Forgiveness To My Inner Child


It’s OK to be an adult I said at age 3

Forgiveness is a quality that is hard to connect with sometimes and that can leave a stain on the soul. After an amazing weekend on a much needed retreat, all I can say is I’m sorry. I’m sorry I’ve neglected you, put you last and made you feel unimportant. My inner me, I call her mini me, got stuck in layers of responsibility and hustle. She got lost in my constant correctness to be better daily and to achieve bigger and better.

My story

Mini Ari got her responsible pants on at age 2.5 when my mom took me to my first day of school and instead of crying and not wanting to leave her side, mini me turned around when my mom said, “Ari do you want me to come in with you?” and with my little palm tree hair do, said “Mom, this is my school…” turned around and walked away.

Let’s just say (in Spanish the word is antipatica) and in English it’s kinda like unfriendly.

I learned to read and speak English and Spanish by myself at age 3, was singing in Japanese and French at 4 (I have a tape and it’s freaking adorable) and was top of my class most of the time. This is not a bragging post. It’s the I grew up too quickly in my head post.

What do I mean by all this, and why forgiveness? Well because I have taken these achievements on me til now and I have let the fun I had cartwheeling, jumping rope, playing in the water go to the side because I am on a mission. I am an entrepreneur and this is how it has to be… work work work, and when all is done, play, but I’m so tired!

Keep going like this and a. I won’t like my business anymore b. I’m gonna look 50 before I even turn 38!



How it all changed

After having the right conversations, the experiences with SRI (somato respiratory integration) practices, I realize asking for forgiveness from my inner mini me and tell her to make a play date! I told mini Ari that it wasn’t fair I made myself grow up so quick, to be over responsible and to be so determined.

Now since I got back, I dance in the morning, I let my guard down and realize the MOST important and valuable things in life are those hidden moments.

Why do we put up these walls? I know they don’t work! My wall was preventing me to move closer to the real me… and the real me smiles a LOT and dances to Shakira when cleaning my house in my underwear. I forgot about that. The real me goes to the beach A LOT MORE!

It’s never to late to be 4 again. It’s never too late to ask for forgiveness to that little kid inside of you and tell her you are doing it ALL so she can be safe and secure.

How to reconnect to your inner child

  1. Do a cartwheel (and if you can’t do one pretend and do the best you can)
  2. Roll down a hill (I found a golf course and rolled down laughing histerically)
  3. Wear your favorite outfit that makes you feel young and free!
  4. Laugh for the sake of laughing and smile when you talk.
  5. Ask questions that you normally wouldn’t because you feel weird.
  6. Stop judging yourself!!!
  7. Find a playground and go down a slide or climb the monkey bars
  8. Eat your favorite thing as a child even if it’s not “good for you” us super healthy peeps (you know who you are!)
  9. Sing in the shower
  10. Dance in the rain & make a mud pie!

I know you might be wondering WHY you would want to do this and my answer is WHY NOT.

Sometimes logic can take a back seat and feelings take over. Trust me, now I am more excited and motivated than ever to work on my business because I have fresh eyes… child like mentality where anything is possible, and you know what? Already it is working!!! I am in flow and just this week some incredible opportunities came up that will dictate my future!

Forgiveness as a tool for growth

To end this blog post, I ask you who haven’t you forgiven? Is there time? Heal old wounds that prevent you from moving forward to the authentic and highest aspect of yourself. Take the time not only to forgive yourself but also anyone else who is stuck inside your heart, mind and spirit. Once we set this free… the world is ours!

I would love to hear from you (in vulnerability and total support) so please write me back or schedule a call with me and let’s talk! You know I am all about finding the you and seeing that move through your business. It’s the inner kid in me who wants to investigate and play with ideas.

Running my business from new eyes, from my mini me self is going to look a lot more fun and exciting! Stay tuned!

Love and cartwheels,

Arianne Traverso[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

I Ran Straight Into The Hurricane…

Into the EYE of the Hurricane

It’s 9am on a Sunday morning here in Naples, Florida… the city I drove to to get away from the strongest and biggest hurricane in the Atlantic in a century. Someone said sometimes you run away from something just to meet it straight on. What is my lesson???
Miami was supposed to be a direct hit and now Naples is with a possible 15 foot storm surge. 

