The Hidden Myths to a 6 Figure Business

The Hidden Myths to a 6 Figure Business

Today we are going to deep dive into hidden myths that honestly, I wish somebody would’ve told me when starting my journey in business.

If you’ve read some of my other blogs, you’ll notice that I really love to talk about foundation since I was a yoga teacher for 20 years. And look, if your feet are wrong on your mat, they’re gonna be wrong in your business. If your foundations aren’t set up correctly, if they’re not set up to support you as you grow, then you’re gonna find yourself frustrated and maybe spin out of your center. 


Hidden Myth Number One: you don’t need emotional support.

And look, that word gets used a lot, but literally it’s gonna be grit, self confidence, and support. 

Close your eyes and picture all the people around you who are gonna lift you up, who are your cheerleaders and those who are holding you back and aren’t letting you fulfill your dream.

Now, who are the people that lift you up your rocket? Nurture these relationships to keep yourself strong.


Hidden Myth Number Two: you can do it alone.


You’re going to want not just that emotional support, but also somebody that can guide you in the right path so that you avoid thousands of dollars of mistakes. You avoid wasting a ton of time and effort making mistakes because as you know, money is easier to come by, but time is finite.

So find a trusted advisor. The minute I hired a coach, a strategist, that’s what catapulted my business and redirected my life to where I wanted to go.

Hidden Myth Number Three: you don’t need to invest money back into it.

Why do I say this? Because a lot of entrepreneurs, they bootstrap and they don’t invest in systems or softwares that can make their lives so much easier. 


For example, I have a client and she’s amazing at what she does. And she just wouldn’t upgrade her email marketing software. She wouldn’t do it. It was like $25 a month. This is like five Starbucks coffees. So she wouldn’t do it. 

She was like, “I don’t wanna spend that much money. I don’t wanna invest in this. It’s another expense.” 

And I was like, “But everything we’re trying to do, like this software, doesn’t let us on the free version. It’s great that you started with the free version, but just don’t go out to eat for one time a month. And that’s paying for your software.”

Finally, after a bit of arm wrestling, we’re able to upgrade and now we’re getting better open rates. We’re getting data that we need in order to track what marketing efforts are doing. All right? So don’t be cheap when it comes to your business. Be cheap with other excess expenses, but invest in your growth.

Money makes money and you want money to start and grow your business. Invest in to help things be easier, faster and better.

Now also let’s consider what does it take to build a six figure business? Well, a lot of pieces, you need an audience, a good product, time marketing and sales. Once you not only have these skill sets and apply them is when you’re gonna start seeing momentum. And that momentum trust me with consistency is what gets you where you wanna go. 

So, set some realistic milestones for yourself, say, okay, the first three months that I’m starting my business, I’m gonna do X amount of revenue profit. I’m gonna invest X amount so that I can get back X amount. 

And honestly, if you break even the first three to six months of your business, you are winning. And why do I say that? Because a lot of businesses in the beginning, they invest a ton of money and it takes time to see that money turn into returns into profits. 

So be gentle with yourself. Be compassionate with yourself. Things take time and you gotta test things. Not every single marketing initiative that you do is gonna hit the ballpark, right? Not every single Instagram post that you do is gonna get many eyes, not every single YouTube video that you film is gonna get a lot of likes or comments. So be gentle with yourself and don’t compare yourself. 

Because it’s SO easy to compare. It’s easy to see somebody else who’s winning or who’s being successful, but you really don’t know what’s below the tip of the iceberg. You don’t know how much they’ve been working. You don’t know how many coaches they’ve hired, how many marketing agencies they’ve invested in. So don’t compare. Honor your journey, honor your movement from where you’re at to where you wanna go and learn from every step. 


Hidden Myth Number Four: you don’t need a vision.


I want to invite you to look at the first three myths we’ve discussed and deeply assess where you’re currently at. 

What are you standing on right now? What are your goals? What are your visions? What do you wanna see out of your business? Are you aligned in the way that your business is operating the offerings, the services, the products, make sure that they’re aligned to your strengths and that they’re aligned to the vision that you have for the way your lifestyle wants to live. 

Are you taking action? Action. Action. Action. Action. Daily action. Daily action. 

Even if it’s a little one daily action, who’s holding you accountable, who is making sure that the things that you said that like you were pumped about actually come to fruition and that you didn’t get analysis paralysis. You didn’t get stuck. 

At the end of the day, once you undo your limiting beliefs around these four things, you’re gonna see that you’re gonna have a different business quicker than you expected. So please go ahead and comment below and tell me where you’re at in your business.

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3 Freebie Ideas To Grow Your Email List (Quicker!)

3 Freebie Ideas To Grow Your Email List (Quicker!)


You might’ve been wondering what are some great ways to not only grow your email list, but connect and show your expertise to your, to your audience, to your existing followers and new followers. And guess what? This can all be done with one simple tool called an opt-in page, or in other words, a freebie.


A freebie is a powerful tool that takes your audience off of social media, and onto your email list so you can engage with them regardless of what happens to social media platforms, and which can stand the test of time.


For example, two of my friends and clients, their Facebook got hacked the other day and they lost so many people from groups they had been building. And the first thing I asked them was, “Hey, have you been getting people onto your email list?”


Because the best thing about an email list is that it’s yours. It’s not owned by a third party and it’s not subject to a specific platform. Basically, all your eggs aren’t in one basket.


So imagine TikTok goes away and you lose a hundred thousand followers, or Instagram goes away and you can’t communicate with your 2,000 followers? How would you sell your products and services? What would happen to your business? It’s time to make business platform proof and also a place where you give your followers exclusive access to your content and offers… meaning, you’re not subject to an algorithm since they are willingly saying: “please have my email and I’ll see you in my inbox.”

