday routine, retreats are purposeful getaways that are aimed at rescuing you from an undesired or unpleasant situation and whisking you off to an exotic location to heal in that particular respect.

Yoga Retreats offer everything including spiritual healing, fitness through meditation or yoga, family or marriage counseling, and much more. Outlined below are seven reasons for you to opt for a retreat over a regular vacation.

1. Yoga Retreats Have Long-Term Benefits

In addition to offering you an escape from a tiresome routine, retreats set themselves apart from mere vacations due to the specific intent behind them. This intent can be an issue that you wish to focus on but don’t get time for, a recent experience that you want to reflect on or talk about with people who understand what you’re going through, the quest for some distance from your current situation to think clearly and bring things into perspective, or simply quality time with yourself and nature so you can rejuvenate.

To quote the words of Jiddu Krishnamurti, a famous spiritual leader, “I think it is essential sometimes to go into retreat, to stop everything that you have been doing, to stop your beliefs and experiences completely and look at them anew, not keep on repeating like machines whether you believe or don’t believe. You would let fresh air into your minds.”

Moreover, all aspects of retreats—including location, accommodation, food, facilities, professional consultation, and activities/exercises—are all in line with what you are seeking to achieve; hence, the benefits of retreats are much more impactful and long-lasting as opposed to vacations where you are more apt to binge, gossip, and probably still spend time finishing work.

According to a research study published in Translational Psychiatry (Nature), simple vacations only bring about short-term improvements in well-being; however, a week’s meditation can improve metabolism for the long-run.

Moreover, yoga retreats are known to provide relief to patients of respiratory problems, anxiety, bone thinning, high blood pressure, arthritis, incontinence, and rheumatism, along with several other ailments.

2. Yoga Retreats Provide Peace Away from Your Daily Routine

Retreats are aimed at providing you the solitude you need. This can be complete solitude as with individual and silent retreats, with your spouse or partner as with marriage retreats, or in the form of groups as with yoga and Ayurvedic retreats.

Wellness retreats are usually situated in secluded and serene locations that present the perfect platform for you to forget about the hustle and bustle of life and let your nerves relax. However, regular vacations can be taken anywhere that need not necessarily be in a quiet and calm locality. Moreover, retreats also offer a plethora of other activities that quench your thirst for adventure and exploring new cultures.

Yoga Retreats, Yogi Retreat, Yogi Vacation, Relaxation, Yoga, Yoga Business, Business of Yoga

3. Nature Let’s You Unwind

One of the biggest advantages of going on a retreat is that it offers you proximity to nature and its healing touch, which can’t be matched by a simple vacation. Being close to nature has shown to reduce the production of cortisol—our primary stress hormone. Moreover, clean air, calm surroundings, and plants allow you to unwind and be thoroughly rejuvenated so that you can have a fresh start to your life upon return.

4. You’re Surrounded by Like-Minded Company

Retreats attract people with similar concerns or interests and, hence, offer you the opportunity to spend memorable moments with like-minded people who are looking to achieve the same goals as you. These people act as your support system as you work toward your goal and also act as a mirror to help you identify issues that you couldn’t have on your own. Most importantly, they let you realize that you are not alone.

Retreats also provide you the opportunity to make friends that you can remain in touch with even after you return home. This gathering of similar people is not characteristic to regular vacations.

5. You Have Access to Professional Guidance

Retreats include training, exercise, or ccounseling sessions by experts who allow you to see your own shortcomings and help you improve your spiritual, mental, and physical well-being. These sessions are in accordance with your needs and enable you to not only improve your well-being while at the retreat, but also equip you with information and techniques that you can use to remain in shape even after the retreat is over.

Yoga Retreats, Yogi Retreat, Yogi Vacation, Relaxation, Yoga, Yoga Business, Business of Yoga

6. You Don’t Have to Worry About Planning

One thing that skyrockets the efficacy of retreats in facilitating rest and relaxation as compared to ordinary vacations is that your service provider manages them. This means you don’t have to worry about things like scheduling, reservations, commutes, waiting in lines, finding locations, etc. Even though you may handle such mundane tasks in your daily life, these tasks become particularly stressful when you are in a new and unfamiliar location. Retreats allow you to focus solely on your own well-being and truly offer you a stress free time-off.