Most of us are in the service industry as instructors, coaches, providers to others and when events like this happen, we can’t work. I know a lot of my friends who depend their 3-4 classes a day are struggling because we have been evacuated for a few days. Business owners who had to close their doors aren’t getting customers thus loosing revenue.

Some Scary S*#t

This is scary. What’s also scary is that your business can disappear in the blink of an eye. When Hurricane Irma hit Puerto Rico, my friend’s yoga and massage studio’s floors were destroyed. I know my old yoga studio would be under 2 feet of water right now.

Our livelihood and safety are always number 1. Our families and friends are priceless, but what do you do if your job or business stops?

All Your Baskets

Money is important. Having work is important. Creating revenue streams that can support you in several ways is important. If you put all your eggs in one basket, and that basket breaks, you’re basically screwed and have to start from scratch again.

It’s happened to me. Remember that story I told you about when I was in the hospital super sick and freaking out over a $25K bill… well that’s when I realized I needed another way thus resulting into action.

This situation is exactly that. I work teaching yoga still and all my classes cancelled, my private clients all fled. Mega impact on my finances this week but I don’t fully rely on this as my sole way of supporting myself. Different sources of income create peace of mind and heart. Knowing if my husband can’t work because his job is also on pause is OK because we created another way. 

If you rely on a physical location, on being somewhere to generate income, and a storm hits or you get sick, or whatever, you want a plan B,C & D. This is why having a product is such a good idea!

Get Creative

There are so many cool ways to generate income and I share them on Bizzy Yogi Academy, while helping people, while manifesting your desires for a better world which I would love to share with you over a virtual cup of coffee or kombucha. 😉

Being an entrepreneur means having creativity and the willingness to explore and try different routes to create freedom. This is why I created Bizzy Yogi Academy. Not only to provide you a solution hence also to give my life, full of uncertainties, freedom!

into the eye of the hurricane
drove into the eye of irma

Here is what Meli, a dream interpreter & yogini has to say: “I was just starting off and doing everything on my own, by the time I finished Ari’s program and group calls I had the confidence to appropriately price my services and properly market them and double my revenues all online.”

Look around right now and see everything you are grateful for. You who looked inside- that should be the first place. Always go there, then, after you got self love, look at everyone and everything else. Now think what you can create, in the form of a product, that can give you time and freedom in case something like this crazy hurricane happens or simply because you are looking for this in your life to be a mom with more time to spend with your kids or because you are yearning to travel and experience life.

Are You Ready?

If you are ready, this is a special offer I am giving. Usually my program is $1497 on it’s own, but I know many of you just want to start, so I am offering it for $297 for this week only. This is the core program that will get your wheels spinning and give you a plan. It also gets you a complementary call with me & access to my private facebook group.

You don’t need a hurricane to start your journey to your successful self. You don’t need an emergency to take action. I am happy to share my story with you of how I am doing it and how you can also!

In support and always grateful for you in middle of the hurricane,


Arianne Om


PS: Wanna have a chat? Set up a convo with me –

Why You Shouldn’t Open A Yoga Studio

You read it right, you shouldn’t open a yoga studio… Unless you do this FIRST!

I don’t want to start this post off with anything negative, but having an award-winning yoga studio doesn’t come easy (trust me, I know!). With the right strategy, it can be easier and a heck of a lot less stressful!

When I decided to open my studio I had ZERO business knowledge. I mean, I was SO green I had no idea what revenue meant… net, gross, what IS that?! I got a huge business from one day to the next with employees, massive overhead and major expenses.

I was drowning in work; projects, payroll, classes, UGH! I had never done payroll in my life. Thankfully I had admin jobs in the past, but nothing like this. It was literally 17 hats all day, everyday. Dealing with water and plumbing issues while having to promote an event, then teaching my class. It was madness.


With all that mess one thing we did right was quality and branding. Why does that matter? First of all, when you have a good product people recognize it instantly. People start spreading the word, creating a marketing campaign for you. Our branding was on point as well, meaning everything matched our guidelines, was easily recognizable and looked fresh. Opening a yoga studio is no easy feat, but it changed my life.