And consider this… you’re giving people a valuable GIFT in exchange for their email! To me, this is a win win!

Another super important reason why having an email list is so clutch is because it actually serves as clout and is great when you’re ready to start running Facebook and Instagram Ads. 

Briefly I realized you also might have said… “Ari, who reads emails anymore? Everyone is on social media!”. I am here to tell you – I read emails, good emails that is. I buy stuff from those good emails I get sent and most of the time, I actually don’t see those people in my social media, which I spend quite a bit of time on (shame on me for not always working on my business!). 

We’ll get into email writing tactics on another blog post, but for now, let’s focus on growing your email because without at least 100 subscribers, creating lengthy and value rich email campaigns won’t be your best ROT (return on time!).

Now here are some freebie ideas to showcase your expertise and truly serve your audience the best way you know how!


Freebie 1: A Checklist

It could be a wellness checklist. It could be a diet checklist. It could be a lifestyle checklist. People love to know about themselves. And they love to know if they’re doing things right.


And remember, since you are the expert, you have all the knowledge. People want to get their sources from a trusted individual and you are that person.


A checklist can be easily created on Canva, or you can even start it in a word document!


So now, how do people get this checklist? Well, number one, you could simply ask people to DM you or leave a comment and then you DM them. 

You don’t need a whole opt-in page and a landing page, an email sequence, not in the beginning. I love to say, “how can I run my business on bare bones?“

Well, this is one of those ways you could just say, “Hey, whoever wants this checklist, DM me your email.”

Number two, if you are looking to start your digital marketing portfolio, then you’ll want a simple opt-in page where people can leave their name, email and a phone (optional), then get a very simple automated email sequence that delivers the freebie and follow up emails that help the prospective client to get to know you better and nurture the relationship. You’d use softwares like: Go High Level or Active Campaign which are my personal favorites.


Freebie 2: A Quiz


Do you guys remember when we had the Cosmo magazines or like 17 magazines? And there was always a quiz, like an astrology quiz or the love quiz, and you would take it and tallied up all your points. Then you read the results, super excited! This is the energy that we are building with our potential clients. We are creating excitement based on a quiz.


Like I said, people love to learn about themselves. I do too. I still take quizzes!!!

I recently created an awesome quiz with a client of mine called: “What are your love blocks?” And, so far, she’s been able to grow over 180 people onto her email list, just from organic social media from TikTok and Instagram in 2 weeks.


So what does it take to build a quiz? There are some softwares you can build them with like TryInteract and Typeform.


Now the cool part about the quizzes is that then you show up as the one who gives them the results. You create the results based on the questions that they answered. And it gives you a chance to show off again, your expertise and be able to really connect with that person and help them out and give them those initial suggestions on how to be a better lover, how to be healthier, how to sleep better, how to detox their bodies, etc.


Freebie 3: A How to Guide or Mistakes to Avoid

I love my really easy to follow guides that help me avoid blunders and that help me learn something. These guides can be PDF’s or even videos. To me, videos are quicker to make but this is not the case for all. Also, you have to know your audience well- will they consume a video or rather read… OMG you can maybe even do BOTH! 

We’ll talk about content repurposing later down the line.

But for real, a good guide that shows me the way to achieve a micro win and how to potentially not make some crazy mistakes is extremely valuable and honestly for you as the expert, might even be easy to make since you’ve worked with clients before and know how you’ve helped them avoid things and at the same time reach certain goals or milestones. 

So go back into your client rolodex and start putting together some good ideas!

Freebie 4: A Challenge


Now there’s paid challenges and there’s free challenges. Free challenges are a great way to indoctrinate and work with people. These could be prerecorded or these could be live.


When you look at a challenge because it’s a more of a time investment and it’s a longer build out of the project. And at the end of the challenge, you are selling a higher level offering or service. Whether it’s a physical product, an online course, coaching, retained services, or an experience – all of it can be sold in a challenge.


Think about the challenge as a very invested experience. It’s a wonderful way to generate leads and to have them experience a transformation over a series of days so that they get a result, they get quick wins and gives you the opportunity to really show up as the expert that you are and offer your services


Freebie 5: A Video Series


A video series creates education and solution-awareness. It could perhaps be three training videos, or a recording from a recent talk you gave. It’s very easy to reach out to your audience and say, “Hey, put your name and email here and get these three training videos to help you XYZ.”


I always tell people to give the transformation, the benefit of what’s going to happen when they watch these videos. And you could once again, let the videos come via email, or you give them access to a little online course or membership site, and they can experience the videos, maybe have a question or two that they answer and then see what the next steps are


Remember, it’s your responsibility and opportunity as the entrepreneur to keep the connections with your audience alive, strong, and really meaningful.

Here’s your call to action: what can you be doing to grow your email list? What are the steps you can take to create a meaningful relationship with your audience via their inbox?

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How To Make More Money As A Wellness Entrepreneur

How To Make More Money As A Wellness Entrepreneur


Today, we’re talking about something super important called offers and being a marketer. That’s right. Why is this so important? Because it’s the foundation of your entire business.


What ends up happening with a lot of us who are holistic entrepreneurs, yogis, and service providers is that we get so caught up in inconsistent one-on-one services or an occasional group, but not really having a stack of offers that work together strategically. I do want you to think about how you can get more clients with your time, but also while working smart.


As a business coach, I love to talk about offers, also known as offerings, because they are the foundation of you being able to show up as a credible expert, who gets paid well to do what they love to do all day every day.


The 2 steps to making more money as a wellness entrepreneur…


Step 1: Play to your strengths!