7. Yoga Retreats Can Be More Economical

Retreats can be both expensive as well as economical. However, they are much more economical and cost-effective as opposed to regular vacations. The reason for this is that during regular vacations you make your own spending decisions, which may not be the most cost-effective and can at times result in money leakage. However, retreats are pre-planned and include exclusive features like professional consultation and trainings in addition to all the facilities of a simple vacation—thus, making them more financially feasible and reliable.

So, for your next holiday, pick a retreat that will let you unwind and resolve any pending concerns empowering you to regain control and enjoy your life.

Yoga Retreats, Yogi Retreat, Yogi Vacation, Relaxation, Yoga, Yoga Business, Business of Yoga


Read the original article here.


There you have it! I’m sure you didn’t need any more reasons to come hang out with me in Costa Rica for a Yoga Retreat you won’t forget… But if you did, I hope that helped!

For all the sweet details on this summer’s amazing retreat that I have lined up for Yogis that need some time to reset, relax, and refocus their energy, click here >>> Your Yogi Life Costa Rica Retreat

I hope to see you there![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]UPDATE: Check out this post 25 Benefits Of Going On A Yoga Retreat[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_empty_space height=”50px”][vc_column_text]

Have questions? I’m here to answer them!

If you have any questions that you’d like answered about all things Yoga practice or Yoga biz… Just ask! I will answer via email in my weekly email OR I will post it on my Social Media. If you want to remain anonymous, that’s cool… Just type *anonymous* after your question and I won’t give you a shoutout!

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This ONE THING Holds More Yogis Back From Greatness Than Any Other

Are you stuck in a rut? Not sure how to get where you need to be in your Yoga business and have NO IDEA where to start? Analysis Paralysis might be your problem!

Has this dreaded issue called analysis paralysis happened to you? At home, we use this phrase a lot because it highlights the inactivity of our checklists due to over analyzing. That’s right, me the Bizzy Yogi also suffers from it. My main Gallup Strength is ACTIVATOR!!!

(***SIDE NOTE*** I’ve even used this as a basis for creating my fun Yoga Artchetype quiz for Yogis to connect with their business counterparts. If you haven’t done it yet, you’ve been missing out!)

Now we make fun of it [Activator!!!] because it has turned into a little creature we tell to bugger off when we can’t seem to finish a project. I say “we” because my husband and I both suffer from its hypnotic overtake.

Analytical thinking is awesome! It helps us see things clearly, all the steps, think of the goods, the bads and the uglies… But staying in that swamp too long will do nothing but freeze you.

Like The Princess Bride

Do you remember Princess Bride? The fire swamp? The sand pits? Analysis paralysis is exactly that. It’s having to know where the flames jump out and bite you so you have to be extra observant and careful and it’s also getting sucked into the sand pits because you waited too long to cross. This is the dreaded symptom of most entrepreneurs.

Reflections & Movement

Recently, vision and desire was the topic, well what happens with that if you are a paralyzed robot that can’t make any decisions? YUP I am talking to you. You know who you are!

Afraid that one small step will lead to doom, that everything has to be perfect before we get a client. My website isn’t finished so why start marketing, yet?!

I am also talking to you who is bold and daring, ready to step up and make a shift happen. I am talking to you who doesn’t let anything or anyone stand in your way.

Think About It:

Think back 50 years ago… Maybe you were alive, maybe not. Websites? NO. Facebook Lives? NO. We have it so easy! You can literally build a site in 10 minutes if you really wanted to. Not a 20 page site, but a home page. Get a logo, $20 on Fiverr.com. Done!

Analysis is what allows you to observe and make sure you aren’t moving so fast that you miss something massive or obvious. Analysis paralysis will prevent you from taking the next step to go from planning to action and you need to know how to get out of it!

Combination of working on your business and Analysis Paralysis could be a daily stress factor. If that’s the case, you’re in luck! Read this post on Stress & Yoga to see HOW you could use your Yoga skills to reduce your stress and help others get relief daily.