That still didn’t clean up the mess we had no idea how to handle, but because of hustle and resourcefulness I was able to figure it out with my partner. We asked the questions we didn’t know, we created magic out of thin air with elbow grease and good intentions.

This still left me drained and well… unmotivated. I had no idea how to increase our revenue or attendance. It was always up and down with classes and income. Have you ever felt this way?

Keep reading and I’ll tell you how we turned it all around.


When I realized I could no longer do what I was doing the way I was doing it, I decided to look to see who could empower me with the right knowledge. VIDYA. I know a ton about yoga, asana, meditation… because since I was 23 all my attention was focused there.

You see, I had to realize that my attention had to shift elsewhere to make not just my yoga studio, but my entire life, be more successful. That meant having more time, more space, less worry, less stress, more abundance.

I sought help. I asked the right questions. I enrolled in a mastermind program and got my business pants on (on top of my yoga pants that is) and get my other side of my life get busy. What happened? Our income grew because of 2 or 3 little changes. We had a system, an organized system. I hired the right people and I gave myself days off. I also created other revenue streams to sustain my lifestyle. I wanted better.

I know you’ve heart not to put all your eggs in one basket, instead have many baskets with some eggs. My advice to you who want to open a yoga studio is to break the model. Create a business that is innovative, fresh, exciting and makes you feel good.


Also know there are other ways to create an awesome yoga business besides having a full blown yoga studio. Having high overhead is the number one quickest way to go into debt and possibly fail. I am here to answer your questions and be your guide.

If you are thinking of opening a studio, let me know as I have some nice tips for you – we need more yoga in the world, but less broke yogis. Just schedule a free call at

If you’ve already opened a Yoga Studio and you’re stuck in a rut or stressed from all the work, just read this post >>> Analysis Paralysis: The ONE THING That Holds More Yogis Back From Greatness Than Any Other



– Arianne


P.S. In the meantime, why don’t you take my fun quiz and learn what your Yogi Archetype is if you haven’t already!!


Have specific questions? Let Ari, the Bizzy Yogi answer them! Ask your question below and we will answer it in our weekly email OR in a FB Live webshow – we’ll even give you a shoutout! Just type *anonymous* after your question to remain anonymous.



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This ONE THING Holds More Yogis Back From Greatness Than Any Other

Are you stuck in a rut? Not sure how to get where you need to be in your Yoga business and have NO IDEA where to start? Analysis Paralysis might be your problem!

Has this dreaded issue called analysis paralysis happened to you? At home, we use this phrase a lot because it highlights the inactivity of our checklists due to over analyzing. That’s right, me the Bizzy Yogi also suffers from it. My main Gallup Strength is ACTIVATOR!!!

(***SIDE NOTE*** I’ve even used this as a basis for creating my fun Yoga Artchetype quiz for Yogis to connect with their business counterparts. If you haven’t done it yet, you’ve been missing out!)

Now we make fun of it [Activator!!!] because it has turned into a little creature we tell to bugger off when we can’t seem to finish a project. I say “we” because my husband and I both suffer from its hypnotic overtake.

Analytical thinking is awesome! It helps us see things clearly, all the steps, think of the goods, the bads and the uglies… But staying in that swamp too long will do nothing but freeze you.

Like The Princess Bride

Do you remember Princess Bride? The fire swamp? The sand pits? Analysis paralysis is exactly that. It’s having to know where the flames jump out and bite you so you have to be extra observant and careful and it’s also getting sucked into the sand pits because you waited too long to cross. This is the dreaded symptom of most entrepreneurs.

Reflections & Movement

Recently, vision and desire was the topic, well what happens with that if you are a paralyzed robot that can’t make any decisions? YUP I am talking to you. You know who you are!

Afraid that one small step will lead to doom, that everything has to be perfect before we get a client. My website isn’t finished so why start marketing, yet?!

I am also talking to you who is bold and daring, ready to step up and make a shift happen. I am talking to you who doesn’t let anything or anyone stand in your way.

Think About It:

Think back 50 years ago… Maybe you were alive, maybe not. Websites? NO. Facebook Lives? NO. We have it so easy! You can literally build a site in 10 minutes if you really wanted to. Not a 20 page site, but a home page. Get a logo, $20 on Done!