Ask yourself…

  1. Do you like to work one-on-one with people? 
  2. Do you like to be in group settings? 
  3. Do you like to speak in front of big crowds? 
  4. How do you like to show up? 


It’s important to determine how you like to work so that we can make sure you are comfortable, that you are going to shine, and that it is going to be fun for you. That’s it! 


So once we understand how you want to show up, now we can start creating your magical business layer cake!


Step 2: Examine all of the different revenue streams available to you


1. Trade Time For Money


Although a lot of people say that you shouldn’t trade time for money, this is still a fabulous way to generate an income. And it’s an essential part of every offer ladder.


Plus, guess what? As wellness entrepreneurs, I am guessing that you love to work with your clients. You love to interact with them. You love to treat them. Are you an acupuncturist, massage therapist, yoga teacher? There’s still such value in working one-on-one with clients or in a group setting. It’s okay to still trade time for money. 


What’s not okay is relying on that being your wealth strategy. One-on-one, small group classes, large classes, being a speaker. This is still trading time for money, and some are scalable, and some are not. 


So let’s go over the ones that are limited, and also the ones that you can also charge premium prices for. 


So, for example, if I want to get fit, or I want to get flexible quickly. Instead of going to group classes or going to the gym on my own, I might hire a private teacher that way we can address my needs, my concerns, and my body. That’s going to cost me money. If I hire a trainer, if I hire a private teacher, I’m going to pay premium because it’s 100% of their attention on me. 


So when you are positioning yourself as a one-on-one teacher, please make sure you charge accordingly. 


Now, this is going to vary on your town, your city, your state, your country. Every time I’ve gone to Peru to teach whether it was yoga or Acro Yoga, or even Thai massage. I had to lower my prices a little bit because the currency there is very different, and I wanted to be of service for the people. 


What I would charge here in Miami, where prices are a little bit higher, we have premium rates I wouldn’t do down there. So be smart about where you are and how you create your prices. 

Next, determine how much value you’re delivering to decide on your price. This makes sure that your one-on-one prices can become up-leveled, and make it easier to charge a premium because you’re delivering more value. 


Maybe your one-on-one work comes with a membership to your online yoga studio, or essential oils, a beautiful treatment, a tote bag, something that is going to allow you to raise your prices a little bit without also feeling icky because I know we’re of service and I don’t want to ever make you not feel like you’re showing up fully as a holistic entrepreneur. 


So that summarizes one-on-one work. Pros? You give 120% of your attention on your client. Cons? There’s only one of you, which makes it very limiting. Typically, you could only take five clients a day.


2. Group Classes


I love group classes! I love people. I’m a group person. If you could just hug me. That’d be great. Why? Because I feed off people’s energy. So for me, group classes is one of my favorite ways of working. Now, pro. Lots of people, lots and lots and lots of people can mean lots and lots and lots of money.


But depending on the situation, for example, when I used to own my yoga studio, yes, there was be lots and lots of people for my teachers, but their pay rate was not all the money. Why? Because the model of being an employee isn’t the most fruitful. 


Now, if you’re going to do group classes, always get people onto your email list and always, always, always have an upsell. 


Cons of group classes is that obviously, you’re not giving 100% of your attention to one person. So maybe people won’t feel that 100% focus on them. But if you’re a good instructor or you’re a good service provider, guess what? You can still have great outcome. 


In my yoga conferences, the Global Yoga Conference, and my Yoga Expo, sometimes the teacher teaches to a hundred people. Obviously, there’s no way to personalize that, but there’s still a great way to cue, message, give information that can serve somebody at each part of their experience, their practice, or their journey. 


But again, be sure to always have an upsell and always show up as inclusive as possible.


3. Small Group Private


Why do I love this one? Because it has a blend. You can still charge a high amount, and provide your clients the attention they need, but the difference is that it is scalable. 


For example, I run two types of consulting and coaching. I do one-on-one work, and I do group work. 


Now, when you’re doing group work, this means you have scalability. You are you to many. It’s going to give you a lot of potential, not only to connect but to also make great change. You can have a deep impact on people because you’re solving lots of problems, and there’s also a sense of comradery and union that gets formed for your members


4. Info Products


This is where your knowledge is shared to many people. So now this becomes a product consumed by groups of people. This is where the most scalability and leverage lies. 


I get this done through my online courses where people are consuming the material in a way that doesn’t take any additional time. When you create an online course, you complete it once and don’t have to add more work as more people join. There’s so much maximization potential.


So think about you positioning yourself out there in these four different ways so that you have a variety. You want to be able to help people in different ways so that you’re also supporting yourself, your self-care, connection to others, and your bottom line, which is your revenue.


Pick the one that’s going to give you the most money right away. Why? Because if you’re looking to grow your financial side of your business, then pick the one that gives you the highest revenue. That might not be your one-on-one. That might be a group. Now, this doesn’t necessarily mean teaching classes for low amounts of money. It could be a program. It could be a retreat. It could be a training. Now, this is what I love to teach! The potential to have scalable business through a group setting with also a nice price point. Teacher trainings, retreats, transformative programs, or group plus one-on-one. These all can have price points of a thousand and up. And it’s the best way to change your financial outcome without needing a ton of people. 


If we look at the concept of pricing, we’ve got to see that if you’re like a Ferrari, or you’re a Louboutin, Louis Vuitton. You don’t need to sell a lot. You might only need five clients a month to double your income. 


Now, if you need a ton of people to meet your baseline. It might take longer. When you’re creating your products, have a variety and think of it like a menu. When you go to a restaurant, there are lots of things for you to choose from. And in the middle part of the menu is going to be chefs’ choices. So I want you to make your chefs’ choices for the day and see what product you want to promote. What do you want to create that makes sense for you? And you probably want to start at a higher price point.