How To Get Out Of Analysis Paralysis:

  • Change your state. This is so Tony Robbins. If you are frozen and aren’t taking the action you need to get the results you want, do something different.
    • Example: My husband met me at my old yoga studio at an AcroYoga class. He had been wanting to date for months but just wasn’t getting the results by doing the same old thing. He decided to try AcroYoga and who’s the first person he saw at the front desk? ME! Thus asked me out and now we are in paradise. Do something different and don’t be afraid!
  • Talk to someone. This is where a mentor comes in. Maybe a colleague who will cut through your shit and make you see for real. Or maybe it’s a friend who will snap you out of it. Maybe it’s me. I’m good about shaking things up and helping you see what’s really going on and what you really should be focused on.
    • If you’re reading this far, you need some help! I’m willing to do a free discovery call if you want it. Just schedule it here: http://bit.ly/BizzyYogi
  • Create a vision board. I use this as an answer often, but they really do work! Vision boards make you reconnect to your original idea and reason, to your big why! Have a fun night with some wine or kombucha and imagine away so that whatever is preventing you from moving forward seems less important.
  • Give up. Yes, you read that right: give up. Maybe then you will realize you are throwing away your dreams and you will snap out of it and take a step towards not sabotaging your happiness. It’s TRUE!
  • Create a list. Write a list of top 10 things that would happen if you succeed and if you fail. Please make one of those save the earth because you will be immensely influential. Just saying… I want you (and me) to have this kind of effect on the world with your amazing company and brand.
    • If you are not stuck in the mud, call me… seriously! If you are not sure what to do and ideas are just a flurry… call me. If you want to have a dance party and are in Miami… please call me. They are an awesome way to change your state. I vote for Shakira. She’s awesome.

Can you imagine what it would feel like without the fear and the blocks? It’s called ebbing into ease and flow. As a yogi, that’s ALL I try to do and what I want to see you do as well.

So, yes, analysis paralysis can ruin your chances for an ideal, soul-driven life, and it can also ruin your chances to make an impact on everyone around you. Don’t let this sickness rule you, DO something about it.

Join my Facebook group and gain a whole tribe of people that are going through or have gone through some of the same challenges you’re facing! PLUS, I’ll give you some daily cheerleading love… After all, I am an acrobatics coach… I can make you work it to get the results you need!


Hope to see you there soon!


Love you in movement and more,
– Arianne


P.S. In case you didn’t click on the link earlier in this post for a FREE discovery call with me, here it is again >>> http://bit.ly/BizzyYogi


If you have questions, I want to answer them! I want to help as many people as I can and to do that I need YOUR help. There may be OTHER Yogis out there struggling with the same things, asking your questions doesn’t just benefit you, but helps them along their path, too!!

Enter your question below and I’ll answer them in my weekly email OR on a FB Live. We’ll even give you a shoutout! Want to remain anonymous? Just write *anonymous* at the end of your question.

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You are always allowed to shine

 You ARE Always Allowed To Shine!

Why am I writing about this topic? I had the amazing pleasure of teaching an entire weekend of Business & Branding to a group of 10 women in Las Vegas and the look on their faces when I said they were allowed to do whatever they wanted, reach as high as the sky, move at the speed of light was EXACTLY my look when I began this journey of self exploration and allowance. Sometimes we auto edit ourselves. We press pause. We say I’m not ready yet. You always allowed to shine!!!


I’m here to tell you… you have been ready. You are ready. The time is now!

If you my light working yogi hearted creator read my last post about ideas, then let me give you not just a tip but let me open a door for you. I needed this when I started to think bigger, play in a larger field of possibilities. You see for a long time I saw myself as JUST a yoga teacher, JUST a graphic designer, JUST… This word which was totally self imposed played a very very large role in why I wasn’t achieving my goals, my desires for a better life and also greater income.

Have you ever felt like this?

I’m a driven person, with vision for a better world. Are you?

This self imposed limit was super unconscious also which is the crazy part. The word JUST never dawned on me as this, it was my REALITY.

Well today is your time to allow yourself to shine! YES!!! It is your open door to take the first step to making your dreams, your visions come true. They say the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago and the second best time is now. What steps do you need to plant your tree? Decide what kind of tree you want would be the first. Does it provide shade? Fruit? Flowers? Is this tree huge or smaller but smells amazing?

This is exactly what you want to do in business. Ask yourself what kind of life do I want and how can my business support that. I always provide you my amazing tribe with the tools on how to plant your tree, but you need to decide what kind to begin.

How to shine immediately!

First let’s all make an oath that you will stand by your values no matter what. You will be of service to the world no matter what. You will create light everywhere you go no matter what. Once you give yourself the permission to shine that bright that nothing gets in the way (and by the way you are usually what stands in your way) then the fun begins.