Analysis is what allows you to observe and make sure you aren’t moving so fast that you miss something massive or obvious. Analysis paralysis will prevent you from taking the next step to go from planning to action and you need to know how to get out of it!

Combination of working on your business and Analysis Paralysis could be a daily stress factor. If that’s the case, you’re in luck! Read this post on Stress & Yoga to see HOW you could use your Yoga skills to reduce your stress and help others get relief daily.

How To Get Out Of Analysis Paralysis:

  • Change your state. This is so Tony Robbins. If you are frozen and aren’t taking the action you need to get the results you want, do something different.
    • Example: My husband met me at my old yoga studio at an AcroYoga class. He had been wanting to date for months but just wasn’t getting the results by doing the same old thing. He decided to try AcroYoga and who’s the first person he saw at the front desk? ME! Thus asked me out and now we are in paradise. Do something different and don’t be afraid!
  • Talk to someone. This is where a mentor comes in. Maybe a colleague who will cut through your shit and make you see for real. Or maybe it’s a friend who will snap you out of it. Maybe it’s me. I’m good about shaking things up and helping you see what’s really going on and what you really should be focused on.
    • If you’re reading this far, you need some help! I’m willing to do a free discovery call if you want it. Just schedule it here:
  • Create a vision board. I use this as an answer often, but they really do work! Vision boards make you reconnect to your original idea and reason, to your big why! Have a fun night with some wine or kombucha and imagine away so that whatever is preventing you from moving forward seems less important.
  • Give up. Yes, you read that right: give up. Maybe then you will realize you are throwing away your dreams and you will snap out of it and take a step towards not sabotaging your happiness. It’s TRUE!
  • Create a list. Write a list of top 10 things that would happen if you succeed and if you fail. Please make one of those save the earth because you will be immensely influential. Just saying… I want you (and me) to have this kind of effect on the world with your amazing company and brand.
    • If you are not stuck in the mud, call me… seriously! If you are not sure what to do and ideas are just a flurry… call me. If you want to have a dance party and are in Miami… please call me. They are an awesome way to change your state. I vote for Shakira. She’s awesome.

Can you imagine what it would feel like without the fear and the blocks? It’s called ebbing into ease and flow. As a yogi, that’s ALL I try to do and what I want to see you do as well.

So, yes, analysis paralysis can ruin your chances for an ideal, soul-driven life, and it can also ruin your chances to make an impact on everyone around you. Don’t let this sickness rule you, DO something about it.

Join my Facebook group and gain a whole tribe of people that are going through or have gone through some of the same challenges you’re facing! PLUS, I’ll give you some daily cheerleading love… After all, I am an acrobatics coach… I can make you work it to get the results you need!


Hope to see you there soon!


Love you in movement and more,
– Arianne


P.S. In case you didn’t click on the link earlier in this post for a FREE discovery call with me, here it is again >>>


If you have questions, I want to answer them! I want to help as many people as I can and to do that I need YOUR help. There may be OTHER Yogis out there struggling with the same things, asking your questions doesn’t just benefit you, but helps them along their path, too!!

Enter your question below and I’ll answer them in my weekly email OR on a FB Live. We’ll even give you a shoutout! Want to remain anonymous? Just write *anonymous* at the end of your question.

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You are always allowed to shine

 You ARE Always Allowed To Shine!

Why am I writing about this topic? I had the amazing pleasure of teaching an entire weekend of Business & Branding to a group of 10 women in Las Vegas and the look on their faces when I said they were allowed to do whatever they wanted, reach as high as the sky, move at the speed of light was EXACTLY my look when I began this journey of self exploration and allowance. Sometimes we auto edit ourselves. We press pause. We say I’m not ready yet. You always allowed to shine!!!


I’m here to tell you… you have been ready. You are ready. The time is now!

If you my light working yogi hearted creator read my last post about ideas, then let me give you not just a tip but let me open a door for you. I needed this when I started to think bigger, play in a larger field of possibilities. You see for a long time I saw myself as JUST a yoga teacher, JUST a graphic designer, JUST… This word which was totally self imposed played a very very large role in why I wasn’t achieving my goals, my desires for a better life and also greater income.

Have you ever felt like this?