So what can you put out there that’s worth $200 to $1,000? Is it a certification that’s specific?


For example, chair yoga or Reiki atunement. Maybe it’s a modality of massage. Again, this is where you also start showing up as an expert. So your confidence level, your credibility, your professionalism gets to shine through even more. 


The last thing that’s really important is that I want you to do a goal. How much money do you want to make a month? So let’s say it’s about $5,000. Maybe it’s $10,000. If you are trying to fill your calendar with 40, $50 an hour average, you’re going to need a lot of those hours. But if you can do a few that are $30, $40, $50 an hour, and a few that are $200 an hour. 


Now you also want to make sure that when you’re creating your menu of services, that as you figure out what your monthly revenue goal is that we create the price points accordingly.


And then all we have to do is fill in the amount of students that we need per thing. 


So let’s say you’re leading a certification. You are an amazing massage therapist, like my husband, and specialize in lower back. And you’re going to lead a certification training or give educational credits. Now, perhaps you do a one-day seminar. You charged $85 per person, and you get 10 people. That’s an $850 a day. Pretty cool, right? 


Or let’s say that you are a yoga teacher and you have your E-RYT 500. You can give workshops and you do a weekend that is for yoga teachers, all about adjustments, cueing, how to become a better teacher. And you charge $250 for this because it’s only a couple hours a day. 20 people, you’ve got a $4,000 weekend. 


So start looking at the possibilities of growing your offerings in a way that feels good to you, to where you’re at in your career. So when you’re doing your menu of services, see where you show up. Are you showing up as a credible professional that can give more value? Are you using your knowledge and turning it into a product? 


Are you creating opportunities for people to really get an immersive learning experience from you, maybe through a retreat? 


So this is your opportunity to shine in the way that you create your offers that match your goals, that provide the results. At the end of the day, we want everyone to look good, to feel good, and to be good. I’m so excited to see what you put out there! 


Drop a comment below if you have any questions, and please share if you think somebody can benefit from this blog.



How to Create A Holistic Marketing Strategy

Do you consider yourself a marketer? And if not, why? 


Marketing stems from confidence and HeartSpace. And I want to highlight how important marketing is in order to have a successful business. 


Traditional marketing is tied to sales. The both co-exist, and still do in holistic marketing. But what holistic marketers different from traditional marketers is the magic that happens when they decide to be one with their audience. Holistic marketing is about focusing on where you can give your audience value and providing an essence of support that speaks their language. 


One thing that I’ve been focusing on more is seeing how can I provide my audience, not just value, but not making them feel like they’re not complete already. How do we elevate the audience in a way that your service or your product will be an add on to their already existing, and thriving abundance? 


I always get a hot seat moments when I sit down with my coach. And he gave me the best way to create a really engaged community: to inspire them to join a movement, to be part of a mission, to be part of a greater vision. And this is the most effective form of marketing – it just so happens to also be holistic!


So in your own marketing, hunker down on your mission, and solidify with the movement that you want to create with your services or products. 


For example, if you sell yoga clothes. Do you think that you can create a movement where people are more aligned and more in line with the why behind your products? 


  • A percentage of profits are donated to a specific cause.
  • Sourcing your materials from a local community you support.
  • Practicing eco-friendly and sustainable business operations.


So every piece of your marketing has to have a bigger purpose to it – it really has to nothing to do with the right words.


If you think of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, Purpose is ranked as the #1 priority. Second to purpose is wants, and finally we have needs. The main idea is that once we work downwards from purpose into desires, then what do you think happens? We now have a purpose-driven business. 


So if your business has a movement that people can connect with, your marketing will be so much more effective. It emanates authenticity, and comes from a place of heart. It comes from a place of, of abundance versus from a place of needs and scarcity.


And then you’ll be able to serve a bigger purpose, and have a greater impact on the world. And people want to align to that.


Look at so many companies out there, like, let’s say Nike with Colin Kaepernick. “Believe in something. Even if it means sacrificing everything,” Kaepernick says in the ad campaign. People really rallied to that – especially young people. Gillette also had a whole campaign around the “me too” movement. People really rally for a good cause, or they rally against them. Now this really brings in light. You know, what team are you on? 


I recently heard a successful fitness coach say at a conference, “Give your tribe their cause.” Once you give your tribe their cause, they will be so much more in alignment to how you do things, and will support you through your programs and events and practices.

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How to Build Your Wealth Strategy

Today, we’re talking about something super important called a Wealth Strategy. That’s right. Why is this so important? Because it’s the foundation of your entire business.

What ends up happening with a lot of us who are holistic entrepreneurs, yogis, and service

providers is that we get so caught up in inconsistent one-on-one services or an occasional group, but not really having a stack of offers that work together strategically. I do want you to think about how you can get more clients with your time, but also while working smart.

As a business coach, I love to talk about offers, also known as offerings, because they are the foundation of you being able to show up as credible expert, who gets paid well to do what they love to do all day every day.

The 2 steps to making more money as a wellness entrepreneur…

Step 1: Play to your strengths!

Ask yourself…

  1. Do you like to work one-on-one with people? 
  2. Do you like to be in group settings? 
  3. Do you like to speak in front of big crowds? 
  4. How do you like to show up? 

It’s important to determine how you like to work so that we can makes sure you are comfortable, that you are going to shine, and that it is going to be fun for you. That’s it!

So once we understand how you want to show up, now we can start creating your magical business layer cake!