The sky’s the limit to what you can create and know I am on your team. I am telling you it’s ok to take the leap because I am on your side making sure you land softly and with support. It’s like when I teach handstands… if you know that your hands are the most important part, then the rest is just alignment and being fearless.

You always allowed to shine! Keep telling yourself this is ever in doubt. 🙂

Not only can you start immediately by making the choice to do so AND you can allow yourself to have fun doing so. Creating your own business doesn’t mean the process isn’t exciting and full of thrills- enjoy the ride and give yourself all the permission in the world to mess up, to trip but make sure you get up and keep at it!

I invite you to step up and shine all your light (Care Bear stare style) and take the first step to making your visions for life true. You KNOW I’m here for you and my calendar is always open to listen.

I honor the divine light within you.



Get Your FREE Discovery Session Here >>> http://bit.ly/BizzyYogi


I had a dream… or idea… for another business.

Do you have constant ideas and dreams for businesses?

I was a serial dreamer. A serial creator of business idea after business idea… and you know what usually happened? NOTHING.

I’m a big fan of having tons of dreams and ideas because it shows you are creating possibilities but here is the caveat if they stay as ideas then you are still living in the clouds. What dreams and creation are good for are to get you inspired and to get that vision ingrained of the possibilities out there to start living your dreams and fulfilling your reality to where you want to be NOW.

There are so many amazing things about having dreams and visions but the danger is staying there. In Ayurveda, the dosha vata is connected to the active mind and quick thinking (obviously I am SUPER vata) and unless I put my feet on the earth I can stay in my head creating idea after idea after idea.

“First comes thought; then organization of that thought, into ideas and plans; then transformation of those plans into reality. The beginning, as you will observe, is in your imagination.” Napoleon Hill

Creation is a beautiful gift because our mind is the most powerful tool in our human experience, but a mind without a body cannot exist. Your body is meant for action and movement. Our yoga practice does exactly this, unites them both with a bonus spirit side as well. In business, having an over creative mind without the tools to execute the end result will leave you like the hamster in the wheel. Running and running yet going nowhere, well you’ll have great cardio (winning!).

Businesses are grown with great ideas, with creativity and with implementation. I can sit here all day and have the best conversations but until anything is set in stone with the first step, it’s just dreams with desire. Again, this is the FIRST step and it’s never too late to have it!

Here are some action tips to not get vata deranged and take business ideas into action:

  1. Write things down or use the voice record button on your phone.
  2. Don’t talk yourself out of the idea. You are your #1 saboteur!
  3. Have a conversation with someone you trust to advise how to take the steps to get there if you don’t know.
  4. I’m a big fan of buying the URL. Just own it and spend the $11 on godaddy. Every time I buy a URL it helps me start a wheel turning.
  5. Do a mindmap! This way ideas start linking together and it all starts making sense.
too many dreams and ideas
dreams & ideas


Get Your FREE Discovery Session Here >>> http://bit.ly/BizzyYogi



Yoga Businesses: Are Yogis Allowed To Be Wealthy?

Yoga Businesses: Are they BROKE businesses?

Firstly, why do people think yogis and Yoga Businesses are meant to be broke? Why is yoga known as a “broke business”? I had a really interesting conversation with one of my yoga students while I held my coffee cup. He asked if I was drinking tea. My response? No, it’s coffee.

The words that followed stuck with me when he said: “Yogis don’t drink coffee.”. Image me – jaw wide open and my witty reply just waiting to escape my lips. So many preconceived notions about what yogis are and what they aren’t.

People actually think that all Yogis should be loincloth wearing, mountain cave living hippies. Broke hippies who drive a VW van from the 70’s. Oblivious to what’s going on in the world. But this is NOT who we are!

A thought ran through my brain: The reason yoga & healing is a “broke business” is not only because people don’t recognize the daily value it brings into their lives. It’s because there is a collective thought saying yogis can’t be wealthy.

I am sure there is more BUT I am going to credit some of our belief systems to other people’s opinions of us. You know as well as I do that what we think, say and do affect everything.

We as Yogis are meant to be humble. Yes, but this collective consciousness has somehow made that to mean poor. In some cases, it can prevent the growth of a great yogi in their Yoga Business!

I know this is a bit left field, but another example to point out: When I leased my Mercedes-Benz, my long-time friend passed by and remarked “I just can’t picture you in this car.”.