I’m a driven person, with vision for a better world. Are you?

This self imposed limit was super unconscious also which is the crazy part. The word JUST never dawned on me as this, it was my REALITY.

Well today is your time to allow yourself to shine! YES!!! It is your open door to take the first step to making your dreams, your visions come true. They say the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago and the second best time is now. What steps do you need to plant your tree? Decide what kind of tree you want would be the first. Does it provide shade? Fruit? Flowers? Is this tree huge or smaller but smells amazing?

This is exactly what you want to do in business. Ask yourself what kind of life do I want and how can my business support that. I always provide you my amazing tribe with the tools on how to plant your tree, but you need to decide what kind to begin.

How to shine immediately!

First let’s all make an oath that you will stand by your values no matter what. You will be of service to the world no matter what. You will create light everywhere you go no matter what. Once you give yourself the permission to shine that bright that nothing gets in the way (and by the way you are usually what stands in your way) then the fun begins.

The sky’s the limit to what you can create and know I am on your team. I am telling you it’s ok to take the leap because I am on your side making sure you land softly and with support. It’s like when I teach handstands… if you know that your hands are the most important part, then the rest is just alignment and being fearless.

You always allowed to shine! Keep telling yourself this is ever in doubt. 🙂

Not only can you start immediately by making the choice to do so AND you can allow yourself to have fun doing so. Creating your own business doesn’t mean the process isn’t exciting and full of thrills- enjoy the ride and give yourself all the permission in the world to mess up, to trip but make sure you get up and keep at it!

I invite you to step up and shine all your light (Care Bear stare style) and take the first step to making your visions for life true. You KNOW I’m here for you and my calendar is always open to listen.

I honor the divine light within you.



Get Your FREE Discovery Session Here >>>


I had a dream… or idea… for another business.

Do you have constant ideas and dreams for businesses?

I was a serial dreamer. A serial creator of business idea after business idea… and you know what usually happened? NOTHING.

I’m a big fan of having tons of dreams and ideas because it shows you are creating possibilities but here is the caveat if they stay as ideas then you are still living in the clouds. What dreams and creation are good for are to get you inspired and to get that vision ingrained of the possibilities out there to start living your dreams and fulfilling your reality to where you want to be NOW.

There are so many amazing things about having dreams and visions but the danger is staying there. In Ayurveda, the dosha vata is connected to the active mind and quick thinking (obviously I am SUPER vata) and unless I put my feet on the earth I can stay in my head creating idea after idea after idea.

“First comes thought; then organization of that thought, into ideas and plans; then transformation of those plans into reality. The beginning, as you will observe, is in your imagination.” Napoleon Hill

Creation is a beautiful gift because our mind is the most powerful tool in our human experience, but a mind without a body cannot exist. Your body is meant for action and movement. Our yoga practice does exactly this, unites them both with a bonus spirit side as well. In business, having an over creative mind without the tools to execute the end result will leave you like the hamster in the wheel. Running and running yet going nowhere, well you’ll have great cardio (winning!).

Businesses are grown with great ideas, with creativity and with implementation. I can sit here all day and have the best conversations but until anything is set in stone with the first step, it’s just dreams with desire. Again, this is the FIRST step and it’s never too late to have it!

Here are some action tips to not get vata deranged and take business ideas into action:

  1. Write things down or use the voice record button on your phone.
  2. Don’t talk yourself out of the idea. You are your #1 saboteur!
  3. Have a conversation with someone you trust to advise how to take the steps to get there if you don’t know.
  4. I’m a big fan of buying the URL. Just own it and spend the $11 on godaddy. Every time I buy a URL it helps me start a wheel turning.
  5. Do a mindmap! This way ideas start linking together and it all starts making sense.
too many dreams and ideas
dreams & ideas


Get Your FREE Discovery Session Here >>>



Yoga Businesses: Are Yogis Allowed To Be Wealthy?

Yoga Businesses: Are they BROKE businesses?

Firstly, why do people think yogis and Yoga Businesses are meant to be broke? Why is yoga known as a “broke business”? I had a really interesting conversation with one of my yoga students while I held my coffee cup. He asked if I was drinking tea. My response? No, it’s coffee.