Step 2: Examine different revenue streams

  1. Trade Time For Money


Although a lot of people say that you shouldn’t trade time for money, this is still a fabulous way to generate an income. And it’s an essential part of every offer ladder.


Plus, guess what? As wellness entrepreneurs, I am guessing that you love to work with your clients. You love to interact with them. You love to treat them. Are you acupuncturist, massage therapist, yoga teacher? There’s still such value in working one-on-one with clients or in a group setting. It’s okay to still trade time for money. 


What’s not okay is relying on that being your wealth strategy. One-on-one, small group

classes, large classes, being a speaker. This is still trading time for money, and some are scalable, and some are not. 

So let’s go over the ones that are limited, and also the ones that you can also charge premium

prices for. 


So, for example, if I want to get fit, or I want to get flexible quickly. Instead of going to group

classes or going to the gym on my own, I might hire a private teacher that way we can address my needs, my concerns, and my body. That’s going to cost me money. If I hire a trainer, if I hire a private teacher, I’m going to pay premium because it’s 100% of their attention on me. 


So when you are positioning yourself as a one-on-one teacher, please make sure you charge accordingly. 


Now, this is going to vary on your town, your city, your state, your country. Every time I’ve gone to Peru to teach whether it was yoga or Acro Yoga, or even Thai massage. I had to lower my prices a little bit because the currency there is very different, and I wanted to be of service for the people. 


What I would charge here in Miami, where prices are a little bit higher, we have premium rates I wouldn’t do down there. So be smart on where you are and how you create your prices. 


Next, determine how much value you’re delivering to decide on your price. This makes sure that your one-on-one prices can become up-leveled, and make it easier to charge a premium because you’re delivering more value. 


Maybe your one-on-one work comes with a membership to your online yoga studio, or essential oils, a beautiful treatment, a tote bag, something that is going to allow you to raise your prices a little bit without also feeling icky because I know we’re of service and I don’t want to ever make you not feel like you’re showing up fully as a holistic entrepreneur. 


So that summarizes one-on-one work. Pros? You give 120% of your attention on your client. Cons? There’s only one of you, which makes it very limiting. Typically, you could only take five clients a day.


  1. Group Classes


I love group classes! I love people. I’m a group person. If you could just hug me. That’d be

great. Why? Because I feed off people’s energy. So for me, group classes is one of my favorite ways of working. Now, pro. Lots of people, lots and lots and lots of people can mean lots and lots and lots of


But depending on the situation, for example, when I used to own my yoga studio, yes, there was be lots

and lots of people for my teachers, but their pay rate was not all the money. Why? Because the model of being an employee isn’t the most fruitful. 


Now, if you’re going to do group classes, always get people onto your email list and always, always, always have an upsell. 


Cons of group classes is that obviously, you’re not giving 100% of your attention to one person. So maybe people won’t feel that 100% focus on them. But if you’re a good instructor or you’re a good service provider, guess what? You can still have great outcome. 


In my yoga conferences, the Global Yoga Conference, and my Yoga Expo, sometimes the

teacher teaches to a hundred people. Obviously, there’s no way to personalize that, but there’s still a great way to cue, message, give information that can serve somebody at each part of their experience, their practice, or their journey. 


But again, be sure to always have an upsell and always show up as inclusive as possible.


  1. Small Group Private


Why do I love this one? Because it has a blend. You can still charge a high amount, and provide your clients the attention they need, but the difference is that it is scalable. 


For example, I run two types of consulting and coaching. I do one-on-one work, and I do group work. 


Now, when you’re doing group work, this means you have scalability. You are you to many. It’s going to give you a lot of potential, not only to connect but to also make great change. You can have a deep impact on people because you’re solving lots of problems, and there’s also a sense of comradery and union that gets formed for your members


  1. Info Products


This is where your knowledge is shared to many people. So now this becomes a product consumed by groups of people. This is where the most scalability and leverage lies. 


I get this done through my online courses where people are consuming the material in a way that doesn’t take any additional time. When you create an online course, you complete it once and don’t have to add more work as more people join. There’s so much maximization potential.


So think about you positioning yourself out there in these four different ways so that you have a variety. You want to be able to help people in different ways so that you’re also supporting yourself, your self-care, connection to others, and your bottom line, which is your revenue.


Pick the one that’s going to give you the most money right away. Why? Because if you’re looking to grow your financial side of your business, then pick the one that gives you the highest revenue. That might not be your one-on-one. That might be a group. Now, this doesn’t necessarily mean teaching classes for low amounts of money. It could be a program. It could be a retreat. It could be a training. Now, this is what I love to teach! The potential to have scalable business through a group setting with also a nice price point. Teacher trainings, retreats, transformative programs, or group plus one-on-one. These all can have price points of a thousand and up. And it’s the best way to change your financial outcome without needing a ton of people. 


If we look at the concept of pricing, we’ve got to see that if you’re like a Ferrari, or you’re a Louboutin, Louis Vuitton. You don’t need to sell a lot. You might only need five clients a month to double your income. 


Now, if you need a ton of people to meet your baseline. It might take longer. When you’re creating your products, have a variety and think of it like a menu. When you go

to a restaurant, there are lots of things for you to choose from. And in the middle part of the menu is going to be chefs’ choices. So I want you to make your chefs’ choices for the day and see what product you want to promote. What do you want to create that makes sense for you? And you probably want to start at a higher price point.


So what can you put out there that’s worth $200 to $1,000? Is it a certification that’s specific?

For example, chair yoga or Reiki attunement. Maybe it’s a modality of massage. Again, this is where you also start showing up as an expert. So your confidence level, your credibility, your professionalism gets to shine through even more. 