Of course, I had to do it… I had to ask the big “Why”. Her answer had me reeling: “Yogis don’t drive Benzes.”



Has anyone ever told you anything that would prevent you from playing big? I get upset because if more yogis were wealthy, the world would be a much better place.

If yogis held positions of influence, there would be less wars and damage to the environment. There would be more social awareness, more hugs, more presence… Do I need to go on?

If everyone out there changed their negative mindset on why yogis are “meant” to be broke, humble, unattached to material things… All of us would rise to be more affluent. Being humble doesn’t mean not being able to pay rent. Being unattached doesn’t mean not being able to have a luxury item. It means that not having that wouldn’t make you upset.

The point of any business, even Yoga Businesses, is so that you can help others while making a living for yourself.

Having money is a blessing because of all it allows you to do. After all we teach on the principles of abundance. Buying expensive cars without donating to a cause is not the basic principles or values of a yogi. Being able to buy the more expensive, local organic produce from your local farmer’s market is a good thing and shouldn’t be a sacrifice or seen as “luxury” living.


Finally it’s time for us to be leaders and manifest the abundance we teach others is there to make this world a better place. A place where it is energy rich, aware, kind, caring and full of love.

Healing the spirit, mind and body through yoga is a priceless gift that oftentimes is undervalued, but doesn’t mean it’s free either.

Now, think about it: The more we’re able to make a decent living WHILE having an impact on our surroundings through breath, spirit and light, the more we’re able to give back. It’s the gift that keeps giving.


That’s my tagline for Bizzy Yogi. Be the best person you can be, so you can create your dreams through a brand and business you love, so that you can inspire others to be the best version of themselves.



Like this post? Share it, get the word out, be part of the movement! The movement that doesn’t just set Yogis free of this misconception, but allows the whole world know who we are and who we’re NOT!

If you’re a Yoga Teacher and you’re considering opening your own studio OR if you currently have your own Yoga Studio, read this NOW >>> Why You Shouldn’t Open A Yoga Studio… Without Doing This FIRST!


P.S. I want to answer your questions! I do my best to provide the most helpful information I can, but I want to take that to the next level! Ask me your questions below and I’ll answer it in my weekly emails or on FB Live and give you a shoutout! **You can also remain anonymous by typing *anonymous* at the end of your question so we don’t give you a shoutout!


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How To Stay Afloat In Business and Life


How To Stay Afloat In Business


Staying on top, or afloat in business and life is a top priority. Do you consider yourself a solo-preneur? Do you feel like you have to do everything because you either can’t afford to hire out or you just have mad skills that enable you to be the ninja of it all?

Let’s talk a little about what being a solo-preneur is. First of all let’s get really clear about why it’s so good to have these moments of self reflection. Look at your business and life and see where the heaviness is and also of course, where the light is. Below is a little checklist of what to look at and really see where you’re at because once you have a map it will open your eyes on where you want to put more time, energy or even invest to meet your goals and feel full and afloat. Close your eyes for a moment and imagine yourself in the ocean, sun shining, crystal clear water so you can see the bottom. Now allow yourself to float with that sense of total weightlessness around you. How does that feel like?

Here are some things to consider and check out to scan if your floating experience is not just zen but the power it gives you to feel and sense at a much higher vibration.



  1. Health: Are you feeling energized? Is your health tip-top or maybe a bit low n the scale.
  2. Relationships: How do you connect with yourself? This should be the top priority! Then is how are the relationships with your kids, family, friends- rich or lacking?
  3. Spirit: Is meditation and spiritual practice important to you? Do you have time to nourish this?
  4. Business: How is your business running? Can it run without you yet? Is it in flow or stuck in paralysis?
  5. Purpose & Passion: Are you feeling like all you do connects with your purpose and passion? Do you know what your purpose even is?
  6. Freedom: Can you take a month off and go to Bali? Are you free to take vacation or are you in the rat race because without you, your business can’t run?
  7. Time: How valuable is this!!! TIME is all we want because it’s the one thing you can’t get back. Do you have time to spare and explore your hobbies or start a new project?
  8. Fun: Have you forgotten what fun is? Are you sacrificing fun for work?

Just for a minute check out these areas and see how you feel in each one of them. Are you feeling empowered or fearful around some of these? Let me tell you, I know freedom is one of my top priorities but when I started my business, it’s actually the one I had the least of. So knowing this what did I need to do in order to have balance?