The words that followed stuck with me when he said: “Yogis don’t drink coffee.”. Image me – jaw wide open and my witty reply just waiting to escape my lips. So many preconceived notions about what yogis are and what they aren’t.

People actually think that all Yogis should be loincloth wearing, mountain cave living hippies. Broke hippies who drive a VW van from the 70’s. Oblivious to what’s going on in the world. But this is NOT who we are!

A thought ran through my brain: The reason yoga & healing is a “broke business” is not only because people don’t recognize the daily value it brings into their lives. It’s because there is a collective thought saying yogis can’t be wealthy.

I am sure there is more BUT I am going to credit some of our belief systems to other people’s opinions of us. You know as well as I do that what we think, say and do affect everything.

We as Yogis are meant to be humble. Yes, but this collective consciousness has somehow made that to mean poor. In some cases, it can prevent the growth of a great yogi in their Yoga Business!

I know this is a bit left field, but another example to point out: When I leased my Mercedes-Benz, my long-time friend passed by and remarked “I just can’t picture you in this car.”.

Of course, I had to do it… I had to ask the big “Why”. Her answer had me reeling: “Yogis don’t drive Benzes.”



Has anyone ever told you anything that would prevent you from playing big? I get upset because if more yogis were wealthy, the world would be a much better place.

If yogis held positions of influence, there would be less wars and damage to the environment. There would be more social awareness, more hugs, more presence… Do I need to go on?

If everyone out there changed their negative mindset on why yogis are “meant” to be broke, humble, unattached to material things… All of us would rise to be more affluent. Being humble doesn’t mean not being able to pay rent. Being unattached doesn’t mean not being able to have a luxury item. It means that not having that wouldn’t make you upset.

The point of any business, even Yoga Businesses, is so that you can help others while making a living for yourself.

Having money is a blessing because of all it allows you to do. After all we teach on the principles of abundance. Buying expensive cars without donating to a cause is not the basic principles or values of a yogi. Being able to buy the more expensive, local organic produce from your local farmer’s market is a good thing and shouldn’t be a sacrifice or seen as “luxury” living.


Finally it’s time for us to be leaders and manifest the abundance we teach others is there to make this world a better place. A place where it is energy rich, aware, kind, caring and full of love.

Healing the spirit, mind and body through yoga is a priceless gift that oftentimes is undervalued, but doesn’t mean it’s free either.

Now, think about it: The more we’re able to make a decent living WHILE having an impact on our surroundings through breath, spirit and light, the more we’re able to give back. It’s the gift that keeps giving.


That’s my tagline for Bizzy Yogi. Be the best person you can be, so you can create your dreams through a brand and business you love, so that you can inspire others to be the best version of themselves.



Like this post? Share it, get the word out, be part of the movement! The movement that doesn’t just set Yogis free of this misconception, but allows the whole world know who we are and who we’re NOT!

If you’re a Yoga Teacher and you’re considering opening your own studio OR if you currently have your own Yoga Studio, read this NOW >>> Why You Shouldn’t Open A Yoga Studio… Without Doing This FIRST!


P.S. I want to answer your questions! I do my best to provide the most helpful information I can, but I want to take that to the next level! Ask me your questions below and I’ll answer it in my weekly emails or on FB Live and give you a shoutout! **You can also remain anonymous by typing *anonymous* at the end of your question so we don’t give you a shoutout!


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How To Create Your Dream Retreat In 7 Steps

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The mythical retreat. We see them everywhere! Someone we know is going to Bali, another person a magical Greece retreat, Machu Picchu, Costa Rica just to name a few.

Your dream retreat is not very far away just to let you know. We will visit these 7 steps and get really clear on why, what and how the process is done from beginning to end.

For the last 10 years I have been putting together and selling out yoga retreats to some wonderful destinations worldwide. There are tons of beautiful centers that will cater exactly to what your needs are whether it be an adventure filled retreat or perhaps a more meditative quiet experience. Whichever you choose make sure to follow these steps for a successful and pleasant retreat for your guests and yourself.

Location… It’s SO Important!