The last thing that’s really important is that I want you to do a goal. How much money do you want to make a month? So let’s say it’s about $5,000. Maybe it’s $10,000. If you are

trying to fill your calendar with 40, $50 an hour average, you’re going to need a lot of those hours. But if you can do a few that are $30, $40, $50 an hour, and a few that are $200 an hour. 


Now you also want to make sure that when you’re creating your menu of services, that as you figure out what your monthly revenue goal is that we create the price points accordingly.

And then all we have to do is fill in the amount of students that we need per thing. 


So let’s say you’re leading a certification. You are an amazing massage therapist, like my husband, and specialize in lower back. And you’re going to lead a certification training or give educational credits. Now, perhaps you do a one-day seminar. You charged $85 per person, and you get 10 people. That’s an $850 a day. Pretty cool, right? 


Or let’s say that you are a yoga teacher and you have your E-RYT 500. You can give [inaudible

00:11:56], and you do a weekend that is for yoga teachers, all about adjustments, cueing, how to

become a better teacher. And you charge $250 for this because it’s only a couple hours a day. 20 people, you’ve got a $4,000 weekend. 


So start looking at the possibilities of growing your offerings in a way that feels good to you, to where you’re at in your career. So when you’re doing your menu of services, see where you show up. Are you showing up as a credible professional that can give more value? Are you using your knowledge and turning it into a product? 


Are you creating opportunities for people to really get an immersive learning experience from you, maybe through a retreat? 


So this is your opportunity to shine in the way that you create your offers that match your goals, that provide the results. At the end of the day, we want everyone to look good, to feel good,

and to be good. I’m so excited to see what you put out there! 


Deop a comment below if you have any questions, and please share if you think somebody can benefit from this blog.


Why You and Your Biz Are Like Happy Eggs

happy eggs

Why are you and your biz like happy eggs?

This might sound like a strange title I know.

Well, I’m an egg snob and if my eggs don’t have bright orange yolks, I’m not eating them. It actually reminds me of an episode of Portlandia where they went out to eat and asked the waiter if the chicken they ordered was organic. If it was free range. If it had lots of sunlight. What it’s name was and if it had friends. (Pretty funny episode if you ask me).

Well, I’m the same with my products and things I invest it. I only want top notch food for my family and myself and rather spend a couple extra dollars on that knowing I’m also supporting small farmers in the process.

I do the same with my water, my clothes and anything else I spend my money on. Quality always beats quantity and knowing there’s good energy behind it is even more important!

Why is this blog then about Happy Eggs when I’m a business coach?

VALUE. Plain and simple. Your value and how you price yourself to be more exact.

Did you know most holistic entrepreneurs have a tendency to underprice themselves by 10-15%?

In this (our) industry there is a stigma around money and asking for your worth. In my book, The Abundant Yogi I talk about this exact thing in more detail, but to get an idea we have been used to providing discounts and lowering our rates due to covid almost instantly.

happy eggs

Why lowering your rates is a bad idea

First of all let’s talk about perceived value and what it means in the world of commerce. When something FEELS more expensive and is presented that way, you automatically get the essence that it’s more valuable.

Think Happy Eggs vs plain old eggs. Simply the packaging and the promise was good enough to charge $1 more than regular eggs, and if you’ve ever heard my presentation about pricing then you know $1 based on a volume based business can turn into $$$$$$!!!

Now do some quick math for yourself – if you lower your rates or on the flip side don’t raise your prices (ever!), you’re basically digging a hole for yourself that will be harder to dig out of. For example, it’s easier to give someone a discount vs raising your price right?

Let’s say I’m an acupuncturist and my rates have been $100 a session for the last 3 years and then because of covid I dropped them by $10, it’s going to be harder to raise my price back to $100 since now people think my rates are $90. Instead what I could’ve done, is given a 10% off and kept my prices the same.

On another note I’ve seen plenty of businesses raise their prices in the last 6 months or add a covid tax of 99 cents!

So STOP lowering your value and your prices.

What does this all mean for you as a Happy Egg?

You want to create a value 3 ways.

  1. Your experience, wisdom and time. You want to make sure you show that you’re the best at what you do and price according to all the trainings and experience you have under your belt.
  2. The perceived value of your brand and message. Yup.
    You want to show up as a professional and deliver that initial VA VA VOOM feeling when someone opens your website, your social media or anything outward facing.
  3. Making sure your offerings have that added value that goes beyond time. For example, my client Chloe did a 3 week breath course and charged more because she created an irresistible value stack that really (not pretend like many people do) gave over $150 worth of products and services.

Can I side note for a second? This is why ALL my clients create some sort of an online product that can be sold as a stand alone OR can be added as a BONUS on their programs!!!


Why should you apply this info right now?

2021 is your year to create and radiate. It’s vital the offerings you create and put out there show off your bad-assery. You deserve to make back all the money you’ve spent in growing your knowledge and wisdom and your diligent service to help others heal and feel better.

Go over your pricing and get it out there with pride and knowing fully you will deliver 110% of what people pay for. And if you haven’t gotten a chance to get your business planning 15 minute discover call – let’s do it!! 2021 waits for no one.

Hugs + Love,


Increased Income – Yes Please!

Yay For Increased Income!

It wasn’t too long ago when I believed payroll was only for “successful people”. For those who were making “real money”.

Side note: Can you see where none of the above statements even make sense?

These were all illusions I had set up because of comparisons to others who I assumed made so much more money than I, who were living more grandiose and who obviously could afford to pay themselves a salary.

I thought, keep all the money in my business account and pay myself as little as possible JUST IN CASE.

Just in case what? What was I setting myself up for? Failure?