Now I want you to look at these areas of your life and gauge 1-10 to see where you are and how you feel. 10 is being afloat and light, 1 is drowning. Imagine life without breath? Imagine sinking in health, spirit or even time… how does that feel?


  • Breathe
  • Sleep
  • Eat
  • Be in service
  • Ask for help
  • Invest in yourself

Allow yourself to reflect on all these aspects and always if you need help you can always schedule a call with me please make an appointment 🙂

Get Your FREE Discovery Session Here >>> http://bit.ly/BizzyYogi




Creating Fulfillment In Your Business & Life

Fulfillment: What Does That Mean

It means literally being full & filled. We can all do so many things, help so many people, and we can also feel very empty. Fulfillment isn’t something you need to find instead it’s something you create.

“Only those who have learned the power of sincere and selfless contribution experience life’s deepest joy: true fulfillment.” – Tony Robbins

Do you wake up every morning and get so excited for what you have to do because it fills your soul?


I know about this feeling and I am going to tell you how I actually lost it even though I am in the yoga business.


About 2 years ago I had an A-HA moment as my friends and I like to call it where I just had no desire to teach, to go to the studio, to tell people to do a warrior one. I was pretty sure I was put on this earth for more than this focus on physical practice.


And you are saying, 2 years ago Arianne? YUP.

Sometimes it doesn’t decades of feeling the funk to wake up.


This I learned as it relates to seasons.


In my health coaching practice I often tell people that they have to eat like the seasons – winter you hunker down, spring you wake up and detox, summer you feel light and full of energy and fall it’s when you prepare and integrate more.


This is the same for your business and fulfillment.




I went through the shit, I was depressed, not motivated (and for those of you who know me I am motivation bunny) and I honestly feel was letting dear relationships fall.


Suffering was my M.O. And yes, yoga teachers can feel crappy sometimes.


Not only did I feel crappy, I wanted to quit! I tried but something told me keep going.


That was fulfillment knocking at my door saying Ari get up and wake up!




Just like you read above spring is discovery time, when we need to detox from the winter blues and when we re-emerge from the funk it’s time to party.


Transformation is rough sometimes as it brings the pain level up that the freedom feels like you had a huge realization. Can you picture a phoenix rising up from the ashes?


Fulfillment , lifestyle and business go hand in hand because when you allow yourself to have this transformation all of this will blossom.


Give yourself permission to change, to shift, to transform in your business and life. Spring is when you can reinvent and make exactly what you want.




So when I said that spring was party time no comparison to summer’s bounty. Right now in my mango tree there are over 1000 mangoes and last year that same tree was barren.


What did I do to make this tree bloom and have a massive abundant season- well I fertilized it, gave it tons of love and pruned it. Sometimes we need to cut out all the stuff that’s preventing us from our abundance.


So what I said earlier regarding the moment where I was in really down and not feeling fulfilled… well I made the necessary shifts, allowed myself to give up anchors and invite new experiences.


The way I related to situations and people radically changed and it empowered me once again to have creativity and focus.


Summer for me is the time where I can explode into abundant living both in my business and in my personal life… and obviously eat mangoes galore!!!


Let summer be this time for you! All your hard work, the crap, the transformation, the bloom will show in productivity and growth. I am so happy to enjoy this summer in the growth of my business and let all the fruits of my hard work both internally and externally really blossom.


Integration!!! This is when we re-stuff ourselves with all the goodness we need to be in full integrity with everything we do and how we do it. We learned hard lessons in winter, we allowed the phoenix to rise in spring and we ate the delicious fruit in summer.

Everything in life and business is a cycle that keeps looping year after year, day after day and lifetime after lifetime. Everything I do in my coaching space is about finding the parallels between yoga, spirituality & business to find a fulfilled life with joy and purpose.

Remember your first downdog or first handstand? It’s the same thing!!! It’s the moment you realized how freaking hard it was to get the pose and feel comfortable in it before doing variations. Business is the same exact thing.


Fulfillment is just a season and a decision away. Let your life be guided with spirit and with authentic purpose that leaves you literally feeling full.


I am perfect and complete. Everything is perfect and complete. We are all perfect and complete.


I would love to hear how you create fulfillment in your life and business and if you are stuck I would be honored to guide you! If you are ready to make a change, make your life resonate with your desires then take action and schedule

Fill your life with love and abundance.



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