Choose a location that inspires you and that makes sense for your audience. Do you want to do it locally, perhaps in another state, or perhaps in a beautiful faraway location. Logistics will always be one of the main tasks in your retreat choosing as the further away you get the more involved you need to be with the students and issues like: travel visas, currency exchange, jetlag etc. To avoid the headache you can always ask for help with Yoga Trail.


This is one of the most important things that will really attract your crowd. The more specific that you can target your audience the better results you will have. Which also brings the question what is your specialty?

Length of Retreat Time

How long do you want your retreat to be? If you were taking your students and clients to a faraway place and I suggest anything from 5 to 7 days but if it’s close and easily accessible then maybe a weekend retreat will suffice. It also depends the amount of material that you would like to cover so make sure that you plan accordingly to your offerings.

Flying Solo?

Sometimes running a retreat by yourself might be a daunting experience. There are many details, a lot of logistics and you have to be not only the teacher but also take care of the students making sure they’re happy and satisfied. Plan accordingly so that you are well taken care of and not overworked.

Who’s Coming?

How many and what kind of people would you want to take on this trip? Your demographic is probably one of the most important aspects so that your marketing and invites  you have a clear picture of who and how you will be catering to them. Can it be a woman’s rgathering? Or perhaps a family retreat? Always the more clarity you have from the beginning the better. Niches are key to create ease in this process so that you can save money and time.


There is a lot of hidden back end work that no one really realizes when putting together a retreat. First of all the agreements with the retreat center need to be clarified from the beginning to see what services they offer, what is and is not included. Are you offering food is part of the package? How many meals are you responsible for supplying? Are you doing any adventures or activities outside the retreat center with your students? If so who will be providing the transportation?

Taking the Bizzy Yogi Quiz might be a great idea to get you clear on your strengths!


After you have your content logistics, your demographic all set up, you need to sell your offering. This is often missed part of the process. Make sure your marketing and collateral are congruent, you have your pricing set up, method of payment, as well as a clear and concise sales pitch.

Retreats are life-changing experience for many people, so make sure that you follow your check list and know that I am available for consulting or even putting the retreat together for you!

Enjoy your travels and bon voyage!

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How To Stay Afloat In Business and Life


How To Stay Afloat In Business


Staying on top, or afloat in business and life is a top priority. Do you consider yourself a solo-preneur? Do you feel like you have to do everything because you either can’t afford to hire out or you just have mad skills that enable you to be the ninja of it all?

Let’s talk a little about what being a solo-preneur is. First of all let’s get really clear about why it’s so good to have these moments of self reflection. Look at your business and life and see where the heaviness is and also of course, where the light is. Below is a little checklist of what to look at and really see where you’re at because once you have a map it will open your eyes on where you want to put more time, energy or even invest to meet your goals and feel full and afloat. Close your eyes for a moment and imagine yourself in the ocean, sun shining, crystal clear water so you can see the bottom. Now allow yourself to float with that sense of total weightlessness around you. How does that feel like?

Here are some things to consider and check out to scan if your floating experience is not just zen but the power it gives you to feel and sense at a much higher vibration.



  1. Health: Are you feeling energized? Is your health tip-top or maybe a bit low n the scale.
  2. Relationships: How do you connect with yourself? This should be the top priority! Then is how are the relationships with your kids, family, friends- rich or lacking?
  3. Spirit: Is meditation and spiritual practice important to you? Do you have time to nourish this?
  4. Business: How is your business running? Can it run without you yet? Is it in flow or stuck in paralysis?
  5. Purpose & Passion: Are you feeling like all you do connects with your purpose and passion? Do you know what your purpose even is?
  6. Freedom: Can you take a month off and go to Bali? Are you free to take vacation or are you in the rat race because without you, your business can’t run?
  7. Time: How valuable is this!!! TIME is all we want because it’s the one thing you can’t get back. Do you have time to spare and explore your hobbies or start a new project?
  8. Fun: Have you forgotten what fun is? Are you sacrificing fun for work?

Just for a minute check out these areas and see how you feel in each one of them. Are you feeling empowered or fearful around some of these? Let me tell you, I know freedom is one of my top priorities but when I started my business, it’s actually the one I had the least of. So knowing this what did I need to do in order to have balance?

Now I want you to look at these areas of your life and gauge 1-10 to see where you are and how you feel. 10 is being afloat and light, 1 is drowning. Imagine life without breath? Imagine sinking in health, spirit or even time… how does that feel?