So here let’s all say “Yes Please!” to increased income.

[button link=”” type=”big” newwindow=”yes”] SCHEDULE YOU CALL HERE[/button]

The Reality

Here’s the deal. Now that you and I are professional adults as I like to call it, this is why and how I tripled my salary in just a few short months.

  1. I wanted to settle down and buy a house
  2. I wanted to start investing my money into other things
  3. I asked the “successful people” what they did

Big realization was that I was limiting myself massively on item 1 because no one would lend me money since I earned “so little”. I was also telling the universe that I didn’t need to earn a lot of money because I lived simply. I also wasn’t building up my credit or giving myself cushion to start an IRA, invest or do anything else with my money. It is all about increased income and opening the doors for it to flow in from clients into your business and from your business into your life.

I created an abundance mantra for you:

abundance mantra

The Result

I decided to triple my payroll salary and see what happened. Let me tell you – magic. I realized I was scared in the beginning but once I started the 3x everything fell into place. The fear left because I welcomed more clients into my life and saw more abundance via income to support the pay increase. Also I was able to get a better loan for my home which SAVED me money in the long run and started a chunkier savings account that made money FOR me as well as an IRA for my retirement.

I also felt PROUD of myself for not thinking small and limiting myself. Once I committed to saying – money generates more money I was able to feel really abundant and help my clients from a place of growth vs limits.

The Challenge

Here’s my ask of you- notice how much you pay yourself monthly – is it worth your value? Is is just enough or is it party time in your bank? Do you leave all your money in your business account just in case you need to cover expenses or can you trust yourself and the universe to be bigger and more affluent? Can you commit to 2x your salary or even more? And with this extra income, can you commit to sharing it via a donation (whether big or small) or even crazier, treat yourself to something nice?

Let’s all increase our worth and increase our salaries to show 2020 who’s in charge – the ever expansive universe who wants us to be ever expansive and abundant!

Also this is an invite to jump on a strategy session with me if you want to invite growth in life and biz – SCHEDULE YOUR CALL HERE (usually $297) for $97.


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What Does It Mean To Be Independent

To be independent. This word INDEPENDENT I feel gets used often and thrown around a bit. What does it really mean?

I write from this from England on the day the United States celebrates it’s independence from England which made me think quite a bit.

As humans we love independence. We love freedom. We long for making our own decisions and not be dependent on others for our livelihood.

Not only that, but as creative and holistic entrepreneurs we are drawn to be completely on our own, leading our businesses, creating our schedule and having the life we want because being independent is a top value we hold dearly.

What happens when you loose freedom and independence? How do you feel?

This word and feeling is something hundreds and thousands of people have lost their lives for. Who have given everything to be free.

What does this mean in your life and business? As you know to me as an entrepreneur they go hand in hand.

Freedom To Create

Having freedom to create is a gift that makes us human and those of us with ideas that want to be seen and heard are constantly on the search of how to get those ideas out and express.

This is why many of us turn to be instructors, coaches, creative entrepreneurs. Because of this calling to be independent to express and share.

What happens sometimes is that we are stuck not knowing what to do or how to do it so that our essence of freedom, liberty and independence is stifled under how to make this lifestyle and underlying value work. By the way, this is when most people call me asking for help and advice.

Dependently Independent

So knowing we are on this lifelong search for freedom and being independent, do you feel like you’re dependent on others to achieve your independence.

Let’s name some ways we are independent:

  • Financially independent – This is a dream come true for many of us yet we are dependent on clients (unless you’re a trust fund baby) to pay us to achieve this.
  • Relationship independent – If we’re married or single we’re dependent on others affection to fill this area of our lives.
  • Religious independent – This is a trickier one because many people do not have this freedom. But many are dependent on religion to serve as a backbone for their lives.

As the Huff Post states there are 2 types of independence and one is being free with rules. They used this quote “Any yachtsman knows,” he replied, “that in order to enjoy the freedom of the high seas, one must become a slave to the compass.”

So in order to have freedom and independence we are subject to being connected and tied to other circumstances to achieve the ultimate freedom.

Why This Matters

At the end of it all, your independence should make you feel happy, satisfied, proud and fulfilled. Whether it’s attached to others (like clients, income, spouses, and then some).

If you are not vibing where you are right now, if you feel stifled, over dependent or not connected to your highest self ideals, I invite you to do something.

First take time to make a call with me then check out my last post about the 9 Environments and do the wheel and the exercise.

Lastly, create a vision board of what it means to be independent to you, regardless of your external situations.

I leave you with a quote from Cicero: “What then is freedom? The power to live as one wishes.”

Always big hugs and thank you!!!

Arianne xoxo

5 Tips To Keep You Motivated

Stay motivated. keep moving. inspire
Stay motivated. keep moving. inspire

Want to keep motivated?

This is exactly what we will cover today because it sometimes feels daunting to always be moving in a direction… motivation sometimes just isn’t there right? And when shit hits the fan, how do you stay motivated?

I am excited and motivated about getting back to my blogging.

So many shifts in my life that kept me from stepping back into my zone of magic and one of those was actually not finding motivation.

This is all about motivation today. The 5 tips to keep yourself going.

How to keep moving forward when you just feel like you can’t

Well what if I told you one of the easiest ways is to actually stop sometimes.

I have an awesome chat group with some fellow master minders and today’s chat was all about being lazy.

Why is being lazy so important to keep you motivated?

  1. You become an efficient and effective producer. These are 2 very different concepts by the way. Being efficient isn’t always being effective, so put the 2 together and you are an accomplishment machine!