  • Breathe
  • Sleep
  • Eat
  • Be in service
  • Ask for help
  • Invest in yourself

Allow yourself to reflect on all these aspects and always if you need help you can always schedule a call with me please make an appointment 🙂

Get Your FREE Discovery Session Here >>>




Creating Fulfillment In Your Business & Life

Fulfillment: What Does That Mean

It means literally being full & filled. We can all do so many things, help so many people, and we can also feel very empty. Fulfillment isn’t something you need to find instead it’s something you create.

“Only those who have learned the power of sincere and selfless contribution experience life’s deepest joy: true fulfillment.” – Tony Robbins

Do you wake up every morning and get so excited for what you have to do because it fills your soul?


I know about this feeling and I am going to tell you how I actually lost it even though I am in the yoga business.


About 2 years ago I had an A-HA moment as my friends and I like to call it where I just had no desire to teach, to go to the studio, to tell people to do a warrior one. I was pretty sure I was put on this earth for more than this focus on physical practice.


And you are saying, 2 years ago Arianne? YUP.

Sometimes it doesn’t decades of feeling the funk to wake up.


This I learned as it relates to seasons.


In my health coaching practice I often tell people that they have to eat like the seasons – winter you hunker down, spring you wake up and detox, summer you feel light and full of energy and fall it’s when you prepare and integrate more.


This is the same for your business and fulfillment.




I went through the shit, I was depressed, not motivated (and for those of you who know me I am motivation bunny) and I honestly feel was letting dear relationships fall.


Suffering was my M.O. And yes, yoga teachers can feel crappy sometimes.


Not only did I feel crappy, I wanted to quit! I tried but something told me keep going.


That was fulfillment knocking at my door saying Ari get up and wake up!




Just like you read above spring is discovery time, when we need to detox from the winter blues and when we re-emerge from the funk it’s time to party.


Transformation is rough sometimes as it brings the pain level up that the freedom feels like you had a huge realization. Can you picture a phoenix rising up from the ashes?


Fulfillment , lifestyle and business go hand in hand because when you allow yourself to have this transformation all of this will blossom.


Give yourself permission to change, to shift, to transform in your business and life. Spring is when you can reinvent and make exactly what you want.




So when I said that spring was party time no comparison to summer’s bounty. Right now in my mango tree there are over 1000 mangoes and last year that same tree was barren.


What did I do to make this tree bloom and have a massive abundant season- well I fertilized it, gave it tons of love and pruned it. Sometimes we need to cut out all the stuff that’s preventing us from our abundance.


So what I said earlier regarding the moment where I was in really down and not feeling fulfilled… well I made the necessary shifts, allowed myself to give up anchors and invite new experiences.


The way I related to situations and people radically changed and it empowered me once again to have creativity and focus.


Summer for me is the time where I can explode into abundant living both in my business and in my personal life… and obviously eat mangoes galore!!!


Let summer be this time for you! All your hard work, the crap, the transformation, the bloom will show in productivity and growth. I am so happy to enjoy this summer in the growth of my business and let all the fruits of my hard work both internally and externally really blossom.


Integration!!! This is when we re-stuff ourselves with all the goodness we need to be in full integrity with everything we do and how we do it. We learned hard lessons in winter, we allowed the phoenix to rise in spring and we ate the delicious fruit in summer.

Everything in life and business is a cycle that keeps looping year after year, day after day and lifetime after lifetime. Everything I do in my coaching space is about finding the parallels between yoga, spirituality & business to find a fulfilled life with joy and purpose.

Remember your first downdog or first handstand? It’s the same thing!!! It’s the moment you realized how freaking hard it was to get the pose and feel comfortable in it before doing variations. Business is the same exact thing.


Fulfillment is just a season and a decision away. Let your life be guided with spirit and with authentic purpose that leaves you literally feeling full.


I am perfect and complete. Everything is perfect and complete. We are all perfect and complete.


I would love to hear how you create fulfillment in your life and business and if you are stuck I would be honored to guide you! If you are ready to make a change, make your life resonate with your desires then take action and schedule

Fill your life with love and abundance.



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