  2. Procrastinate! In my online course I teach all about using tools to be an effective procrastinator. Now this doesn’t mean waiting until the last minute and getting all stressed out about it. It means using the essence of it and setting a deadline!

  3. Community. Being motivated when you are alone sometimes is so hard. This morning I even woke up with sadness and frustration and 1st thing I did (after letting myself wallow for a few minutes) was call a friend. And the result is we are setting some time apart to work together and get some shit done.

  4. Set boundaries on what you invest in. I should also say who. By creating a NO answer you curate time for yourself to focus on what makes you happy. You stop moving your energy horizontally and move in deeper into your self and your goals.

  5. Be the clever self you are. Give yourself a pat on the back and say thank you for being clever and discerning. In Sanskrit buddhi, which means intellect, holds discernment as a quality that refers to the higher mind This is the observer that watches how our inner world works and makes decisions of what’s important (or not important.

Let me tell you a story of how my client chose to motivate vs give up.

I’m sitting helping my client create her training manual and sales page for her training she’s putting out. I suddenly see the smile disappear from her face.

She looks up and says I can’t do this.

I see the frustration in her eyes.

I know this feeling because I have been there many times.

What happens I say if you don’t do this training? What happens if you actually launch it and it’s successful?

Sometimes being an entrepreneur and a self starter gets really really hard. It’s not always easy.

But you know what her answer was… “If I don’t do this then the people who would take my training wouldn’t get this new modality to teach”

And then what if they don’t?

“Then students won’t get to take my awesome classes all over the city… AND I’ve disappointed myself with ALL the hard work I’ve already put in”.

Close your eyes and picture 1 thing that motivates you!

Let that be your one thing. Your one reason for not stopping. It can be completely self-less or maybe a bit self-fish. And that’s OK!

Paying off your credit card debt is what motivates you… perfect.

Going on a vacation for the 1st time in 3 years is your motivation… perfect.

Donating to save the elephants is your driver… perfect.

And always don’t forget to meditate as whether it’s anger, frustration, fear or all the other things, meditation will keep you grounded. 🙂

Just put your best foot forward and go.

The world is waiting for you.

The Power Of Essential Oils… I get personal.


The Power Of Essential Oils

Here’s a the journey of how I healed and moved to being a believer in essential oils and yes I get a bit personal here.

I’ve used essential oils for years. Diffuse here, put in my cleaning products to be toxic free but I never really knew the power until I had my why essential oils moment. It’s not a story I share often but since I feel it’s so powerful I think it will resonate.

End of June this year was the worst month of my life. I’m not kidding.

I learned many lessons after this I’ll speak about in a moment.

What happened?

It was a very tense Monday night as I knew something wasn’t right with Pinky (my 14 year old Vizsla fur child). She had been acting pretty listless, more aloof and quiet than ever. I knew there was something wrong, that there was something big happening inside her soul.

Pinky had been my doggie companion for over 14 years. My soul mate, sister, child and sometimes mother. She was THE BEST DOG EVER. Famous in Miami Beach and loved by so many.

She was sick and her days were numbered but I wasn’t prepared for it. Yet I knew it and looked into her sad old eyes and told her “It’s OK. You can go to sleep now and I’ll be OK.”

The next morning you can imagine I woke up to a forever sleeping Pink The Vizsla. With a heavy heart we parted physical ways and I know she is still here with me.

Same week…

3 days later, in a haze of sadness and intermittent tears, as I worked on my computer during a normal day I suddenly felt a rush of warmth in my pants.

I thought I peed on myself or something as I wasn’t supposed to get my period and if so it was a lot of blood. (Sorry for the squeamish).

Having a mini freak out moment, called 2 doctors who said they couldn’t see me (frustration overload) I got myself up and drove straight to the urgent care where I found out I was pregnant… or was pregnant as heavy bleeding is a sign of something gone wrong.


What did I do? Called Marcel (my husband) like 75 times hoping he would get signal while fishing in the middle of the ocean. Then called my best friend and my mom.

I’m a strong girl. I’m used to weird medical things happening as I was born with an 1 in a million immune system issue called cyclic neutropenia. Since I was little I was used to doctors, hospitals, spinal taps and then some – independent and physically and emotional strong.

The stress was real and it was taking a toll by the minute.

I wasn’t prepared for this.

I went home in total disarray to lay in bed and cry and to basically experience a miscarriage. The pain was real. My body was having contractions, releasing what was inside. I don’t want to get too graphic but you can imagine the scene.

My friend Alina rushed right over and proceeded to cover me in essential oils. Vetiver to relax, Frankincense to help me meditate, Clary Calm for woman support, Peppermint for the nausea I was experiencing, Lavender to soothe. She pulled out all the stops. It was an apothecary of therapeutic oils on my body, in the air and in my system.

This all helped so much but wasn’t enough. 4 hours into the pain she made me a pill called the morphine bomb of essential oils. Lemongrass, Frankincense & Oregano DoTerra Essential Oils.

The pain vanished in 10 minutes. The contractions of turbulent waves went to soft waves and I could breathe again and actually stand without doubling over.

30 minutes later I was asleep and pain free to rest and recover from the experience.

Why I Believe

Now can you see why I went from being a casual user of essential oils to a hard core believer? I kept researching the other benefits, the possibilities to move into a more holistic lifestyle and started using oregano oil on staph infections, melaleuca on a little wart and skin tag & a little fungus on my foot. I use ylang ylang, roman chamomile and lavender at night to actually sleep and rest the entire night without waking up.

The possibilities are endless and I am excited to share them with you! Let’s increase our vitality and natural living. Join me on my journey as I join you on yours discovering the power of essential oils and healthy alternatives!

Learn more about the oils on my personal site HERE.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]